Saturday, 23rd January 2021
A group of 6 members consist of ChanKN, MelissaK, FredaL, JasmineW, VincentH and DollyL visited to GUI (Ground-Up Initiative) Singapore 21st Century “School of Life’ in a nature-inspired campus this morning guided as promised by DennisH which ended with fantastic lunch there too.
Each and every one was extremely excited along with way while DennisH patiently guiding and showing us his very own vermicomposting project. Vermicomposting is a decomposition process by which various species of worms are used to convert organic materials (usually wastes) into humus-like material known as vermin-compost which can possibly use on farms.
Followed by to a quick look at a self-made kitchen where one can enroll in baking. Today, they were baking pineapple tarts and pizza using traditional Tabun oven – a clay oven, shaped like a truncated cone, with an opening at the bottom from which to stoke the fire… Fascinating is the word that I wanted to use to describe this.
Then, a walk to vegetable garden plot whereby vegetables and spices are being grown there. As usual, shopping seems to be always an interest to us, so some bought organic veggies, gingers and chikus at a reasonable price.
Next, we saw a group of volunteers washing lots of plastic bottles and containers for recycling. Currently, they are only able to use #2 – HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) plastic most commonly used and is considered one of the safest forms of plastic. Was told that they are in the midst of asking for funding to procure a machine to be able to recycle other different types of plastics. Good Luck.. Type #2 plastic after washed can be re-make into coaster for cups and kettle holders.
GUI also make sure that kids are not being left out too, we strolled along another plot of land whereby playground were built into look-alike construction site (kids’ version) so that these kids were given hands-on working experience together with adults. Along the way, we noticed Woodcraft classes being conducted.
I am sure that we had covered almost everything we wanted to know or maybe I can hear my stomach calling out for lunch. WaHaHa… LUNCH TIME!!!
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to DennisH whom had given us much of his informative details and the patience he had shown as we were busy taking many photos.