Barking dogs bite?

Worse. They irritate. A real pain in the ass.

Can all the dogs lovers please advise me before I do something that I will live to regret.

My new neighbours in a very peaceful part of the city has two big ferocious guard dogs. Don’t know why. The only thing that ever goes missing in the area are policemen.

So what else can overfed and pampered dogs do besides shitting all over? They bark. Everytime they sense me they bark the whole neighbourhood down.  Though nice people, my neighbours seem to be completely bark deaf. What to do?

I have been told of this solution. Hang my dirty clothings near to those two killers. Overwhelm them with my smell 24/7.

So will this work? Help! 



Author: Wong Kong Thean

Interests: Join any activity like stay and tour plans.

28 thoughts on “Barking dogs bite?”

  1. Hi Wong KT,

    I’m a dog lover since young.

    The solution to your problem is quite easy – feed them with Dog Food such as Nutritious Pellets (it is easier to throw into the house), each time when you see them just throw 2 to four of it and say to them “Good Boys”.

    Please do not throw “Rat’s Killer Pellets” cause it will silent them forever – hahaha.

    Have a Nice Day.


  2. Pat,

    “Rats …” You say ah, not I. Silence of the Dogs.

    Pellets, huh. How about using an air gun.
    And I’ll tape “Good Boy”. Blast it across with my 1,000 W stereo full volume 24/7.
    Hee hee

    Now I know. Life’s not a bitch. It’s two.

    Thanks. Much appreciate.

  3. KT, Patrick,

    I am aware Steven Chan is a dog-lover. I must say I don’t dogs or cats in my place.

    Patrick’s suggestion on giving them dog food pallets is worth a try. I will try this idea the next time.


  4. Sure you love your dog. But have you ever thought what your dog thinks of you!

    ——Extract from Dogs Psychology ——

    Blaming your farts on me…not funny.

    Yelling at me for barking…I’M A FRIGGIN’ DOG YOU IDIOT!!

    How you naively believe that the stupid cat isn’t all over everything while you’re gone. (Have you noticed that your toothbrush tastes a little like cat butt?)

    Taking me for a walk, then not letting me check stuff out. Exactly who’s walk is this anyway?

    Any trick that involves balancing food on my nose…stop it.

    Yelling at me for rubbing my ass on your carpet…Why’d you buy carpet?

    Getting upset when I sniff the crotches of your guests. Sorry but I haven’t quite mastered that handshake thing yet…idiot.

    How you act disgusted when I lick myself. Look, we both know the truth, you’re just jealous.

    Dog sweaters? …… Have you noticed the fur?….. Imbecile.

    Any haircut that involves bows or ribbons. (Now you know why we chew your shit up when you’re not home.)

    When you pick up the crap piles in the yard. Do you realize how far behind schedule that puts me?

    Taking me to the vet for “the big snip”, then acting surprised when I freak out everytime we go back.

    The sleight of hand, fake fetch throw. You fooled a dog! What a proud moment for the top of the food chain, you nitwit.

  5. Hi Wong KT,

    V. Sorry to hear of your “BARKING” problem and I empatise with your family and you.

    Yes,it can be VERY IRRITATING and drive you up the wall if they keep on barking 24/7.

    I am a DOG LOVER too since young and has reared many different breeds of dogs such as Mongrel,(Pariah),bull terrier,standard poodle,pug, doberman, …..chow chows.

    Can you pls.let me know more of the dogs and their environment,etc. ?

    1) Are they being chained 24/7 or allowed to roam free ?

    2) What breed of ferocious guard dogs? Alsatian,Doberman….?

    3) As you walk nearby them, you are actually iNTRUDING into their territory.

    Being irritatated,you could have SCOLDED or SHOUTED at them to keep quiet when your neighbours are not around. Right?

    I AGREED with Patrick Yeo’s solution.

    Absolutely Workable

    Just to share, when I had my home renovated, I was staying in my sis-in-law boss home at Jln. Wajik for 1 month.

    They too had an IRRITATING DOG that bark NOT just me or my family members BUT every one that passes by his gate.

    So much so that all neighbours around has COMPLAINED a LOT but still no action taken to EVICT it away.

    The neighbours were NICE but BARK DEAF . Complain to them, he said he brought back this stray dog from the wild nature reserves. And so has this “WILD” instinct.

    I was so FED UP with his non-stop barking whenever he sees me and the more I scolded or yell at him, the more he barks.

    And so one morning, I took some of my pet dog “Cowboy” ,Natural Balance nutrtious dog food pellets to feed him. At first,he hesistated thinking it was poison(rat pellets)but later I continue to threw the pellets nearer and nearer to him.

    He took up his courage and ate 1 pellet at a time,found it tastes DELICIOUS,he came for more. As he approaches me,I follow exactly what Patrick has said ” GOOD BOY” several times and you need PATIENCE to do this over and over and over…. again till you get the DESIRED RESULT.

    When your neigb 2 dogs SENSE that you are FRIENDLY and KIND, they will STOP the BARKING gradually and it is good if you can PAT his head and say GOOD BOY over the fence? And if it growls when you approach it TOO CLOSELY, then WITHDRAW or he will SNAP at you.

    Praise him more.

    Animals too LOVE PRAISE like human beings.

    WONG,pls.keep EXPERIMENTING different ways to “WIN” over their HEARTS and the barking will stop.

    Finally, do NOT do something drastic as feeding them with rat pellets.

    With patience, the mulberry leaves turn to silk.

    Best of Luck,
    Steven Chan

  6. Hi Steven,

    I have been wanting to keep a silky terrier.

    Besides, giving it time, proper training, lots of loving and tender care, please advise which other areas should I pay attention to.

  7. Hi Gingko,

    A Silky Terrier needs regular GROOMING with a dog brush, you can do yourself and daily exercise( a short walk around your neighbourhood abt 10 mins.daily is sufficient for small dogs.

    The MORE EXERCISE your dog has and with regular grooming, its fur will gets more SHINY and it helps to promote a THICKER COAT.

    Besides,to maintain a healthy skin, you may feed it with VELCOTE, an oil supplement with Omega 3 oils and vitamins is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by dog breeders .

    I use it and can I see the result within 2 weeks of feeding my “Cowboy” pet dog with

    Are you prepared to do that ?

    If OK, go ahead.

    Yes,proper training esp. when young and lots of loving and tender care are equally important.

    Dogs are very FAITHFUL and LOYAL companions for life.

    Steven Chan

  8. Steven,

    Good tip.

    Works for us too.

    “The MORE EXERCISE you have and with regular grooming, your hair will gets more SHINY and it helps to promote a THICKER COAT. Besides,to maintain a healthy skin, you;ll want to take a supplement with Omega 3 oils; and vitamins is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by doctors.”

    A dog is not just a pet. It is our alter ego. The funny thing is some people finds it easier to love their alter ego than themselves.

    There must be some good in it after all.

  9. Hi Wong KT,

    Wong KT wrote……
    ( The funny thing is some people finds it easier to love their alter ego than themselves.)NOT true.

    It is not just alter ego,it is LOVE for your pet too as you do the same for your own family.

    I may look TALL and SKINNY becos of my high metabolic rate and I LOVE to exercise walking,aerobic dancing,bedminton,jogging,swimming,cycling,
    and occasionally to the gym for weight training.

    I have never been fat since young. No wonder the initials of my name is C.S.F. and my class mates always tease me with this nickname CSF stands for Cannot Store Fat.

    However when it comes to food,I eat quite a lot of balanced food.

    I am NOT ignoring my health,Wong KT.
    I too took Active 10+ raw Manuka honey,vitamins,
    raw GOJI BERRIES,Omega fish oils for human consumptn too.

    Just to share with all SHCians,

    (Botanical name is Lycium chinense)(tay chee in Canto)or wolf berries – the HERB of LONGEVITY discovered by the Chinese Tibetan herbalists and now the Americans are SCRAMBLING after it when SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH has proven its POTENT values of “Anti Aging effects” bcos it contains anti oxidants ,essential fatty acids and 18 amino acids as well. Remember Chinese Ginseng,now we have American Ginseng.

    WHY? It was found to have the most powerful anti-oxidants among fruits.
    Goji berries(abt.
    25 300 ORAC*(Oxgen Radical Absorbance Capacity)value, blue berries with 2 400, Oranges with a shocking low of 750 ORAC – RELIABLE source from GNC Health Digest for members.

    As “Cowboy” my pet dog is getting older and his immunity is NOT as good, I too feed him daily with human Kordel garlic pills,Omega 3 Fish liver oils and his favourite dog supplement of Dermatrix containing Omega 3,6 and 9 oils,MSM ,vitamins and minerals to promote a healthy skin and coat highly recommended by the vet.

    Steven Chan

  10. Hi Wong KT,

    Time to bring Cowboy for his daily KAI KAI in Canto.

    Have you try out what Patrick and myself has advised you on your neighbour’s BARKING dogs ?

    Wong,suggest you
    BARK LOUDER than them and they will be too SHOCK and repel.

    So your problem is solved lah.Ha! Ha! :)

    Till then,
    Steven Chan

  11. Hahaha, KT, KT, I aint taking you at face value for this moggy doggy talk but will add on to yr suggestion of hanging dirty clothings

    Cajole, coerce, use gangsters…whatever…to make the owner dress up his 2 dogs and then get them (owner & dog) to wash their own linens in front of all neighbours.

    Trust me, you’ll be so entertained that you wished the 2 dogs are of different gender so that they’ll reproduce a colony of dogs too busy to amuse than to bark & irritate.

  12. Steven,

    You look tall? Nahhhh… You’re pulling my leg.
    Can’t be. If you didn’t tell me, I wouldn’t have guessed.

    I am still considering my options. I am thinking of inviting Tim to my house warming. And let him him try his persuasive methods on my neighbours and thei9r dogs.

    If he agrees, I am selling tickets.

  13. Hi wong KT,

    Did u read a few days ago in newspapers abt a MISER lady dog lover
    who gave off her
    US $18 million to his pet dog and 0 money to his two sons in his will.


    The answer is OBVIOUS lah!

    Steven Chan

  14. Tim,

    How much do you want to price tickets?

    Its all about AQ (Animals Quaotient). You must try to empathize and symtpathize with our little furry ones. Like Steven would have said “if you can love a dog, you can love anything.” Show compassion to get compassion.

    “Dog Soup for the Soul”. Pass the salt and pepper, please.

  15. KT,

    We shdnt price the tickets; isnt it supposed to educate those who are getting older but not getting any benefit out of ageing?

    Sometimes seeing how some dog lovers are, I hv no hesitation to let the animals lick & kiss my toes than let their begging owners.

    A chat with you is like a trip in the rarefied; a chat with some petrifies bcos it paralyses the brain…..

  16. KT,

    I love dogs, to play, to feed okey; to clean, walk the dog or pick up their poooh, yaks! Cleaning a dog is not just about bathing it. For a puppy, its mouth & later when it has teeth, has to be cleaned every morning like a baby… I said, No thanks.

    Have u read this? oh yea!

    DO Dogs Have a Sense of Humour?

    Does your dog ever make you laugh – on purpose? Does he know he’s being funny? An even stranger question
    – does your dog find things funny?

    There are countless stories of dog antics and behavior that are funny, but most of those you’d have to say are unintentional. Humorous behavior may be repeated because of the positive reaction received. In this case, you can’t say the dog has a sense of humor, but is acting on positive reinforcement.

    But dogs may be a little smarter than that. Just as some people enjoy making others laugh, it would seem, so do some dogs. Author Stanley Coren tells of his Cairn Terrier, Flint, who frequently seemed to try to amuse his owners. On one occasion, Stanley’s wife Karen was having friends over for coffee. Flint hung around the
    guests, perhaps hoping for a morsel of food. Karen shooed the dog away and told him to go find something interesting to do. Flint obediently left, only to return with one of Karen’s undergarments in his mouth.
    Coren writes, “Evading capture, he proceeded to flagrantly snap it from side to side with great joy—to the amusement of the company and the dismay of my wife.”

    Did the terrier know he was being funny? Hard to say, but Coren says Flint did get a great deal of enjoyment out of it.

    Now, there are many levels of humor. There’s basic physical humor like slapstick, up to very high-level humor that requires visualization and imagination to appreciate, such as the type comedian Steven Wright so
    dryly delivers. A dog’s world of humor would have to be mostly on the physical level, through simply behaving in a goofy manner, or playing little tricks on you.

    Of course, some really intelligent dogs may even enjoy a little psychological humor. One dog owner blogs, “I guess you could say… that I startle easily. And now, I live with The Crow – she’s an unusually smart dog
    with a wicked sense of humor. She’s decided it’s funny to ambush me from the shower stall. Ha ha. Ha.
    Now I know she’s likely to be there, and it doesn’t scare me anymore … not much, at least. Still, there’s always a small start when I don’t realize she’s in there and I turn to see this.”

    It’s really not so hard to believe that dogs have the mental prowess to grasp humor, since they so readily grasp the concept of play.
    Dogs completely understand the difference between play and something more serious, and are careful to make the distinction. For example, one tiny Yorkshire Terrier named Missy is exceedingly careful to make sure the line between play and not-play is very clear. Missy loves to growl and yap ferociously when playing a game with a person. But she’ll abruptly call a time out by running over and licking her human opponent most humbly, as if to say, “Hey, you know this is only a game, right?
    You know I wouldn’t hurt you.” (As if her five pounds of fluff could ever be a threat.) Once Missy is satisfied that all parties understand that it’s only a game, she’ll go right back to it, acting out her savage beast within.

    W. H. “Hank” Halliday, of Wolf Awareness Inc. in Ontario, Canada contends that if dogs have a personality, why not a sense of humor? “Since personalities are a fact in these canids (dogs and wolves), I would suggest humor cannot be far behind. When my dog plays, it is not mechanical. He changes the rules to have “fun” with me.
    He certainly teases me and I would suggest that teasing is a form of humor.”

    As these stories illustrate, if you’ve ever suspected your dog was making you the punch line to his joke… you were probably right.

  17. Hi Gingko,

    Found a suitable dog for you to keep, a

    Since you LOVE to exercise, this breed can keep you company.

    They are like the Cartoon Series ” ROAD RUNNER”
    Honk ! Honk!

    Found a suitable dog for you to keep.

  18. Chris,

    Here’s a real fun game for my neighbours’ dogs.

    Strap each one to the opposite end of turnwheel. Have them happily chase each others tail. Round and round driving an electric generator.

    Don’t have to walk your dogs. They walk themselves.

    They happy. I happy.

  19. Hey Steven,

    Do you mean a Jack Russell as opposed a Jack rascal? They are really cute but noisy. Sharp and shrill barks and sometimes test your patience to a real limit.

  20. Chris @ #21,

    Like the idea about being the peacemaker.

    Like to bring together my neighbour’s dogs and a stray cat that stays with me uninvited.

    Two dogs and a cat. The movie.

  21. KT, if you believe in numbers, behold, trouble awaits you.

    See, 2 dogs and the cat living with you make 3 animals and joining forces they kick you on the back and out of yr house you go, cursing mad while sitting on only a mat wearing a straw hat & the dog’s name tag and for the kindness, that’s all you get………

  22. Cyeo @ #20.

    It was meant to be a tongue in cheek. An adorable Jack Russel as opposed to a Jack Rascal.

    Even if they bark often, it really boils down to UPBRINGING.

    If the OWNER can TRAIN and CONTROL the young RASCAL from young then bARKING is not a problem.

    It is only when the OWNER fails to tRAIN then it can be a BIG problem like my neighbour’s dog who are living below a few levels whose CHIHUAHUA is a real RASCAL.

    He is ENVIOUS of me taking Cowboy for his morning walk as he perched over the kitchen window to BARK non -stop.

    Remember the song that begins like this …

    “Who Let the Dogs Out Woof! Woof! ”

    Steven Chan

  23. Hi Steven,

    We have a Jack Russell, “Mico” . He ain’t a rascal at all. Hyperactive, playful, loves bathing, and is rather timid for its breed. Barks every time a stranger passes by and “bullies” children when they come near by. At the third bark, he will usually turn around and see if the cane is coming by. We usually just tell him to “be quiet” or “shut-up”. The cane is only a threat. Anyway, he is a very intelligent dog. At the sight of the cane he will quickly scarce and run under the dining table. Adorable sometimes.

  24. Good to hear that you have a Jack Rusell.

    Start TRAINING when young. Do nOt pamper them tpp much .

    Good to use the cane to SCARE him but not to hit him.

    Have fun,

  25. I am looking for a Jack Rusell too. Do you know where I can find one?

    A friend highly recommended it. It culls the bird population, keeps the stray cats off the lawn and even kills larger insects like lizards in his spare time.

    Minimal maintenance. No pedicure, basket or blanket. Sleeps outside the maid’s room. (Hee hee. Keeps the other Amor problem under control.)

    Must be its pedigree as a working terrier and red fox hunter

    Good boy.

  26. Hi Wong KT,

    After complaining abt your neigbour’s BARKINg dogs ,are you SURE ? you want to get a Jack Russell?

    I would suggest you get a BITCH (female dog) so as to “SEDUCE” your AMOR MALE dogs.

    In that way, the dogs can be DISTRACTED away from barking becos they are far too “BUSY EYEING” at your new found SEX BOMB.Ha! ha!

    If you are SERIOUS to get one, pls. get it from S.P.C.A. , FREE .

    They are MANY aBANDONED PEDIGREE dogs there and poor souls their days are NUMBERED if no one is to ADOPT them.

    Have FUN and pls,updaTE us of your pet.Thanks.

    Steven Chan

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