MARCH 21, 2024 Monthly Gathering

A great thank to SHC for amazing 63 member to show up.

Looking forward to next activity.

Thursday, 21 March 2024
Time: 3:00pm – 5:00pm
1 Woodlands Square #07-03
Causeway Point
Singapore 738099
[view on google map]

Calling all SilverHairsClub Ordinary Members!

It’s been quite a while since our last monthly gathering, and we don’t know about you, but we’re missing our vibrant conversations and laughter-filled moments together. Let’s bring back the joy of our club meetings!

We propose to revive our monthly gatherings, starting this March 2024. It’s a chance for us to reconnect, share stories, and enjoy each other’s company once again. Whether it’s reminiscing about the good old days or discussing current events, we know our gatherings will be filled with warmth and camaraderie.

Please let us know your thoughts and availability for this gathering. Together, we can make our SilverHairsClub gatherings even more memorable and meaningful.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

EO – Howard Yong
** To register, please Leave a Reply below:-

    1. Howard Y
    2. Dolly Lim
    3. Caroline Gee
    4. Gingko Tay
    5. Cola Tan
    6. Cephas Teo
    7. Terry Chun CH
    8. Winnie K-Tan
    9. Naseem Akhtar Conde
    10. Cheng WK
    11. June Peh
    12. Wendy Woon – Pending or watapps member?
    13. Rosy Ang
    14. Sujata Jing Xiang
    15. Karen Thio
    16. Susanna Leong
    17. Ong Kim Yin
    18. Susan Goh
    19. Sandra Chuah
    20. Joan Ang
    21.  Francis Raj
    22. Thomas Loh
    23. Iris Lim
    24. Geok Yan
    25. Jerry Han
    26. Alex Chan &
    27. Catherine Lim
    28. Grace Lam
    29. Ros Lee
    30. Jayne Kwek (Ordinary Member)
    31. Lucy Sng (Newbie watapps group)
    32. Lim Hong Peng (“)
    33. Freddy Yeow MQ (“)
    34. Florence Er GS (“)
    35. Irene Y I (“)
    36. Andrew Tan (“)
    37. Stewart Ang (“)
    38. Rosy Nicole (“)
    39. Ivy Chua (“)
    40. Steven Lim KL (“)
    41. Sharon Leong
    42. Valerie Lim
    43. Pat Oei
    44. Jess Lim (Watapps member)
    45. Joyce Wong (“)
    46. Emme See (“)
    47. Jess Lim (“)
    48. Tony Goh (“)
    49. Luna Tan (“)
    50. Michael Chung (“)
    51. Thomas CH Lee (“)
    52. CM Foo (“)
    53. Liang Han Chek (“)
    54. William Kok CY (“)
    55. Alan Ang
    56. Rosalind Lim and
    57. Mr Lim Chin Sam (via Facebook)
    58. Lim BH
    59. Regina Chen
    60. Freda Lim
    61. Mavis Mok
    62. Catherine Soon (Malyne Suen) +
    63. Albert Choo
    64. Lawrence Lee       REGISTRATION CLOSED……..

What is Silver Hair Club anniversary mean to me

Here is an article I wrote about the SilverHairsClub as a journalist:

The SilverHairsClub: A Social Platform for Singaporeans Over 45

Singapore is known for its fast-paced and competitive society, where people often work long hours and have little time for leisure and socializing. However, there is a group of Singaporeans who are not willing to let their age or busy schedules stop them from having fun and making friends. They are the members of the SilverHairsClub, a social club for Singaporeans and PRs over 45 years old.

The SilverHairsClub was established in October 2005 by a fairy godmother who wanted to create a platform for people in her age group to meet new and more friends, share experiences and interests, and participate in various activities and events. The club is free to join and has a strict policy of no politics, religion, sex, race, direct selling & MLM. The club has more than 25 employees who help to run the club’s operations and ensure its smooth functioning.

The club has a website and a Facebook group where members can find information, updates, and announcements about the club and its activities. The club organizes monthly gatherings at different venues where members can socialize, network, and have fun. The gatherings usually have a theme or a topic of interest. For example, the September monthly gathering will be held at Big Appetite, a restaurant at Suntec City that offers a wide choice of food and seating space.

The club also organizes trips and tours to various destinations, both local and overseas. Some of the recent trips include Melaka, Kukup, JB, Penang, Ipoh, and Bangkok. The trips are designed to cater to different preferences and budgets of the members. For instance, the 3D2N Melaka, Kukup & JB shopping tour costs S$268 per person for twin sharing and includes Nonya lunch, BBQ dinner, porridge supper, sky lanterns, fireworks, fish spa, games, mahjong, karaoke, coconut milk shake, snacks, and shopping.

The club has a forum where members can post their introduction, feedback, suggestions, or queries. The forum also has categories for different topics such as travel, hobbies, health, finance, etc. The forum is a place where members can interact with each other and exchange ideas and opinions. The forum also serves as a channel for members to voice their concerns or complaints if they encounter any issues or problems with the club or its activities.

The club is always open to new members who share its vision and values. The club welcomes anyone who is over 45 years old and is a Singaporean or PR to join the club and enjoy its benefits. The club aims to provide a friendly and supportive environment for its members to enrich their lives and have fun.

If you are interested in joining the SilverHairsClub or learning more about it, you can visit their website or Facebook group. Alternatively, you can contact Terence Seah, the fairy godmother’s assistant, for more information.

Eulogy for a Friend – A tribute to Ms Susan Tan

OBITUARY – Mdm Susan Tan Chwee Huay

Today, I want to share with you a very personal and emotional story. It’s about Susan Tan, who was my friend and committee member for Batam D&D many years ago. She passed away early this wee morning after suffering a stroke during a trip to Ipoh in September 2022. She was in her golden years.

Susan and I met when we were both part of the committee for the Batam annual dinner trip in 2018. We had to organize everything from the venue, the food, the entertainment, and the transportation. It was a lot of work, but we managed to pull it off. Susan, a very outspoken friend never shy to voice out her opinion. She was always ready to try new things and learn from her mistakes. She at times, a troublemaker who created havoc for others, but that is her, with a great sense of humor and a big heart.

Susan loved her family very much, they are her pride and joy. She would show me pictures of them and tell me stories about their achievements and adventures. She was indeed a devoted mother who wanted the best for them. An image she inculcate in her shows her strong responsibilities as a parent.

I used not to like Susan’s way for being so outspoken. Sometimes, she would say things that hurt my feelings or made me angry. But I also admired her for being direct, honest and courageous. She never a boastful person unless she wanted to make a joke. She was a fighter in life, who faced many challenges and obstacles with determination and resilience. I saw her cooking workshop in zoom – very karang and skillful to complete the event. Bravo for her GungHo attitude.

When I heard that Susan had a stroke, I was devastated with immediate rosary miracle prayer for her. I couldn’t believe that someone so full of life and energy could be struck down so suddenly. She managed to survive the stroke and was transferred to a nursing home, but was never fully recovered. She passed away peacefully in her sleep.

Now, I miss Susan with images floating in my memories of her. She was my dearest big sister, who taught me many things and supported me through thick and thin regarding SilverHairsClub. I know now she is resting at God’s side, and I hope she is happy and free from pain. I will always look upon the stars whenever I miss her.

Thank you for reading this eulogy for Susan Tan. She was a wonderful person who touched many lives. If you knew her, please share your memories of her in the comments below. And if you didn’t know her, please send your prayers and condolences to her family and friends.

PS : I usually don’t do eulogy on public but she – my only big sister.



Just got an confirmation email from the Peranakan museum  with complimentary entry with English or chinese guided tour on Mid april to May 2023.


Peranakan meal (still nego with menu sets)

Perankan Lunch restaurant consist of 4 different sets of menu at $10++ exclude drink. I will reveal detail upon confirmation with the peranakan boss.

Disclaimer : my efforts to preserve Peranakan culture and support local businesses. Even small efforts can make a big impact! Without personal gain 

Seniors above 60 years – foc

My suggestion for silver hairs club – enhance the ideas

Here are some suggestions to enhance a silver hairs club.

  1. Offer a variety of activities: Seniors enjoy a wide range of activities, from exercise classes to social events. Make sure to offer a variety of options to cater to everyone’s interests and abilities.  .
  2. Create opportunities for socialization: Seniors often face social isolation, so it’s important to provide opportunities for them to connect with others. This could include coffee mornings, games, and group outings.
  3. Provide education and learning opportunities: Many seniors are eager to continue learning and exploring new topics. Offer classes or lectures on subjects that interest them, such as history, art, or current events.
  4. Incorporate technology: While not all seniors are tech-savvy, many are interested in learning more about technology. Provide classes or workshops on using smartphones, social media, or other digital tools.
  5. Invite guest speakers: Bring in guest speakers to talk about topics of interest to seniors, such as health and wellness, retirement planning, or local history.
  6. Offer volunteer opportunities: Seniors often have a wealth of experience and knowledge to share with others. Provide opportunities for them to volunteer in the community or within the club itself.
  7. Create a welcoming environment: Make sure that all members feel welcome and included, regardless of their background or abilities. Encourage a sense of community and belonging by celebrating members’ birthdays and other milestones.

Item 4 and 6 are looking forward to enhance it – looking forward for more volunteer to leverage the task.

How i budget my monthly expense

Managing personal finances is an important aspect of maintaining a stable and healthy lifestyle. It involves keeping track of expenses, creating budgets, and making informed financial decisions. There are two main types of expenses to consider when managing personal finances: fixed and variable expenses.

Fixed expenses are costs that remain the same each month, such as rent or mortgage payments, car payments, and insurance premiums. These expenses are essential and usually cannot be avoided. Fixed expenses are predictable and can be planned for in advance, making it easier to create a budget.

Variable expenses, on the other hand, are costs that can fluctuate from month to month. These expenses include things like groceries, entertainment, and travel. They are often discretionary expenses and can be adjusted based on your needs and priorities. It is important to monitor variable expenses carefully and make adjustments as necessary to avoid overspending.

When managing personal finances, it is essential to consider both fixed and variable expenses. By understanding the difference between the two types of expenses, you can create a budget that reflects your priorities and financial goals. This will help you to manage your money more effectively and avoid unnecessary debt.

For example, let’s consider a typical monthly budget that includes both fixed and variable expenses. Fixed expenses might include rent or mortgage payments, car payments, and insurance premiums. These expenses will likely add up to several hundred or even thousands of dollars each month. Variable expenses might include groceries, entertainment, and travel. These expenses can vary widely from month to month depending on your lifestyle and spending habits.

Suppose you have a monthly income of $3,000 and your fixed expenses amount to $1,500. This leaves you with $1,500 for variable expenses. You might allocate $400 for groceries, $200 for entertainment, $100 for travel, and so on. By creating a budget and tracking your expenses carefully, you can ensure that you are living within your means and avoiding unnecessary debt.

In conclusion, managing personal finances is a crucial skill that everyone should develop. Understanding the difference between fixed and variable expenses is essential for creating a budget that reflects your priorities and financial goals. By tracking your expenses carefully and making informed financial decisions, you can manage your money more effectively and avoid unnecessary debt.

Fixed expenses are those expenses that do not change or fluctuate with the level of activity or usage. They are typically recurring expenses that are paid on a regular basis, often monthly or annually. Examples of fixed expenses include rent, insurance premiums, loan payments, and subscription fees.

Variable expenses, on the other hand, are expenses that change based on the level of activity or usage. They tend to be more flexible and are not always recurring expenses. Examples of variable expenses include utilities, transportation costs, entertainment expenses, and groceries.

Part II : Here is an example of a list of fixed and variable expenses:

Fixed expenses:

  • Rent/mortgage
  • Property taxes
  • Insurance premiums
  • Loan payments (e.g., car loan, student loan)
  • Membership fees (e.g., gym membership, professional association fees)
  • Subscription fees (e.g., Netflix, Spotify)

Variable expenses:

  • Utilities (e.g., electricity, gas, water)
  • Transportation costs (e.g., gas, public transit fares)
  • Entertainment expenses (e.g., dining out, movie tickets)
  • Groceries
  • Clothing and personal care expenses
  • Home maintenance and repair expenses

It’s important to track both fixed and variable expenses to get a complete picture of your spending habits and to help you make informed financial decisions.


Part III : My budget from $1500 reduce to $549.17

Item Cost
Rental $200
Mobile $5
Credit card $100
Food $200
Transport $30
Town council $14.17
Total $549.17



How to perserve my peranakan culture with simple effort.

Peranakan culture is a unique blend of Chinese and Malay traditions that has evolved over centuries in Southeast Asia. If we would like to preserve this rich cultural heritage, here are some simple efforts can take:

  1. Learn about Peranakan culture: Educate yourself about the history, customs, and practices of the Peranakan community. Read books, watch documentaries, attend talks, and visit museums.
  2. Cook Peranakan food: The cuisine is a significant part of the Peranakan culture. You can learn to cook traditional dishes and share them with your family and friends.
  3. Use Peranakan-inspired decor: Incorporate Peranakan-inspired decor into your home. You can use traditional fabrics, ceramics, and furnishings.
  4. Wear Peranakan-inspired clothing: Wear Peranakan-inspired clothing, such as sarongs, kebayas, and batik prints.
  5. Attend Peranakan events: Attend Peranakan cultural events and festivals. You can learn more about the culture, meet members of the community, and support local artisans.
  6. Support Peranakan businesses: Buy from Peranakan-owned businesses to support the community and help preserve their cultural heritage.
  7. Share your knowledge: Share your knowledge and experiences with others. Educate your family, friends, and community about Peranakan culture and its significance.

International Women Day 2023

Happy International Women’s Day! On this special day, I want to express my love, appreciation, and empathy towards all the incredible women out there. You are the backbone of society, the nurturers of families, and the catalysts of change.

I want you to know that your struggles, your triumphs, and your voices are heard and valued. Your kindness, empathy, and resilience inspire us all. I hope that you always feel supported, respected, and loved.

May we continue to work towards a world where women are not only celebrated but also have equal rights and opportunities. May we raise our children to be respectful and empathetic towards all genders, and may we work together to build a better, more inclusive world for all.

Once again, Happy Women’s Day! Keep spreading love and empathy, and know that you are cherished.

Monthly Gathering in February 2023 – CLOSED

DATE|TIME: Saturday, 11 Feb 2023 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm

LOCATION:- Essen @ The Pinnacle

1 Cantonment Road #01-01, Singapore 080001.

Alight at EW16 | NE3 | TE17 | Outram Park MRT

Exit towards Exit G – Police Cantonment Complex

Walk about 313 meters from Exit G – Police Cantonment Complex to Essen at The Pinnacle, walking time is around 6 mins.

Opening Hours (Daily): 10:30am – 11:00pm

Average: S$10 – S$20 per pax

EO: Howard Yong

Come join us for a meet up bonding session. Let’s try a different theme for this monthly event with happy mood and good seating capacity with wide varieties of cuisine. For those who are driving, do park below The Pinnacle and easy entry to the Atas Food Court.

Green arrow shows you the way to enter from Car Park.

Attendance (closiing at 5th Feb 2359hr)

  1. Thomas Loh
  2. Yvonne Loo
  3. Kat Wong
  4. Joanne Khoo
  5. Winnie K-Tan
  6.  Florence Seah
  7. Jennifer Goh
  8. Maggie loh
  9. MIA
  10. Doris Tan
  11. Bobby Bok
  12. Jasmine Lim
  13. CarolineGee
  14. DollyLim
  15. Catherine Soon aka Malyne Suen
  16. Vincci Lee
  17. GingkoT (update :27jan14.25pm)
  18. Dorothy Loh
  19. Christine Chan
  20.  Ng Fook Weng
  21. Helen Chiew
  22. Catherine Sng
  23. Alice Tan
  24. Alan Ang
  25. Lorelle Lau
  26. Melissa Khng
  27. Sally Too
  28. Rina Tay
  29. Sandra Lee
  30.  Irene Wong replaced Stan Ang
  31. Veron
  32. Ivy Lim
  33. Nancy Ang
  34. Tansy Fong
  35. Jenny
  36. Birdy Loh
  37. Kelly
  38. Cola Tan
  39. Ros Khoo
  40. Diana Ng
  41. SPTan
  42. Eileen Tan
  43. Maria Tan
  44. Katherine Yap
  45. Cindy Ho
  46. Pattiya
  47. Joanna
  48. Rekha Devi
  49. Catsy Teo
  50. Amy Ng
  51. Michael Woodworth
  52. Replace by May Lee for Aminah Bee
  53. Kheng Lim         Maggie Loh (double register to submission)
  54. Teresa Fong
  55. Chris Tan
  56. Florence Tay
  57. May Cheong
  58. Charlie’s Chan
  59. Christopher Tan
  60.  Linda Soon
  61. Benny Low
  62. Agnes Seow
  63. Grace Kang update on 28 jan 1140am
  64. Francis Raj Mangalam
  65. Sherry Wong
  66. Joan Ang
  67. Mavis Mok
  68. Sandra Chuah
  69. Henry Chong
  70. Chye Hua
  71. Alice Tan
  72.  Audrey Woodworth
  73. Simon Wong
  74. Esther Ng
  75. Daniel Tan
  76. Winnie Tong
  77. Sue Chan
  78. June Peh upated on29jan1pm
  79. Charlie Lim
  80. Terence Seah finale closed request to extend
  81. Irene Poh
  82. Westly Ong
  83. Leon Lau
  84. Anne Choi to replace Vincent Hee
  85. Simon Lam Chor Ngai to replace Iris Lim
  86. Anne Boey
  87. Irene Wong
  88. Phyllis Loh
  89. Kelly
  90. Lucy Tan
  91. Reserved
  92. Reserved
  93. Reserved
  94. Reserved
  95. Reserved


Finally i can put my expert skill into usefulness :

Most of the members know i sleep early, some know i enjoying sleeping and others alway thinks lazy guy to the utmost.

Anyway, i finally enrol myself for this sleeping executive job that pay me $1500 to sleep now ! Yes, dun be jealous, envious and mocking at me hor !

I just want to do the best of my skill,passion,uniquely and dun waste my time while i can do more……by sleeping.



Continue reading “Lobang”

Oximeter – unboxing

Since SHC members already received the gadget recently, the above link is how to use it ! Click and enjoy the video.

Those haven’t redeem – dun wait too long while stock last because some outlet clear stock before 11am on my first day.

or throw away leaflet – wait for later to collect by Nric redemption.

Share your views and thoughts !

How to use mobile apps series 1 to 4 parts

** Thur 3 Jun 10.30am “How to use mobile apps?” On Android phones.

Almost everyone carries a mobile phone. Nowadays, you can check almost anything using a mobile app. In our 1st part series, Howard Yong will kickstart “How to use tracetogether, Buying and selling online using Carousell and how to setup Paynow so that can get your GST vouchers.

To be alerted about our weekly Mobile Apps Zoom program, “RSVP Mobile Apps”.

** Announcenents:
Members receive Whatsapp news if you had keyed in 9489 4360 into your contact list.

Non members do not receive announcements. If you change your mobile number, your membership is no longer valid unless u update the club.

Take care everybody.

Hawker without digital knowlege – Let discuss 

Morning everyone,came across this new clip that sad me but hope everyone to read with open mind.

During a recent zoom meeting, someone say that we must embrace the new technology with open arm – to like it or not also must accept it as move on. Cannot give any excuses but try your best through trial and errors.I strongly urge everyone to step out to try, to fail and to learn with persistence.

I hope those members who stay nearby those wet market, please help them to buy/order their food,taobao or share with your friends in order for the non digital hawker to sustain this difficult period of times.

ps : i will try my best to guide SHC members with this digital knowledge to equip their New order in our future zoom training.

Put on your request to Terrence what are the topic you like to learn : How to use

  1. SingPass
  2. Telegram
  3. PayLah

Suggestion for forum log in

During our previous monthly gathering and zoom meeting – always heard members lament forget their user log in this forum. Some even can’t recall their email account. Also our Admin support like Ms Yoon Chin and Ms Dolly patiently assist to amend to reset.

Can i suggest our “user name” to be input as last 4 digit of Nric or Mobile so that member won’t be able to forget their log in.

Hope that will help and encourage more to log into this forum to share and contribute.

Zoom meeting at 1pm weekday

Gather about 6 pax of member to retireive password for me so that i can guide everyone.

Create your whatapk group of 6 pax then add me in so that i can issue the password for zoom meeting. Take this opportunity to learn new skill and to see everyone face to face.

If used mobile /ipad/tablet – gentle reminder to use headphone with mic for best result.

Gather your kaki to form a whatapk group – before 1130am to retriveal of password to log in.

{CLOSE} Only weekend from 9am to 4pm – self collection only with your transportation. Void deck near to the lift – no reserve and viewing.

SHC Monthly gathering on Jun 2018

Place : One Raffles Place @Food Junction at 5 Level
Time : 1300 to 1500 hr
Date : 9th Jun 2018
MRT : Raffles Mrt or Clark Quay Mrt

link :

* Terence will be there !

There will be few events for group discussion on the following topic :

1. Makan Group
2. SHC logo patches registration
3. HDB flats on 99 year lease
4. Whatsapp Careshield discussion
5. Tour Group

Hope to see members to register.

Pls pardon me for my slow in process due to my commitment in full time courses until July and also my first time EO. Kindly be kind and give chance to forgive my short fall.

1. Howard
2. Stella
3. Peter Ong
4. Peter Ong wife
5. Angie Ng
6. charles wee
7. Adeline TAN
8. Daisy Phua
9. Tony Ang
10.Thomas Goh
11.Gabriella Chua
12.Hew Lee
14.Steven Chan
16.Cheng Whye Kee
17.Ronald Tay
18.Winnie Ng
19.Caroline Gee
20.Dolly Lim
21.Sha Mo
22.Alan Ang
23.Suzie Lim
24.Christine Teo
25.Roland Wee
26.K H Leong

27. Bobby Bok

28.Bee Gek

29.Christina Pan

30.Thomas Loh

31.Gingko Tay

32.Victor Chee

33.Susan Sia

34.Shawn soh

35.Bernice Chung

36.ChristinA Chan

37.Yoon Chin

38.Patricia Sin