Don’t Worry, Be Happy

Happiness is…emoticon

Researchers have found some underlying factors for happiness :-

>Married people are more content than singles, but having children does not raise happiness level.

>Education and IQ seem to have little impact on happiness.

>Attractive people are only slightly happier than the unattractive.

>The elderly (over 65) are more satisfied with their lives than the young.

>Friendships are crucial if you want to be happy.

>As much as 50% of the happiness factor is genetic.

From The Straits Times, 25 Aug 07.

40 thoughts on “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”

  1. Hi Steven,

    Thanks for the interesting tips.

    Just to let you know, I have no problem with sleeping.

    My problem is, I refuse to sleep early. Everytime I feel sleepy I would start to drink or to eat something. Just feel that there is too much to do.

    I can choose to wake up anytime. Like you say, not enough sleep is having a toil on my health and forgetfulness. Better take the good guru advice and cherish my beauty sleep!

  2. Hi Dan,

    If you really had DIFFICULTY SLEEPING try out these tips :-

    Just to share,

    1) I will add 6-8 drops of Lavender Aromatherapy Pure Essential Oil ( NOT Scented Lavender) – this is artificial chemical made perfume) into the electrical
    “Air freshner” machine’s container with 1/3 water.

    Do NOT use candle burner ones becos when the wax burns it gives out carbon monoxide, a very odourless , invisible POISONOUS gas and if you inhale too much,you may NEVER wake up at all! True fact, not joking matter.

    The lavender vapour has therapeutic effects which helps to RELAX your body just by inhaling it.

    2) I will play a CD with Relaxing Aromatherapeutic Music and these help to soothe or clam down our brain waves.

    3) As far as possible, do NOT use the internet after 11 pm. Otherwise, when you sleep your brain is still very active and u will not have good quality sleep.

    Hope these tips help.

  3. Joy, Veron

    Our deal is on, right? It give me reason to live until 64

    Veron, I will try my best to protest my teeth, remember, don’t eat all the snail, at least one leave for me.

  4. Dear Joy,

    Dun wori lah!, Andrew wil not 4get, he will remember until 64, dunno how many yrs from now hor? Is cheaper if we can feed Andrew wif the goose you hatched and as for me, i wil sit on many snails to move around and if lose patience with the snail pace, i wil eat them up cos i love escargot and Andrew can hv 1 only. Andrew, at 64, do u stil hv teeth to chew escargot or not? hehehhe……..

  5. Joy

    I don’t know there got interest charges, thanks for reminding me.

    Ok, I don’t take the my tea and slice of cake now and keep them with you and Veron. When I’m 64, I got a delicious French meal with goose liver and escargot from you both, deal?

  6. Ok Lily, shall look forward to a calming and healing cup of chamomile tea someday.

    Eh Veron, we owe Andrew one cup of tea and one slice of cake for a month already. Maybe he has forgotten, hee hee. If he has not, with interest charges, it may become a pot of tea and a whole cake!

  7. Hi Ginko,

    That is why always ‘not around’, so that is why hoping that someone will organise the Xmas Steamboat buffet by the Marina and hope to be back to enjoy it.

    There are many new members with refreshing ideas and breeze of free cheers again , like Steven Chan, Dan Hunk , Dennis Wee who are easy going too, starting new activities, so hoping that someone is thinking all the same line, to have an end of the year , Xmas event.

    Free and easy , lots of cheers for one and all ,just to have a good time and see the year end and the start of a new year.

    Something like what we had at the CPT Kausal’s house, good food, good music from Edwin, beer, and cheers all around for everyone.

    So Ginko, after being OJT (on-the-job) meaning enjoying and i am sure learning the many SHC events, how about you taking the challenge and you and Ai Nee organise the biggest end of year event ? I am sure once you start it, many ready volunteers will join in lah.

    Allrounder,aka AX0 (always not a O )

  8. Hi hi Joy

    Thanks for the 5-stones. Since you do not want to accept payment, will buy you coffee or tea when the opportunity arise. Hope to see you sometime soon. :) Lily

    PS: I said the same thing to Christina. Thank you both.

  9. HI all,

    Conut yourself LUCKY and be HAPPY :) with what you own if you are to compare yourself to those POOR families that live in 1 room HDB flats at York Hill or the old Toa Payoh housing estate. Very SAD to see them in such a pitiful state.

    Poor families have to “cRAMP” together to sleep or interact due to lack of space.

    Happiness is a state of the mind. You can choose to be either hAPPY or SAD or Miserable.

    It is aLL UP to YOU.

    Learn to be HAPPY than to grumble Overwork.

    They are MANY still out there unemployed. Graduates included.

    Steven Chan

  10. Mary, laughing gurus are a joke. They laugh all the way to the bank with your money.

    I was at a Toastmasters meeting once where a laughing guru was in action, promoting his services in a subtle way.

    It was totally ridiculous to laugh about nothing. Hawhee..

  11. Ah Nee / Ron

    If you leave it, of course, you can never see it. The “Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come” message this year is “you can, if you want”.

    Will you help yourself or turn the other cheek. Just like the privatisation of social enterprises and CPF, the problem is now thrown squarely back to you to manage your own affairs.

    Question is “How?”. You can start by learning how to leverage your future. You can play to win. It can be done. Or you don’t. Then you don’t play.

    On hearing Titanic’s first bell, you can choose to head to the raft and take your chance with the high seas. Or you can continue as if the captain’s ball will last forever.

    Since the ND speech, you have been told. That’s the first bell. For the rest, the choice is yours. On this note, there is much to rejoice over. At least, the life you lead is the life you choose.

  12. Hello Ronald Wie,

    I support your idea of having a Marathon Eat all you want Steamboat at Marina. But why have to wait till end of the year? Christmas/New year celebration should be celebrated with music & dance and should not combine with Steamboat. Can we have Steamboat first? yummy yummy :p

    Allrounder, I like this “So let’s just be happy, whatever will be will be, the CPF money is not something we can see, so let us be happy at least in SHC”. a5

    Ah Nee

  13. Hi Ronald,
    Sounds like we DO have a “happiness guru” in our midst. I don’t know about others, but it makes me smile when I read your comments. Keep them coming!

  14. Haha, Allrounder, that’s another good one from you.

    We hv scored many first so let the mother of all first be with us turning into idiots accepting that our homes are in the trees with monkeys so satisfying the test of affordability, wearing nothing so what you see I also see, and it’s so easy to pee pee, no retirement needs to worry with everyone happy & in perpetual glee, not least bcos yr honey, his honey is also my honey………….

  15. From today’s ST, it is medically proven.

    ‘Don’t worry, be happy!
    Good health equals not just a combination of exercise and a balanced diet, but also having sound mental well-being.

    After years of preaching the benefits of physical health, the Health Promotion Board is now turning its attention to the mental well-being of Singaporeans.

    Ng Kai Ling with more on this year’s National Healthy Lifestyle Campaign – with the tagline Healthy Mind, Happy Life. ‘

    So, watch out for the next campaign. ‘Be Happy , Smile to each other. Accept whatever is within your means and be Happy’ else you will be charge a levy for not being happy.

    How ? When you pass some Gantries , they will screen your eyeballs and if are not happy you will be charge a levy. So start to learn to be happy, anyway to learn to be happy is free, after some time can be easy.

    Those who still cannot learn to be happy will be sent for intensive laughing course along with KT. The philosophy is simply , you have money can be happy , more money be more happy, got no money lagi got to learn to be happy , else hospital can he very ,very heavy.

    Sorry lah, KT just picking on you since you have been harping so much about money, money , money and being so grumpy with all the CPF changing policy.

    Wait,wait wait , still no money , until you mati , still very angry. Want more money try to go to Jurong and get a number to buy 4D, from the God of Monkey Tree.

    So let’s just be happy, whatever will be will be, the CPF money is not something we can see, so let us be happy at least in SHC.


  16. Ron @ #17

    You mean Scrooge of Dicken’s Christmas Carol?

    Easy. I’ll just play my part. Provided you play the “Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come”. This is usually characterised by Death.

    Come in a halloween mask like the hook-wielding slasher in “I know what you did last summer”

    That should be a bag of laughs and bring the house down.

  17. Thanks Ronald for your #13 sharing. A joke it is, unmistakable.

    KT, after baa baa, it’s time for bra bra and you didnt disappoint.

    Joy, whatever category, like I said somewhere, it’s the substance in the post that matters and if it excites, will certainly draw comments. You hv succeeded…keep it up.

    Having read from so many soothsayers, maybe I shd bring us back to some sad realities.

    Excerpts fr today’s ST :

    “She….,, wanted to give her only son a headstart by putting him thru school here.”

    “…….was heading for home….after having pulled a 12-hour shift……”

    “The 13 year old boy found out abt his loss at the mortuary…..shortly before he was asked to identify the body. He burst into tears………..”

    “Her life revolved round her son. He was precious to her, and she tried to provide him with whatever he wanted”

    “But she was strict when it came to his studies, and did what she could………….even reading up on topics so she could explain these to him”.

    He who is up there, are you looking and seeing what’s happening in this darn earth you hv created? Or has it become a frankenstein beyond your control now?

  18. Tim, I scrolled up and down and up and down and up the list of categories, pondered and finally decided to post it under “Health” because a merry heart doeth good like a medicine.

    But hee..looking at how the post has developed, this post could well be categorised under “Intimate Apparel”, “Learning the Alphabet”, “SHC Countdown Party”. Heehaw…

  19. Hi Ronail Wie,

    I join Silverhair rather late, so missing out on the fun that all of you are enjoying.

    Your idea about the steamboat seems a very good one. What we need now is a spark to get it going.

    How about you put up the post and I will support you all the way.

    We will have a very good excuse to sing Christmas carols without fear and trepidation. Let’s end this year with a bang!

    Sorrry Joy, we seems to get a cross line here.

  20. Yes Nor Inda, Dan Hunk, glad you seemed to agree to what I sensed is missing here right now. This year Terence did not post some challenginge events, so no exciting event to spur or excite many of us into some zealous actions.

    In the early part of the year or late last year he did post a few challenges to have the first Talentime, first Games Day, first D n D , first combined Pot Luck which was really great and did make the year past by rather quickly.

    Allow me suggest one exciting event. How about having a Good , Big , Xmas and New Year Steamboat at Marina, booked the whole or major part of the Restaurant. We can then have a Marathon Eat all you want Steamboat , play our our music selection and have some Karoake singing (Xmas songs only ),some dance too as long they do chase d us out or call the police.

    Imagine , unlimited buffet , steamboat and barbecue , eat all you want , crabs, prawns, barbecue chicken wings, and there is even ready cooked barbecued pork ,wings, fried rice etc., and we all take the whole evening under the stars , enjoying the ambience of the quiet, serene Marina Skyline before it becomes another busy , giant Jackpot Machine in future under whatever IR name you called it.

    It is rather pretty cheap at $12 per head only include dessert , ice creame and tea free flow. Maybe we can also bring our own wine. May not be that cheap in future once the IR starts.

    Throw in some prizes for best dress Xmas costumes , and people can dress in Santa ,Reindeer , Santarina or Angels etc , KT will probably be dressed as he is , Mr Scrouge counting his money, ha, ha,ha ,etc.

    Let us have some cheers to keep club more exciting lah, i and many others who are away , will definitely be back then for Xmas and looking forward to it.


  21. Hi Ronald Wie,

    I like your philosophy of life. The excitement is in the struggles to achieve. Agreed that when all of us put our handss together to prepare for any event with wholeheartness, we will forget the conflicts that seems second natured in us.

    How did for a laugh!

    Wat’s d difrence in stress, tension n panic?
    Stress is when wife is present…. Tension is when girlfriend is pregnant…. Panic is when both r pregnant.

  22. Ron @ #13,

    Life is much simpler if you have one clear metric like money. You know exactly where you are and what you need to do to get to where you want to go.

    If you guide your life with other perspectives you find yourself sailing into a storm with half a rudder and no compass.

    If the bra must have it, then we must first take a proper measure of the issue in question. Let’s start with what do the sizes mean.

    A … Almost Boobs
    B … Barely there.
    C … Can’t Complain!
    D … Damn!
    DD… Double damn!
    E … Enormous!
    F … Fake

    Then we ask what is the one quality that all bras require. And so we come up with the best wonder bra ever conceived by science. It is called the “sheepdog bra”. Why?

    “Because it rounds ’em up and points them in the right direction!”

    See. With a clear goal, the whole world is at your feet. You point, they follow.

  23. hi Ronald!…
    I like your fundamental facts of life!…
    lets keep the spirit of frenship alive…& most of all ….love yr ‘beautiful’ joke…hahaha!…
    U really made my day!…gotta run hot date with ah nee & …hehehe!
    next time we can call Caroline & Rene to chat at yr front porch lah!…tak mau drink beer lah…nanti mabok very susah hor! :)

  24. Hi all,

    Before you read this joke take it as joke to lift up the spirits after hearing much of KT Wong’s Money not enough, so hopefully jokes can cheer us up. They say you get what you ask for or what you hope for.

    Also on the same note, let us look forward to what we can achieved here, rather than what cannot be achieved. In the process, in any big forum (and SHC is getting bigger) conflicts, and differing opinions are bound to happen.

    What matters is that finally the objectives, calendar of events will not only happen, but bring about good cheers all around but also days and hours of excitement in preparing for the event to come. We were fast to make friends , forget past misundestandings , patched up where we can and move on to better things ahead.

    I recall the last Annual Dinner that took place in Oct as such an event. A group of us, dancers, some singers and organisers were already starting to prepare for the event as early as in Feb , months before the event.

    What took place was the fun, the anxiety to prepare, to meet, to train , to dicuss on how we can do the dance, songs, events well. Little or no concern was paid to any arguments, differences of opinions ,etc but all were quick to make the event as successful as ever.

    So ,let us look for the coming Talentime and Concert events and build some excitement and add fun to these events. Or maybe have another bigger pot luck soon in December maybe at the Marina , with more food ,fun,music,jokes, and laughter for everyone.

    Ok for the joke, which is actually from Thomas K, again it is a joke, so i hope there will not be any feminist reaction of the wrong kind. Cheers

    A Jewish man walked into the Lingerie Department of Macy’s in New
    York. He tells the saleslady, “I would like a Jewish bra for my wife size
    34 B.”

    With a quizzical look the saleslady asked, “What kind of bra?”

    He repeated, “A Jewish bra. She said to tell you that she wanted a
    Jewish bra, and that you would know what she wanted.”

    “Ah, now I remember,” said the saleslady. “We don’t get as many
    requests for them as we used to. Most of our customers lately want the
    Catholic bra, or the Salvation Army bra, or thePresbyterian bra.”

    Confused, and a little flustered, the man asked “So, what are the

    The saleslady responded. “It is all really quite simple. The Catholic
    bra supports the masses. The Salvation Army lifts up the fallen, and
    the Presbyterian bra keeps them staunch and upright.”

    He mused on that information for a minute and said: “Hmm. I know I’ll
    regret asking, but what does the Jewish bra do?”

    “Ah, the Jewish bra,” she replied “makes mountains out of molehills.”

  25. No, KT, I wont accept yr bow neither do I give you one unless we agree to agree first, and that is, the bow shd be away from each other and that’s where, if you must show it, the shit will meet and shake hands………

    Fun chatting with you, as usual………be good for the rest of the day hor, no unsolicited bowing and thus no need for shitting whoever you next meet……..lky or lala the kayu.

  26. Tim @ #9

    Having said all the shit that needs to be said,

    If we ever meet here or on the astral plane, please don’t take offence if we exchange bows and not handshake…..

  27. Nor @ #4

    With marriage there is divorce and alimony. Without thesis there is no anti-thesis.

    Marriage is not a genetic imperative. Biologically, we can reproduce without the institution. But society and culture has created many things which make many people unhappy.

    A simpler life could be the true happiness. Think. If you don’t really need it, then you may be happier without.

    There’s nothing you need that is so important that you want to compromise your happiness for.

    This is a good case in point. It is a powerful case for marrying for love. Or not at all.

  28. So you too hv heard of this talk and so want to be tim’s mirror huh? Haha, they bluffed you one lah, tim where got yentow (hokien) altho he does smoke the yentow (canto).

    Pls post a summary of the 18th happenings for me, can? Ngkoisai…………….

  29. Tim @ #7

    Little grasshopper,

    On the contrary, I am illuminatingly happy all the time. If I look unhappy, it is your illusion and I, your mirror. Don’t blame me for your what you are.

    All will be revealed on the 18 th. Gross, crass, butts and all.

    hee hee……

  30. Hahaha, KT KT,

    So according to Master Zen, washed and unwashed are the two sides of the same illusion, then wash or dont wash the butt after the loo-out makes no difference as it’s still the same backside.

    Let that be believed and practised come 18 Sep 2007 at the Hans………..and let Terence find a category for this illusion which needs his effusion of whisky & brandy for a thorough cleansing….

    When Master Zen isnt too happy, he can sometimes be gross and crass……..

  31. Tim @ #3

    If it is unwashed then it is unwashed. If that’s its basic nature then that’s it.

    Why sought to change it? After all “wash” and ‘unwashed” are the two sides of the same illusion. The pursuit of illusions is what makes unhappiness. The loss of illusion is the nirvana state.

  32. I agree with you Nor. Married people are content and happy, blessed with kids to be complete. Singles are also happy go lucky, free and eazzzy.
    Just want to add on…….
    POND OF REFLECTION (extracted from one of the magazine), its said:
    *3 irrevocable things in your life are …time…words…and chance. *3 undeniable things in your life are…serenity…honesty…and hope. *3 gems of your life are…love…self-esteem…and true friends. *3 uncertainties in your life are…dreams…success…and fate. *3 things that deteriorate your life are…liquor…arrogance…and anger. **Kind hearts are the garden**,**Kind thoughts are the roots**,**Kind words are the blossoms**, **Kind deeds are the fruits**. Thats it folks :)

    Ah Nee

  33. Married people are more content than singles, but having children does not raise happiness level. views are, married & happy bcos hv less worries, got husband to depend hehehe! bad hor? :), feel secure that someone love & take good care of the family..but if otherwise can be quite lonely & ….
    Nonetheless, single also happy, no commitment, nothing to worry about, free as the birds & butterflies!Hv many frens to jalan2 & go anywhere we like..till no time to be at home!
    so busy socialising..
    So, in my opinion, to be happy positive & always make more frens,try not to hurt helpful & do charity if u can
    Good morning to all dear SHCians…SMILE :)

  34. KT,

    What i mean (meant) is different fr what you think I mean so that makes me mean but if you read the mean of what I mean (meant) you’ll see what I mean so it means I aint mean but not necessarily that I mean you were mean not to know what I mean (meant)……… it?

    Obviously, you hv fallen in love with the sexy Matrix, and irretrievably so as she matches you in IQ. Therefore, unlikely to see a happy ending?

    Nah, nah and nah ad nauseum.

    “Friendship is important to many”. It’s naked so I’ll clothe it for you with “….usually to those who are afraid of loneliness due to their own emptiness in the soul”

    And I’ll complete yr “Solitude is a good companion for others” with “‘cos in the serenity, you reflect, think and finally blink with eyes never so bright”.

    I am peerless unhappy man and my unhappiness was exacerbated this morning when I saw unwashed cups left in the office pantry.

    Tell me, is it so difficult just to clean it with the sponge and rinse it…..all within 5 seconds? Why want to add more burden to the elderly auntie who already has the world’s load on her back but not a dime of the world’s money?

    Happiness is sometimes founded on selfishness and having no thoughts or heart feelings for another…………….in fact some even derive happiness (or is it sadism?) seeing a lesser being suffer….huh? haha………………

  35. Tim

    Don’t be mean. Categories are for people who talk to much.

    “Happiness” or existing “Reflections” is a good category.

    Too much generalisation but it is a statistic. A highly suspected at that as with any poll research. Sometimes it is a loaded question.

    Eg If a married couple declares that they are unhappy then they won’t be expected to be married much longer, will they?

    The Matrix shows how an intelligent and concious articulation of our reality can bring many people to despair. So, yes, IQ is anti-happiness.

    As for beautiful people, how happy cnn you be if your life is like being a piece of meat on the abbatoir line. When you are not under the knife, you are catwalking for approval.

    It is not that the old foggy is happy. It is just that the young who have their the safety net yanked out from them is frighten and stressed out from overwork.

    Friendship is important to many. But solitude is a good companion for others.

    The genetic link is not a rigorous scientific conclusion. How can it be? We don’t have the “happy” gene yet. This is at best a tenuous statistical relationship. Eg you are happy because generally your parents are happy. On the average.

    Tell me when they find the Happy gene. My life stops there. I will forsake everything and withdraw to a darken room. I’ll spent the rest of immortality hooked up to a life support machine. Just one finger on the button and keep hitting the gene for eternity.

  36. Joy, wonder what category you hv put yr “Dont Worry, Be happy” under….heee, if wrong category hor, then you’ll sure worry like hell.

    Jokes aside, you hv shown us the work of researchers on “Happiness”. And where are the researchers now?

    Still researching, right?

    So if they hv found the nirvana of happiness, they wd be happily in hot pursuit of their findings and not emptying the dirt from their navels btwn baths and doing more researches.

    The happiest fella must be the king who rules over happy people, happy to accept daylight robberies of their compulsory savings and happy to believe that they’ll live longer than when the next kingdom comes……..

    For me, happy is the man who can reason, rationalise and accept fate happily……….like a hippie.

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