A Time for Us – 29 Nov (Fri) 6.15 – 10.00 pm

To everything there is a time and a season under the sun. A time to come together, to cherish one another. A time to hug and to hold and a time to let go. A time to do good and to sow good seeds. A time to play and a time to sing and a time to serenade a loved one. What are the niceties of life, a touch, a smooch, a longing for someone?

I got a place just for you:
Venue: Kolam Ayer CC, Geylang Bahru (11 minutes walk from Potong Pasir MRT)
Date: November 29 Friday, 2013
Time: 6:15pm-10.00pm
Cost: $6.00 if we got 10 pax, $3.00 if we achieve 20 pax.

This is a karaoke lounge with capacity up to 40 pax. You can sing or singalong in a group, you can play board games or just chit chat and enjoy the ambience. Bring your own cd or dvd. Hot water provided, bring your own instant beverages. We shall have potluck here. If you are in the mood for red wine, bring it along and share with your buddies here.
This is an EC event and I may invite another Club members to join us.

EC, Dan

  • Those coming:
  • Dan
  • Daniel?
  • Lily Ho
  • Lydia
  • Irene Poh
  • Lily Lim
  • Bobby Bok and 5 friend.
  • Jeffrey Gan and a friend
  • Patricia Low
  • Susan Tan
  • Theresa


30 thoughts on “A Time for Us – 29 Nov (Fri) 6.15 – 10.00 pm”

  1. Yo Dan,

    My pleasure. It was like a family affair, all the brothers and sisters having a nice warm feeling and belting our songs non-stop. It seemed for a while like a talentime to me cos we had a surprising song treat from some very good voices that day, including some duets.

    All of us had fun.

  2. Dear Jeffrey,
    Thanks you for coming to support us and contributing a bottle of wine for our next meeting. You were there not only to sing but did help some of us with our dance steps. We wish that you will continue to contribute your talent with us.
    This is a clear case of mis-communication and we hope that both of you can take a step back and patch back.
    Geraldine, we are also curious with your other awards, should I make a guess?

  3. I also wish to give a word of thanks to Susan who have prepared for us yummy glutinous rice for our potluck and to those who contributed here and there. Everyone was there to sing their songs and we have duet from Daniel and Patricia. Bobby have a video taken and I wish I could upload here.
    Thanks Geraldine and Lily for choosing the appropriate heading for our next meeting ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow’ which is the hope of all of us as we usher in the New Year. A year where we look forward to better harmony among member and to be able to settle our misunderstanding amicably.
    Jassmine, ‘Shalom’ or peace is what we all strive for perhaps for our January meeting.

  4. We have quite a good response for the kok last night. 22 pax attended, 5 non members by invitation and 3 came because there found it out from the SHC post. Contribution of $4.00 each, collected $94 and paid $50.00 for the booking of the lounge. Balance $44, now what do I do with it? I understand somewhere it up to the EC’s discretion?
    Next date I booked is December 28 (Saturday) from 1-5.00pm. Balance of fund will cover the next potluck or I may just get 2 bottles of red wines as it is the Christmas season.
    Now I have to come up with a new posting soon. Maybe, ‘Somewhere my love’ or ‘Somewhere over the rainbow’ or just ‘Joy to the World’? Any idea?

  5. Hi Lydia,
    No worries and we look forward to see you.
    Bobby, noted and your friend are welcome to join us.
    Tomolo is the date we meet at the Karoeke Lounge at Kolam Ayer CC at 6:15pm, see you folks!

  6. Hi Dan,
    Thank you for organizing, my friends is coming with their friends so I may have 5 friends coming for this event. However I also got a company related event at the same time and will probably come in late for the karaoke function. Would appreciate if you could take care of my friends( including their young friends ) as they are coming at about 7pm. Thank you. Cheers..

  7. HI Dan.. yes, i still hv this fun karaoke event on my calendar. However, I hv another “48 hr challenge” event from 8pm onwards… so I will see how to fit your event into my schedule… dont want to miss out meeting all the new members!


  8. Hi Dan, Thank you n we look forward to have a great time on 23rd n also 29th this month. Life is all about going for happy times n worry not for an obstacles n bad times. Be merry.

  9. Hi Jeffrey,
    Glad that you can join us, see you and your friend!
    I want to take this opportunity to wish you and Irene a blessed birthday and wedding anniversary on this month!

  10. Dear Carly, no worries there always another time.
    Hi Lily Lim, welcome to the Club, we look forward to meeting you for a time of fun and fellowship.
    Terence, I hear your call for members to come forward to organize activities for members. How about a kind word here for a fabulous place with capacity up to 40 pax. To me it almost like a mini club for us to meet and chat up. It may not be in the most central part of the city but good enough till I can find an alternative location. Btw, Kolam Ayer is in Geylang Bahru not Johore Bahru.

    1. Hi Dan,

      I like what you are doing, altho I am unable to comment on the venue, as I have not been there.
      My suggestion is for you to work with a few members who support the activity, and encourage members to participate. This is the best way to have a successful program.

      Members know you, so I think you would be able to have good participation.

      Terence Seah

  11. Dear Dan
    Great job you are doing. However, I will be attending a concert on the same evening as your event so its out for me.
    Hope you will keep going on and that the date will be good for me the next time.


  12. Thanks Lydia for your support. Yes there is room for dancing as we have done so on the last few occasions. As far as having other attractions I will try to lose a few more strand of hair on that. As it is, we can sing and dance and fellowship and have board games. Bring a bottle of wine to share and bring foods to share.
    We will start of by singing the song ‘A Time for Us’ together’.
    Thanks also Lily for the word of encouragement, you never know wat it mean to me. I thought I will need to give a rendition of “My Way’ as my swan song to ties up the evening.

  13. Hi Dan

    Lydia is right in her encouraging comments above. The date is still a little far off for sign-ups. Hang in there.

    I wish to add that you are one of the very few who always have SHC in mind and had been creating activities for other SHCians to enjoy on this website instead of organising it privately. Although the Committee did not say anything, we have been watching and are very appreciative of your effort.

    As I will be travelling in November, I can’t confirm my attendance just yet. However, you can tentatively register me. Even if I cannot make it, I will still drop by to pay my dues. And rest assured I will do my best to support your event whenever I can.

  14. Hi Daniel… that song’s lyrics sure is touchy.. I thank many people can relate with these emotions! Thanks for the translations. Will check out the youtube later.

    Hi Dan.. hey, relax. You know the dynamics of SHC. When one come, all come. And they always register late. Maybe you need to inject more fun & creativity into these karaoke sessions. Perhaps a little mini karaoke competition would help. Or combine it with a mini drama session.. or fashion show! Have some nice songs for dancing as well ..! You can do it as an EC event, and we can invite our frens for this event. With these regular karaoke sessions, you need to have a few core members who can commit. At least 6 core members. And each core member will bring one fren along, for each session. You need to have a circle of frens who love karaoke. Otherwise, it’s difficult to sustain the interest. If it’s just strictly karaoke, members will come once, out of curiosity, and then the attendance will just fizzle off. Its natural. So if you do it as a mini event with all the above gala & fizz, it is bound to explode!

    Calling all karaoke enthusiasts out there… shall we give Dan a helping hand?

    Geraldine.. Caroline.. Clara… Judy.. Shirleen.. Pearl… Rose… Lai Fong.. etc.. pls respond!

    Cheers, Lydia.

  15. Thanks Daniel for sharing, it seem quiet but nothing I can do. The committee are sitting on the fences. We are left to defend ourselves. We got a good and cheap place but everyone dragging their feet.
    This event is open to all and not only for ‘Singles’ only. Sometimes I got the strange feelings that I have overstayed my welcome and may need to ply my wares elsewhere.
    Brace up for a new happenings, the ‘Livingstone Corner’.

  16. Hi Dan H, this post is eerily quiet. What happened? Where are our single friends? Allow me to inject some sentiments. I was at a Karaoke session last night with several colleagues. Many songs were sung but one song from a lady astounded me (she cried while singing). FIRST time I heard it so I came back to check the Tube. Found it and would like to share with all whom like sentimental songs. The link for the song is after the lyric. I have added English translations.

    ??????? ?????????
    If everything is decided by fate, why be infatuated with anybody?
    ?????????? ???????
    Break a lotus root into two yet strands still linger and bind them day and night.
    ????????? ?????????
    While there may be no more tears to shed, there are still the soul-searching and dream-seeking nights to bear.
    ?????????? ??????
    The affection and attraction that had made me stay is now a boundless regret.

    ????????? ?????? ???????
    If I knew loving could cause injury and touching would cause insomnia, I should not be so serious then.
    ?????????? ?????? ???????
    If I knew dreams could not last forever and romance should not have started, I would not be mourning this separation now.
    ????????? ?????? ???????
    Unless I treat this as a game with no regards to emotions, how can I simply severe this relationship?
    ????????? ?????? ???????
    Unless I put aside my heart and let fate decide make or break, how can I have no sorrow and regret?

  17. A few questions have been pose with regard to opening up to ‘Singles’ member when responses is slow so far. Well, I am just resorting to various means to attract attendance. Being a singles is part and parcel of life and I feel we should offer no apology to anyone. To be known to attend such a meeting by anyone ‘singles’ should not be an embarrassment. We are adults and what is wrong to attend such a meeting where we hope to meet folks sharing common interest and pastimes. Finding another mate is not just getting a written document but rather a life long companion as we travel on the final leg of our journey.
    I have spoken to Terence about this and waiting for his feedback on matter of the ‘Paperclip’ but as it is he is too busy with his work schedules and travelling.

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