You’re Invited: Remembering Terence Seah – 1st Death Anniversary Tribute Gathering

UPDATED: 25 Nov 2024

Veron Kok’s video is a testament to the power of remembrance. Each carefully captured candied shot speaks volumes, painting a vibrant tapestry of cherished moments. This isn’t just a collection of images; it’s a heartfelt tribute, a lasting legacy woven from the threads of love and memory.

Click to view this video –

Nov 24 potluck gathering in remembrance of Terence Seah 1st Anniversary
Group Invite, Please open this link to join WhatsApp Group:

Dear All

We invite you to join us for our November Gathering, a special occasion to commemorate the 1st Death Anniversary of our beloved Founder, Terence Seah.

Date: Sunday, 24 November
Time: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: Blk 76 MPH, Redhill Road, Singapore 150076
(opposite Redhill MRT)

This gathering will be a potluck, so please bring a dish to share. Tables, chairs and drinks as well as disposable cutleries, plates and serviette will be provided inclusive rental of fans and cubicle toilet.

To make our gathering a success, we suggest a minimum contribution of $5 per person (by Ms Dolly) to offset logistics costs. Yet, we’re grateful for any additional support you can offer, whether it’s $10, $20, or more. We’re inspired by a couple of generous donors who has already contributed $50, even though they are unable to attend. Your kindness will help us cover expenses and create a special moment for our SHC community. PayNow to Jean Lim @ 9226 4911.


  • Kindly refrain from bringing only dessert items, as this is a dinner gathering.
  • Please RSVP by Thursday, 24 October to confirm attendance, as we need an accurate headcount for logistics.

We look forward to coming together to remember Terence and enjoy fellowship.

Food Safety Reminders and Guidelines for Outdoor Events

  1. Prioritize food safety and durability when selecting outdoor event cuisine.
  2. Choose items that resist heat and handling.
  3. Ensure proper packaging and storage in insulated containers with ice packs or warmer to maintain safe temperatures.
  4. Keep food covered to protect from insects and contamination.
  5. Perishable foods should not be left in this temperature range for more than 2-3 hours.
  6. Discard perishable fruits after 2-3 hours in the “Danger Zone” (4°C – 60°C) to avoid foodborne illness.
  7. Bacteria multiply rapidly between 4°C – 60°COn behalf of Jean Lim | Dolly Lim

Have Food Will Travel

You can have your cake and it too. Allow me to share my adventures with food. Some of the pleasure in life are to be able to come together and enjoy good foods with friends, either in a coffee house or being invited to a home where the host do the cooking. Or having potluck. Better still would be to attend a cooking class and you get to consume the food after the class.

To start with I want to invite anyone keen to join.

Italian cooking workshop:
1-Day Italian cooking – Caesar (3 hour per day)
* Caesar’s salad with chicken breast
* Linguine with mushroom cream sauce
* Pan seared salmon fillet with spinach cream and floret of cauliflower, drizzled with basil coulis

3 hours workshop $90.96 after GST
NSA subsidy $68
Course fee payable after subsidy $22.15.

Location: 69 Boon Keng Road.
Capacity – 6 pax to 12 pax maximum

Date: 20th September, Monday


SHC Private Home Cooking Services – Part 6

Simple Beef Stew – presented by Jean Lim, Saturday, 10 July 2021 @ 10:30am

Jean is always prepping food for eg Potluck, Annual Fundraiser, church or community event.  Cooking is her PASSION… Her dish was fantastic – nothing but rave reviews and compliments throughout the event or her private home dining.

Her session covers her 4 simple ingredients cooking demo in video plus sharing and discussion with participants on What is the secret to a Good Stew?

Do view her video presentation, Jean can be reached at WhatsApp +65 9226 4911.

Today is our final session for this Zoom event.  Once again, thank you so much for your enthusiastic participation, this morning we had a marvelous response of 23 participants.  Till we meet again…


Past LINK:-

PART 1 –

PART 2 –

PART 3 –

PART 4 –

PART 5 –

SHC Private Home Cooking Services – Part 5

Grab ‘n’ Go – presented by Ms Marlene Yap, Saturday, 26 June 2021 @ 10:30am

Why Grab n Go?  Ms Marlene Yap, being a Diet Freak herself, talks about her unique offering of freshness, pictorial appeal, quick service, portable packaging, value and healthy options – another direction that is hassle-free than dine-in meals, but just as enjoyable.

Marlene’s MOTTO – Principles of healthy Eating…  Demand for Quality Ingredients!

Nowadays, consumers are more discerning than ever before.  They tend to spend more on their food if they know the finished product are made of imported ingredients, maintain ethical and ensure their meals are healthy and freshly made.  Marlene’s cooking style is fuss-free and zero wastage. She loves merging cuisine and creating fusion recipes…

Her recommendation for today – Homemade Premium XO Sauce – with an umami flavour, commonly used as an enhancer or table condiments.

Do view her video presentation, Ms Marlene Yap can be reached at WhatsApp 96795008.

Once again, calling all avid foodies, do come forward to host and share with us your specialty on Home Cooking/Dining Services…

Past LINK:-

PART 1 –

PART 2 –

PART 3 –

PART 4 –


SHC Private Home Cooking Services – Part 4

Penang Heritage Hainanese Stewed Chicken – Saturday, 19 June 2021 @ 10:30am

Catherine Soon also known as Malyne Suen do have a good knowledge on Peranakan Cuisine – one of the first known fusion cuisines.  Like all foodies’ enthusiast – she stepped into the kitchen and expose to cooking at a young age.

We have an ardent audience of 15 participants this morning with Catherine Soon showcasing her Hainanese Mother-in-law passed down recipe learnt from those Hailam Ah Kor of yesteryears.  This Chicken Stew is a one pot meal – a form of comfort food that is easy enough for the whole family and a favourite to all and it can be taken on its own or with steamed rice.

Do view her video presentation to get more insights on how to prep this stew. Ms Catherine Soon can be reached on the Weekly Tuesday Zoom Peranakan & Asian Cuisine at 10:30am.

Once again, calling all avid foodies, do come forward to host and share with us your specialty on Home Cooking/Dining Services…

Past LINK:-

PART 1 –

PART 2 –

PART 3 –


SHC Private Home Cooking Services – Part 3

Premium Hakka Style Yong Tau Foo – Saturday, 13 June 2021 @ 10:30am

This morning session hosted by Ms Lesley Low has great response of 15 participants – introducing her passed down recipes to her from her Hakka Mother-in-law many years ago.

A brief introduction about this enthusiastic lady – being retired but refuse to laze around have never stop her from what she enjoyed most – COOKING…

What brought her here is, being able to showcase her specialty. A traditional household dish usually consists of tofu stuffed with minced pork or fish that is first seared on both sides then braised in a sauce made from rich stock brewing in a charcoal stove.

To get more info on how to contact her. Please view this 30 mins video presentation.  Ms Lesley can be reached via What’sApp.

Calling all avid foodies, do come forward to host and share with us – what you can do to make our heart grows fonder… it is the envy of most Asians and a truly food lover’s paradise.

Past LINK:-

PART 1 –

PART 2 –


SHC Private Home Cooking Services – Part 2

This week session [05 June 2021] is hosted by Ms Josephine Wong – another one of our SHC foodie cum private chef. Went to SHATEC to build her foundation… who has an ardent interest in food – eats not only out of hunger but also as a hobby – someone who enjoys cooking for family and pleasure.

This day, she shares with us her passion…

I am sure we do have many more like-minded SHCians who are very good in cooking.  Food is one of the most powerful connective tools we have. To build our bonds over a meal – FOOD indeed is a shared cultural product.

Do come forward to host and share with us what your family and friends like most.

PART 1 –




SHC Private Home Cooking service

Many members are great cooks. Many cooked for own families, while others like to offer their favourite dishes or cakes for sale.

12 members responded to participate in this program. The next batch of participants will start early 2022.

There will be follow up programs. Club aims to encourage social networking, home dining, takeaways and catering at Club events.

Each of the participant will be introducing their favourite dishes or cakes, how orders are taken and delivered and payment methods.

Members are encouraged to support this program.

Schedule: Every Sat 10.30am on SHC Zoom. Recording available.

Terence Seah

The 1st Home Cooking Service video, presented by Susan CH Tan.

SHC home cooking program

Many SHC members are into cooking and baking. They cook tasty dishes and desserts while others bake aromatic nonya cakes, kueh2 and bread. As an extension of our Yummy yummy and cooking programs, we hope to make available home cooking to fellow members.

To start, step 1, we will collate a group of members, who cook at HOME and are ready to sell to other members. We will start with 10 interested members.

This program is meant for homecooked food, not for commercial businesses. Participants advertise their dishes, determine price, collect payment and organise deliveries.

In step 2, we open this home cooking service to other SHC members. Members can order directly to the chefs or bakers, pay direct and arrange deliveries.

To participate in step 1, plse whatsapp 9489 4360, indicating cooking or baking interest. There is no fee. Closing date: once 10 participating members reached .

Terence Seah

Conversational Cooking – “All you need to know about BEEF”, 26 November 2020 @ 10:30am

Video presentation is ready for viewing….

Slow-roasted Whole Steamship Round

TOPIC Discussion

1. Presentation on How to choose the PERFECT Cut of BEEF


  1. Common breed of Beef Cattle
  2. Explain on Inspection vs Grading
  3. Different types of Cattle Feed
  4. Identify Beef Cuts
  • Difference between Porterhouse Steak vs T-Bone Steak – both have the best of both world which is the tenderloin and the sirloin

Porterhouse Steaks – cut from the rear end of the short loin, contain a bigger section of tenderloin along with a large strip steak

T-bone Steaks – cut closer to the front, contain a smaller section of tenderloin


  • Marbling – refers to the white specks of intramuscular fat in each meat cut, it adds great flavour and can be an indicator of how good the beef is.  Cattle raised on grain will have more marbling than grass-fed.
  • Three types of Beef Grading in USA

Prime – highest quality, features beautiful red meat laced with thin pattern of white fat. This type of beef on the market makes up only 2-3% of available consumable beef – most expensive cuts

Choice – high quality, widely available beef (top 54% quality), but has less marbling than Prime. Choice roasts and steaks from the loin and rib will be very tender, juicy, and flavorful and are suited for dry-heat cooking

Select – is very uniform in quality and normally leaner than the higher grade. It will lack in flavour coz less marbling.

Certified Angus Beef (CAB) – Cattle have consistent, high quality beef with superior taste. Do not confused Angus Beef with CAB (cannot be legally used by an establishment that is not licensed to do so.

  • Wagyu – simply means Japanese Cow, there are 4 breeds native to Japan. One of the breeds is genetically unique – it has this crazy marbling of fat on inside of muscle tissue – so integrated within the muscle.
  • Kobe – specific product from a specific place, cattle are hand-fed using high-energy feed including beer and beer mash, to ensure tenderness and high fat content. Also hand-massage to reduce stress.
  • Grass-Fed – cattle raised exclusively on forage.
  • Grain-Fed – cattle raised primarily on forage but “finished” in a feedlot with grains to fatten them.
  • Organic – cattle raised without added hormones, pesticides or other chemicals
  • Antibiotic-Free – animals were not given antibiotics in their feed, in their water, or by injection.

3. RECIPES – using

4. FAQ

  • Do you have a lot of cooking equipment? How often do you use it all? Do you have any pieces of equipment that you rarely ever use?

ANSWER – some loves cooking and never fail to purchase the best equipment to make the cooking journey more pleasurable. Some after a while due to age catching up or hardly cook, left their well-equipped pots n pans as white elephant.

So do dig up your storeroom or kitchen cabinet and drag them all out to give them a new lease of life.

Inspirational Quote

Having the most essential cooking tools in your cupboard will make your life so much easier…

Sally Foo


Conversational Cooking – Food Product “Specification & Differences” – EO Sally Foo – 19 Nov 2020

Thank you to all supporters during this session, Video presentation for your viewing…

TOPIC we talk about…

  1. Presentation on Food Production – Specification & Differences on Shellfish
    • Production Specification on IQF (Individual Quick Frozen) products in packaging
    • Identifying the sex of lobster & Crab
    • Differences between Aquaculture vs Wild-Caught
    • Lobster Myths exposed
    • Types of Lobster – Warm Water vs Cold Water Lobster: What’s the Difference?

 Gordon Ramsay demonstrates How to Cook the Perfect Lobster


  • Have you tried cooking food from another culture? What did you prepare? How was it?
  • Is it cost-effective to do your own cooking? Can you save money by cooking?
  • Would you rather do the cooking or do the washing up afterwards?

ANSWER: – I hardly cook; cook only simple food; not much explore to other culture cuisine; cost saving if they cook at home; some rather cook and other rather wash; minority got no choice and have to do both cook & wash…

  1. Eric Neo Salmon Satay with Pineapple & Raisin Salsa
  2. Common Culinary Terminology starting with “E & F”
  • Emulsify– to blend two liquids like oil and water
  • Fillet– to cut a portion of meat or fish
  • Flambé– to drizzle a flammable spirit over a food while its cooking, to ignite the just before serving
  • Fold– to incorporate an ingredient, such as whipped cream or beaten egg white, with a careful motion that retains air [over-and-under motion]

Inspirational Quote

There is no end to learning, but there are many beginnings – Tim Johnson

Conversational Cooking – “The Ultimate Guide to Pork Cuts” – EO Sally Foo – 12 Nov 2020

Thank you all for the support…
Video presentation showcase – All you need to know about PORK – The Ultimate Guide to Pork Cuts – shared amongst our SHC participants.

1. In many Cultures, women cook more than men. Why? Who did most of the cooking when you were growing up?
– Most of the participants’ feedback is WOMEN, remembering those were the days in the 60s where home kitchen is Mom’s territory – Dad goes to work while Mom stays home to raise the children and keep the house.
– A couple of participants mentioned hubby n brother, these ladies are the fortunate ones who do not have to wreck their brains but just savour instead.
– For me, professional kitchens still male dominated and women are doing such amazing stuff still fighting to get recognized in the culinary industry.

2. Recipe Sharing, all pork related…
Hakka Braised Pork Belly with Mei Cai
Sweet n Sour Pork with Pineapple
Chef Eric Teo –
Grilled Thai Pork Jowl/Neck 

3. Common Culinary Terminology – starting with “D”
Dash – 1/8″ teaspoon.
Deglaze – to dissolve browned food residue in a hot pan with liquid
Dice – To cut into small pieces, usually ¼” to 1/8”
Dollop – A spoonful of a semi-solid food, like whipped cream or mashed potatoes, placed on top of another food
Dredge – To lightly coat uncooked food with a dry mixture, eg flour, cornmeal, or bread crumbs, to be pan fried or sautéed
Dress – To coat foods with a sauce, such as salad
Drizzle – To pour liquid back and forth over a dish in a fine stream, usually melted butter, oil, syrup, or melted chocolate
Dust – To coat lightly with a powdery ingredient, such as confectioners’ sugar or cocoa

Every day is a new learning experience – seize the opportunity.

Peranakan & ASEAN cooking. A SHC Zoom LIVE recording. EO Catherine Soon, 11 Aug 2020

Here’s a LIVE recording of the Peranakan & ASEAN Cooking, conducted every Tue at 10.30 am on SHC Zoom. Session last 1 hr.

To join the cooking session, contact Catherine Soon by leaving your contact here, or Whatsapp RSVP “Peranakan Cooking” at 9489-4360. You can also contact your Group Leader for details.

Terence Seah

“Yummy Yummy” a Cooking group:  Every Wed 1130 – 1230 hr on SHC Zoom

Each Wed, we shall feature a food or dessert item. Ladies and guys wishing to share their receipe and cooking method are invited to participate. This sesson will be conducted LIVE over Zoom video conference.

Session starts at 1130 hr sharp, follow by a live demo or Youtube cooking video. Members get to discuss the receipe and cooking. We hope you will find friends among likeminded casual and serious cooks. We leave you to mingle among the group.

You can also whatsapp 9489 4360 if you have a dish item in mind. We hope this start time suits you well, before you start cooking lunch.

To participate, just click here 5 – 10 mins before start time.

Terence Seah

Cooking demo – easy to cook chicken nasi bryani, Wed 13 Dec 2017

hi , i m karen – a old member but suffer a stroke n not active the past 3 years – seeing shc gathering yesterday make me want to go back n meet up with the old members n like b4 chit chat session.

date – 15 dec/2017/(friday)

add – blk 3a geylang serai #17-55 ( 1 bus stop from eunos mrt station


cos – ingredient about $50 n share by all , i will provide coffee n tea with the bryani we prepared for lunch

time – 1pm ( it will take only an hour for the demo – my maid will do the demo on behalf of me for this round

i m never a chef n cooking is never my passion too but i would like to share my ” nasi bryani i learned from a malay lady -i have invited many shc member to my place for this dish n now is my signature dish for all my friend gathering

you dont need to be a chef or able to cook to prepare this ” simple to cook nasi bryani

i have eo an event many year ago tote bag n i assure all that u don need to be able to sew to come t0 my class – trust me – i will lead u

as i m unable to do the demo myself , i will have my maid to demo to all members who r interested

we can have our lunch at the rooftop garden at level 7 in my block too – i will be shifrting out  of this rental flat in january n i want to eo a even n make use of the garden for the get together too

if u r interested , do registered early so i can prepared the ingredient enough for all

these r member in mt class who don even know how to sew n they bring back a very personal bag sewed by themselve

esp the guy – i have forgotten his name

i love to prepared food n share with other n i got very good feedback on this recipe too

i want to get back to my old self n recover soon to get back to join all shc event asap.

Karen Thio








SHC Whatsapp Cooking

cooking1     cooking2

Hi fellow members,

I have been following up on SHC Whatsapp Cruises and Whatsapp Gardening, and I am impressed with the success of the groups discussion and interests. The participants were genuingly interested in cruises and gardening. Those who find the discussions not to their interests can drop out of the group anytime.

So, we move on. Cooking (not baking or making cakes) has been talked about in SilverHairsClub for years. We tried cooking demos, recipes, and classes. Some worked, others didn’t work. But I am only an eater.

Well, guys and gals, if you are truly into cooking ie cooking different dishes, welcome to SHC Whatsapp Cooking. Feel free to drop a note here that you are interested, and I shall contact you to the group.

Please keep strictly to cooking, or the fairy godmother will wake up after years of sleeping. I hope you enjoy yourself.

Cooking brings friends together. Not for those who wish to eat only.

Terence Seah

Those interested:

  1. Terence Seah (administrator of chatline)
  2. Gabriella Chua
  3. Mary Chan
  4. Freda Lim
  5. Patricia Low
  6. Jazz Soh
  7. Malyne Suen aka Catherine Suen
  8. Daisy Yeo
  9. Kristy Quek
  10. Rosalind Lee


BBQ cum Potluck, Changi Park, Sat 6 Jun 2015, SHC Monthly gathering

bbq1  bbq2 We have a plan to have another BBQ at Changi Park.  The objective is to provide opportunities for new and old members to meet one another.  Details as below::

  • Date:  Sat 6 Jun 2015 confirmed.
  • Time:  Afternoon (3pm) to evening. You can come anytime.
  • What’s provided:  2 BBQ pits booked and basics
  • What’s you need to bring along:  Really, it will be up to you. Bring your own food and drink; or potluck item or whatever can be placed on the fire.  or anything from Beer to chicken, sausages, German porklegs, fish curry, kueh kueh, frogs, crabs, plastic bags, water melons, oranges, vitamins and forks, plates.
  • Entrance only:  $3 if registration before/on 31 May 2015;  $5 if registration on/after 1 Jun 2015.  Non-SHC members $5 per person.
  • Payment:  on the day itself, on arrival.
  • Open to registered SHC members only.

More details later.  Please indicate the items you will bring be bringing.

Terence Seah (replaced by Thomas Loh)

Registration List:

  1. Terence Seah – I am likely to come in straight from Bangkok, so limited mango & sticky rice. (will be in Mumbai)
  2. Karen Thio & her Helper – Ginger mini tarts
  3. Susan CH Tan – fried bee hoon, sambal belacan and marinated chicken wings
  4. Judy Lim – soon kueh and otak (plus Susan’s sambal belacan)
  5. Ann Lim     (Members 5 – 24  ~satay, cherry tomato salad, durian green bean dessert, Crystal Jade rose chicken, assorted fruits, packet drinks, disposable cutleries, paper towels, red wine)
  6. Bessie Lam
  7. Evon Lim
  8. Karen Phoo
  9. Lily Limit
  10. Oi Cheng
  11. Peri Liew
  12. Ronald Lam
  13. Theresa Seow
  14. Thomas Loh, EO
  15. Gingko Tay
  16. Grace Ng
  17. SK Chua
  18. Tony Ang
  19. Esther Mok
  20. Leon Lau
  21. Irene Tan
  22. Bernie Chung
  23. Daisy Yeo
  24. Lina Tan
  25. Rosalind Lee (mini chicken pies and red wine)
  26. Mary Chan (sausages)
  27. Ann Giri (fruits)
  28. Bobby Bok (fruits)
  29. Daniel Chan
  30. Susan SW Tan (something – combine with Susan C H Tan)
  31. Melissa Khng
  32. Steven Chan (fruits)
  33. Lily Ho (ice cooler with cold drinks and plain water)
  34. Adeline Yeo
  35. Helen Pow
  36. Pow TK
  37. Susan Sia (purple sweet potato)
  38. Andrew Koh (will bring something)
  39. Ronald Wie and Doreen (playing the guitar) ..(fried beef Kway teow)
  40. Registered after 1.6.15
  41. Dolly Lim (cakes)
  42. Wendy Lum (tea eggs)
  43. Lina Ng
  44. Ah Nee
  45. .
  46. ..
  47. ..


Sushi Making Class – March 7,2015 (Saturday)

This is an opportunity for those who want to try their hands at making sushi.

Venue: Sushi King KSL City ,  Johore Bahru.

Cost: $20.00 for Bento Lunch and Class fees.

Please make payment to Susan Tan’s account: 102-15222-0 Posb Savings.

Closing date: February 22nd, 2015.


9.00am      Meet at Kranji MRT Station.

10.00am       Sushi Making Class – A competition will be held and prizes to be given.       Attendance certificate will be presented to you. All will receive a goodies bag.

12.00pm       Bento Lunch (Free)

2.00pm       Shopping/Massage at your own cost

4.00pm       Back to Singapore or overnight trip to Desaru.

EO,  Dan.

Those coming:

  1. Dan (Going overnight trip to Desaru)
  2. Alice Yap (paid)
  3. Susan Tan (paid)
  4. Susan SW Tan (paid)
  5. Cat Yeo (not coming)
  6. Yew Kwong?
  7. Grace Kang (paid)
  8. Shawn Soh?
  9. Jane Ong (paid)
  10. Daisy Phua (not coming)
  11. LK Ong (Driver for Desaru trip) – paid.
  12. Tan Poh Heng (joining Desaru trip) -paid.
  13. Ivy Low (paid)
  14. Karen Phoo (paid)
  15. Winnie Tan (paid)



Cooking classes

cook2     cook1   cook3

For a long time, we have been trying to organise cooking classes.  We love to cook, try new receipes and finally eat, what we cook.  However, it has not been easy to find a cooking place.  Conducting cooking classes in the house or apartment has not been very successful, due to limited space and resources.  Venue has always been hard to find. Schools with cooking facilities are expensive; although they are idea. Some members have their own specialties.  There are Hokkien, Hakka, Beijing, Indian and Indonesia food.  We can also have break making classes, cakes, etc. Last week, I was shown around the cooking training classroom with full kitchen facilities at CSC Tessensohn Road.  I  was impressed. Holding cooking classes at such venues has its advantages, although there is cost, timing, cleaning and effort to go with it.  But, maybe we can now try cooking classes, a great way to meet the club objective of providing a platform for members to meet new friends.  Food through the stomach; and putting members and seniors skill to good value.

  • If you like to try other members’ specialties, please raise your hand. So, we know who you are.  Maybe you like bread, cup cakes, 12 layer something, etc.
  • If you have a couple of specialty food skills, and like to share and teach your delicacies, please raise your hand. We might pick up the idea, and conduct cooking courses.

Terence Seah

SHC BBQ at Changi Beach Park on Sat 19 July 2014 (CANCELLED)

bbq4bbq3bbq2 bbq1  The last BBQ we had at Changi Beach Park gave us the impetus to hold another BBQ at the same place.

This time, we shall hold this event together with the Cycling group, led by Douglas Chan.
Douglas will provide the details in the cycling post.

The venue will be at the same Pit as the last. Not sure if it was pit 4 or 5. The car park is a few minutes to the pit. The bus stop is also a few mins to the pit.  Now confirmed at PIT # 5.

The BBQ at Changi Beach Park will enable members to mingle around, and enjoy the breeze and fresh air.

Meantime, please keep this date, Sat 19 July in your diary. I need someone to help me book the same pit as the last, as I am now travelling and payment has to be made at Sam Post.  Pit booking done.

Due to transportation difficulties, all participants to bring their own drinks, beer or coloured water.  You can bring your own mat or foldable chair, if you wish to sit down.

  • Cost per registered member:  $10.
  • Cost per non-registered person:  $15.

Please make payment transfer to Karen Thio at POSB account 207-31089-1. Let us know your transfer reference number.

If you can offer to help, please let me know.  Thank you.

Strictly for SHC members only.  More details to come.

Terence Seah

Registration list:

  1. Terence Seah
  2. Douglas Chan (cycling leader)
  3. Christina Pan
  4. Ah Nee
  5. Charles Chua
  6. Dolly Lim (will buy meat for bbq)
  7. Grace Kok
  8. Hou Chong
  9. Judy Lim
  10. Lina Ng
  11. Lily Ho

Picnic by the sea, with potluck, no program in plan – 26 April Sat in April Monthly gathering

picnic6Pguitaristpicnic2 picnic5    

(Click on the pictures for a better enlarged view)

Most of us love to have friends whom we can get together.  We all love activities.  We want to join activities. And we want to meet new people and catch up with old friends. Since the Club started, I have always love to see SilverHairs meet up with other old SilverHairs, and meet new ones too. Let’s see how fast this program catch up with our membership.

First of all, I have found a place to hold a beachside potluck.  I accidentally found the place while doing an evening walk.  There are new BBQ pits around.  It is located somewhere in Changi, near some river mouth.  There is a jetty nearby, with some boats there, to ferry people to the islands.  The place looks new.  I have seen many Malay families gather there with tents, home cook food, doing cycing there.

I like to organise a big picnic there,  Once I have identified the place, I shall indicate the date and the time, likely an afternoon 2-6 pm.  And, of course, if my diary is free from any travel. Likely date:  within April 2014. Somehow, I had cut down my travel after the MH370 issue.  No program, food or drinks has been planned.  Let’s build the program from here.

All members are invited.  Non-members are also invited.

  1. Members – $10
  2. Non-members – $15
  3. If you cook a dish for 4-5 people (not buy) eg curry, stew, I shall discount $8
  4. If you bake a cake, or make a dessert for at least 4-5 people (not buy), I shall discount $8.
  5. If you lead an activity eg a singalong, I shall discount $5.
  6. If you register yourself personally for this event, there is a discount of $1.
  7. If you bring along another member or non-member of the opposite sex, there is a discount of 10%.

Let’s start.  Run wild with your ideas.  If ok, I shall say yes, If no, I shall say no within 24 hours.


  • Date:  Sat 26 April 2014
  • Venue:  Changi Beach Park
  • Exact location:  Carpark A, near BBQ pit 6
  • Time:  1400 hours to 1800 hours.

Terence Seah

The Picnickers are:

  1. Terence Seah
  2. Frisna Tan (our famous and entertaining SHC Seow Char Boh who stars in the Seow Seow Channel will be conjuring up some quiz and games)
  3. Rosalind Lee (cooking kong bak bee hoon)
  4. Lily Lim
  5. ??


Life is like a Mountain Railroad. April 5 (Sat) 1.00-5.00pm (Cancelled)

Life to us is like going on a journey by train to our destinations. From day one it may not be as smooth as we expected. We meet with all kind of challenges and people. To some of us it may be near the end of the journey but we accepted the good and the bad and make the most of it. Do find time to share and lift up one another.

We meet again at same place same time and hopefully more enticing foods! There will be kok and singalong and board games like chess, mahjong(cards) and Big Two (Cards game). You may bring along your own cds and snacks for High Tea.

Venue: Kolam Ayer CC/Geylang Bahru/From Lavender MRT Bus-stop on Lavender Rd Bus 107 and 61. alight 5 stops later.

Time: 1.00pm -5.00pm

Cost: $6.00 if we have 10 pax. $3.00 if we achieved 20 pax.

EO, Dan


Cookie Exchange Day – 18 Jan (Sat) 2 – 5 pm

Start a New Year with sharing among members…..

We will meet to share homemade cookies.  Each of you will have to bring some to eat and also a bottle of homemake cookes to exchang with one another.  At the same time, we can share baking tips (which I am sure that we can benefit from each other thru this).  Catching up with one another and get to know all better.

Coffee/Tea will be provided and this occasion is only to the first 20 members who sign-up.  Looking foward to seeing you…

Event: Cookie Exchange Day
Date: 18th Jan, Sat
Time: 2pm-5pm
Venue: Blk 103 Bishan St 12 S’pore 570103

EO : Kristy Quek….

Interested members as follows:
1) Kristy Quek
2) Richard Lean
3) Karen Thio (baking demonstration)
4) Lily Ho
5) Dolly
6) Amy Ko
7) Fred Heng
8) Lillian Teo
9) Anne Chee
10) Sally Kang
11) Yew Kwong
12) Susan CH Tan
13) Caroline Gee
14) Yatsin
15) Eileen Thean
16) Ann Lim
17) Gingko
18) Paul Kong
19) Peggy Kong
20) Nina Choo

Somewhere Over the Rainbow : Jan 4,(Sat) 2014. 6.00-10.00pm

There is in each one of us a wish for a better tomorrow. A hope that life will be smooth sailings with no worry of ailing health or a weak heart. A desire for good companionship and unfailing friendship.

The story of ‘The Wizard of Oz’ is the story of mankind struggle for existence. The Scarecrow wish to have a brain, the Tin man for a heart and the Lion for courage. Let’s look forward to the New Year with excitement, meeting and cherishing new friend.

Join us for a time of singing and singalong as we celebrate another year coming to an end. We shall have High Tea, bring snacks to share. After the session we may adjourn for Steamboat Fish Head nearby and a leisurely stroll on Orchard Road. Alas, I wish for red wine but not with High-Tea!

Venue: Kolam Ayer CC, Geylang Bahru, 11 minutes walk from Potong Pasir MRT.
Date: December 28 (Saturday), 2013
Time: 1:00-5:00pm

Cost: $6.00 if we have 10 pax, $3.00 if we achieve 20 pax. Balance of $44 from last gathering will be use to defray snacks or reduce contribution from each of you.

EO, Dan

  1. Dan
  2. Geraldine (Tentative)
  3. Daniel (Tentative)
  4. Lily Ho
  5. Skchua (Tentative)
  6. Lydia Chin
  7. Barbara Ong
  8. Bobby Bok
  9. Anne Chee
  10. Tony Ang
  11. Ronald Lee

A Time for Us – 29 Nov (Fri) 6.15 – 10.00 pm

To everything there is a time and a season under the sun. A time to come together, to cherish one another. A time to hug and to hold and a time to let go. A time to do good and to sow good seeds. A time to play and a time to sing and a time to serenade a loved one. What are the niceties of life, a touch, a smooch, a longing for someone?

I got a place just for you:
Venue: Kolam Ayer CC, Geylang Bahru (11 minutes walk from Potong Pasir MRT)
Date: November 29 Friday, 2013
Time: 6:15pm-10.00pm
Cost: $6.00 if we got 10 pax, $3.00 if we achieve 20 pax.

This is a karaoke lounge with capacity up to 40 pax. You can sing or singalong in a group, you can play board games or just chit chat and enjoy the ambience. Bring your own cd or dvd. Hot water provided, bring your own instant beverages. We shall have potluck here. If you are in the mood for red wine, bring it along and share with your buddies here.
This is an EC event and I may invite another Club members to join us.

EC, Dan

  • Those coming:
  • Dan
  • Daniel?
  • Lily Ho
  • Lydia
  • Irene Poh
  • Lily Lim
  • Bobby Bok and 5 friend.
  • Jeffrey Gan and a friend
  • Patricia Low
  • Susan Tan
  • Theresa


Tentatively 15 or 16 Nov – Ideas on “How we can move and mix around at a buffet restaurant?”

How can members mix around at a buffet restaurant?

It’s always a battle.  When we gather together, we all love to plong ourselves on a chair. Then, we don’t move for the next 2-3 hours.  And then members complain we should move around because we are not mixing around.  Then, we have introductions, games, and members feel they have no time to network.

I like an “All standing gathering” with a drink on the left hand and some snacks on serving tables. We keep our right hand for shaking hands. But then, we complain the legs are just not that strong. “Why no chairs?”

At Hans restaurant, some tables are long, and we don’t know who to talk with, on the right or on the left.  Some tables are small, and we squeeze and again, we don’t move.

dining in a buffet restaurant

What about a buffet restaurant?  If we go for a buffet lunch or dinner, and we sit down in tables of four, how are we going to mix and network.  At the end of the gathering, we go home knowing 3 persons, and not knowing the others.  What can we do?

SilverHairs love to make friends.  Don’t have to go into the why’s. How do we mix and network at monthly gatherings and still get to know a good number of other members?

There is always a spread of food on the serving table.  Nowadays, the restaurants serve ah la cart buffet or order as you like.  And, each of us get our own plates, bowl and fork and spoon.  Can we move ourselves, say every 30 mins?  The EO can “ting a glass” and time to move.  Those who don’t want to move can sit still; others can move.  We do it 3 times, and in 2 hours, we get to meet a new set of friends.

What do you think?  Do you have ideas?

Terence Seah


Wine and Song – 19 Oct ( Saturday ) 6.15pm – 10.00pm

It may not be the ideal venue but as a compromise we have place to seat up to 40 pax and at a neat cost. Once again a time to croon and singalong to all our favorite evergreen golden oldies. No worries if you can’t sing alone, we will sing in groups. You are encourage to bring your own cd or dvd.

Our DJ is a very obliging guy. He can sing duet in Chinese or English with anyone. With his great voice he will guide us if we start on the wrong keys. Bring along board games like chess, scrabble or rummikub and look for kakis to play with.

Venue: Kolam Ayer CC/Geylang Bahru/11 minutes walk from Potong Pasir MRT. Those coming bus check with gorgeous Google
Date: October 19, 2013 (Saturday)
Time: 6.15- 10.00pm
Cost: $6.00 each if we have 10 pax and if we have 20 pax each at $3.00 only.

Bring only red wine for our happy hours and foods (Potluck). This will be an EO event, if turnout is slow I will change it to an EC event.

A place and a time to relax and chat and ‘ketchup’ with new and old friend!

EO, Dan

Mid Autumn Kok and High Tea – 29 Sep (Sun) 1 – 5 pm

Mid Autumn festival is traditionally held annually in the month of September and October. The official date for year 2013 is September 19. Moon cakes abounds in shops all over towns and carrying of lanterns lends gaiety to the occasion. What is the significance of this festival and how does it affect the life of each of us? Many folklore are told and it would be good to hear from those who are familiar to share with us here. One fable was those how it came about.

‘The Zhuang people, for example, have an ancient fable saying the sun and moon are a couple and the stars are their children, and when the moon is pregnant, it becomes round, and then becomes crescent after giving birth to a child. These beliefs made it popular among women to worship and give offerings to the moon on this evening’.

Well, that only half of the story. We are here to join in the celebration and I have booked a nice place.

Date: September 29 (Sun) 1.00-5.00pm/Kolam Ayer Community Club, Geylang Bahru/Nearest MRT Potong Pasir (11 minutes walk)

Bring Moon cakes and snacks for High Tea. We shall have singalong and fun. Hot water only provided, bring hot beverage packages.

Cost: If we have 10 pax each at $6.00, if 20 pax $3.00 each. We especially appeal to new members to join us…………

Who coming:

  • 1.Dan
  • 2 Gabriella
  • 3 Lily
  • 4 Caroline
  • 5. Dolly
  • 6. Patricia Low (new member)
  • 7. Lydia Chin
  • 8. Bobby Kok
  • 9. Noelle Tan
  • 10. Barbara Ong
  • 11. Janis Han
  • 12. Christina Pan
  • 13. Anne Chee


Hilarious Hours of Fun and Song – 29 Sep (Sun) 1 – 5 pm

Now that the Mandarin class is under able hands I shall focus on another topic of interest. Book reading seems out of place for us oldies. Back to the drawing board and losing more hair in the process. Singalong session will be encouraged throughout. Everybody will have to sing in groups.
One of my policy from day one was to organize event that can reach to as many member as possible. How else can we get the new member to come forward to become active and to play a greater in adding vibrancy to the Club?
Four hours for singing.  An opportunity to meet new friend here.

Date: September 29 (Sunday)
Time: 1:00pm-5:00pm
Venue: Kolam Ayer CC, Geylang Bahru (11 minutes walk from Potong Pasir MRT)
Cost: $6.00 if we have 10 pax, $3.00 if we achieve 20 pax or pro-rated.
Hot water provided, bring your own beverage packages and some snacks for High Tea.

Depending on respond, we may have it on monthly. Please indicate whether you are coming for one or both session.

EO, Dan