
I believe that most of us have read about the rising incidence of dementia.

Dementia is a loss of brain function that occurs with certain diseases. It affects memory, thinking, language, judgment,
and behavior. Most types of dementia are nonreversible (degenerative). Dementia
symptoms include difficulty with many areas of mental function, including:

  • Language
  • Memory
  • Perception
  • Emotional
    behavior or personality
  • Cognitive skills
    (such as calculation, abstract thinking, or judgment)

Dementia usually first appears as

There is growing evidence that some kinds of mental exercises can help slow down dementia. To this end, I
am contemplating developing a series of mental exercises which may be used
hopefully to help slow the effect of dementia.

I have a series of mental
exercises which help children improve their learning abilities , you may want
to visit to know a little more. I intend to modify certain portions of the training protocol to
suit senior citizens who may worry about the onset of dementia. 

What I have in mind is not something commercial, but a social outreach—with trainers (SHC members) going
down to centres or elderly groups to train the centre helpers to run these programs.
So, it remains for me to size up how many SHCian are interested to do such
social outreach programs.


Alternative Lifestyle

Terence has advocated the Short Term Retirement Living
overseas. The post drew many comments and suggestions. However, there were many
proposals which are somewhat different from what Terence set to do. Having
discussed with him, he suggested that I lead a different platform to look at
these other suggestions and comments. He will continue to work on his project.

As such, I am starting this new post “Alternative Lifestyle”,
targeting those who may want short stays ( 1 month or less), and those who may
want to take exploratory step before deciding if they want to go on to Short
Term Retirement ( which would be 3 months or more overseas stay).

For those keen to participate in this, please click on this
link and fill the survey form:

The purpose of this
survey is to assess the views of those who are interested and the level of
involvement each member is keen. The results will be given only to those who
participate as the survey is the basis of organizing an interest group for this
alternative lifestyle project. 

James Koh