A very near miss…

Life is fragile and unpredictable –  we are all aware of it, but when one is directly involved in a very near miss, I’m sure some people will feel they have been given a second chance and they generally become better people, certainly not as petty as they were before. I’m referring to the very near miss over Ukraine air space for SQ 351 which was just minutes behind MH17 when the latter was shot out of the sky!

Wonder who those in SQ 351 were and wonder if the knowledge that they had a very, very,  narrow escape affected them deeply in some ways.  Often it takes a close brush with the grim reaper to effect a real change for the better in a person.

Just reflecting, after reading the revelation that SQ was just 90 km behind MH and with *“The Road Not Taken” in mind.

*The Road Not Taken by R Frost