Members residing in the Heart of Singapore – AMK, Bishan, Toa Payoh and it surroundings

Calling all members residing in the Heart of Singapore (Central Area).  Perhaps we could also have our very own group!emoticon As a starter we could have a meal together – be it at the famous Casurina Roti Prata or Thai food at Chong Pangemoticon.  Any other food venues are most welcome.  How about having it on a Saturday evening?  We could share our common interests, future events and frequency in greater depths.  Please do join me with your sharings.emoticon

Dear Residents and Friends,

The HAPPENING IS ON  emoticon   … N the date is now firmed up emoticon !

Our first initial meeting is being scheduled for dinner ….   emoticon

  • Date : 5th October 2007
  • Time : 7.00 pm
  • Venue: Botak Jones@Toa Payoh  emoticon   Promise you will still have your hair after the meal.
  • Discuss: Common interests (and future events)   emoticon
  • Food and Drinks
  •    emoticon

  • To avoid cash collectiion on food/drinks payment, may I suggest that you handle your individual order/s and settle direct with the vendor/s.  THANK YOU.
  • Join us : Please register on this post  Come join, dine and drink  emoticon 

    I hope to see you on that night.  Cheers … and good night   emoticon    …  

    BTW … need camera and photo taking for memory keeping … may I please have a volunteer


    Those confirmed going :emoticon

    1. Grace Kok
    2. Kenneth Tan
    3. Margaret Tian
    4. Peggy Ho
    5. Josephine Wang
    6. Charles Wee
    7. John Howe
    8. Molly
    9. Susan
    10. Mary Chan
    11. Ronald Lee
    12. L.H. Jie
    13. Maria
    14. Ann To
    15. Gingko Tay
    16. Veron Lee
    17. Ah Nee
    18. Joy
    19. Andrew Yeung
    20. Kwong Wah
    21. Dan Huang – thanks of helping as Fotographer –
    22. Alice Teo
    23. Peng Peng
    24. Esther Wong
    25. Dolly Lim
    26. Any more coming ???  emoticon

Grace Kok – Profile

Hi to All,

Glad to join the club recently.   I enjoyed your sharings and comments on the posts amongst which there are many common interests.

I am single with three teenage children.  Work has always taken me away leaving very little time for social activities.  I wish to take things a little easy now and I would like to meet new frenz and join in the fun.  This is a fabulous platform and I look forward to participating in the respective activities.

Grace Kok