Calling all members residing in the Heart of Singapore (Central Area). Perhaps we could also have our very own group! As a starter we could have a meal together – be it at the famous Casurina Roti Prata or Thai food at Chong Pang. Any other food venues are most welcome. How about having it on a Saturday evening? We could share our common interests, future events and frequency in greater depths. Please do join me with your sharings.
Dear Residents and Friends,
The HAPPENING IS ON … N the date is now firmed up !
Our first initial meeting is being scheduled for dinner ….
- Date : 5th October 2007
Time : 7.00 pm
Venue: Botak Jones@Toa Payoh Promise you will still have your hair after the meal.
Discuss: Common interests (and future events)
Food and Drinks:To avoid cash collectiion on food/drinks payment, may I suggest that you handle your individual order/s and settle direct with the vendor/s. THANK YOU.
Join us : Please register on this post Come join, dine and drink
I hope to see you on that night. Cheers … and good night …
BTW … need camera and photo taking for memory keeping … may I please have a volunteer
Those confirmed going :
- Grace Kok
- Kenneth Tan
- Margaret Tian
- Peggy Ho
- Josephine Wang
- Charles Wee
- John Howe
- Molly
- Susan
- Mary Chan
- Ronald Lee
- L.H. Jie
- Maria
- Ann To
- Gingko Tay
- Veron Lee
- Ah Nee
- Joy
- Andrew Yeung
- Kwong Wah
- Dan Huang – thanks of helping as Fotographer –
- Alice Teo
- Peng Peng
- Esther Wong
- Dolly Lim
Any more coming ???
Hi Jong,
Your request has been noted.
keep me updated for the next meeting,
Hello Audrey,
Thank you for your interest. The makan sessions on a large group scale will be organized on an adhoc basis.
For right now I will take leave of absence due to work commitment – 4Q 2007. There would likely be one 1st 2008; suggest you look out in the post. Cheers :)
Hi Grace
I would like to join your makan sessions to get to know my area/s better. How do I join this group?
Hi Gingko (great nibbler nibbling at Jie’s food), Marg (really sorry to see you wait so long for your food from Japan; I waited a while for mine too; it certainly helped when I marched to the kitchen to catch the fish myself) and John (thanks for offloading some of my very healthy fries), it ain’t goza or gyosa, but gyoza and me, joyza (one and only one, no extra serving).
Not sorry to be picking on your spelling, just having fun, heehaw..
dear GK (Christina,I like this acronym): thanks very much indeed for the whole evening’s program. the hard work you put in, greatly appreciated! the fun n laughter are still ringing in my head. u organise the next one, I will sure support again.
Aiyoh Christina, my co-pilot, lucky u were so reliable. tried to play safe, had to stop 10metres fm the traffic light, but a bit confused by so many arrows! can recall Jie but can’t recall the other 2 persons. hope they didn’t wait too long to continue with their 2nd leg, as u said.
hi Marg Tian, thks for the gyosa. Joy was sitting to my right.
with kind rgds…yours truly johnhowe
Dear Grace,
Thanks for an enjoyable evening. Good food, nice people, cosy lounge party and on top of all your warm welcome and thank you for given me a lift to the lounge. Thanks to all at the party too! I really enjoyed myself and looking forward to our next “happy hours” – please call me if you do organise one.
Cheers, Alice Teo
Dear Grace
Thanks for a great evening at BJ tho didn’t get to eat their fare as the q was too long.
Must say you’re a real live wire & fun to be with. And thanks v much for the ride back too.
Hi Gingko
Next time just ask & it’ll be given. There were actually 2 gyosa left & I had to ‘beg’ John to take some more. Eventually the lady (sorry can’t yr name – got to take more gingko nuts) next to him obliged.
Dear GK, thanks for a lovely evening.
AnnToHo yea the after dinnner party was great! Those who wre in the same car, I trust u didnt have to wait too long to continue the 2nd leg home and John, I didnt know u have such humour! Next time, let me know that I have to navigate okie…. after all that booze it is not easy to make out the roads and with u wandering betw the lanes hahahahaa juz kidding, we were all home safe!
Hi Grace,
Thks for organising the dinner and the little lounge party. Thanks to all at the party – you’ve made the night. I’ve enjoyed myself thoroughly.
Hi Grace
Thanks for organizing the meeting. besides foods, most important is the good friendships and the good chats.
Don’t forget what you have promised me for the coming walk, ha ha
Hi Grace
Thank for the evening, meeting up the SHC members at BJ and the fun of singing and dancing the nite away. As what Mary says, we should do that again, call me for the next round.
Thank you for a lovely evening. It was great meeting some new people and seeing the others who were there. We had fun didn’t we, singing and dancing and generally “letting our hair down”?
We should do that again ya? :-)
Hi Grace – Thank you for organizing the Botak dinner. Came and left unscathed. Every hair’s still intact. The occasion also provided a great opportunity to meet Alice Seah, Esther, Peng Peng and Irene. Hi ladies, nice meeting you. Also Kenneth. Hope to see you all around again.
Hi Jie – Thank you for allowing me to “pinch” your sausages, chips and salad. Tasted exceptionally good when “common interests” are shared this way. When will I see you again… to share?
Hi Marg – One goza was good. Two? Was waiting, waiting but aiyo, fat hope! Heehee, thank you, thank you so much. That was yummy!
just 2 words: WELL DONE
Hi Grace,
Wow! 2.15am! It must have been a long evening for you but indeed it was a very enjoyable experience for me. Really appreciate all the hard work of considering the many options, recee-ing the joint and most of all, the great effort of others in your team to make a newbie like me feel welcome.
To the great gal who helped me place my order at Botak Jones and ensured I’d received it hot and piping, the generous guy who shared pizza with us while we were waiting for our food and my table mates who entertained me with lively conversation, I’m grateful!
Although I had to leave early, I absolutely enjoyed the conversations and fun getting to place faces with names… and it’s amazing that so many Silver Hair members look so young!
Once again, many thanks and would be looking forward to more such gatherings.
To all Members present at Botak Jones TP last night,
The majority members arrived with exception of Charles Wee and Maria – missed you guys. Will catch up next round.
A BIG THANK YOU to ALL for your presence and support. I trust you had a wonderful time; good meal and interesting company of frenz.
Surprise arrival from Christina Chan and Irene Low. Delighted to have you with us.
The gathering ended with some heading home after a tired day while others were busy with prepared agenda.
The HAPPENING concluded with happy faces and smiles and I am glad to be part of this event.
Till we meet again in our next gathering, to each and all – have a lovely and fabulous weekend.
Cheers :)
Grace Kok
“I’ll you all tonite”.
If anyone thinks that the sentence is incomplete, no, bcos it does open a lot more lee-way to imagination in the reading so, pleeeeese, can I ask that the 3 “you all” be increased to 4 ‘you all all”?
Good All,
Dennis – sorry to hear you are unable to join. There will always be another time. Cheers.
Boon Liang – wow mc need more rest. Botak Jones can wait upon your next visit. Take good care.
Dan – Glad to have you back! and our photographer — Thank so much — :P
I’ll you all tonite.
Good gracious me, hi Grace, I am back in contention.
Am joining you for BJ. Will also be your personal photographer. How’s dat!
Hi Grace, sorry I have to miss this round, Virus flu! MC till Friday. ’till we meet again.
Hi Grace,
Sori i m unable 2 join u in ur get-2geder as i haf a appointment on dat day. Will join u in the nxt gathering…jangan marah. We can haf lunch at Simei ITE after the ITE’s holiday.
Andrew Yeung
Hi Andrew,
OK will met tomo at Braddel MRT
Here are the Braddell MRT members
Peggy, Josephine, Mary Chan, JH Jie, AnnTo, Andrew, Peng Peng, Eliza(Hi, will you be there with us).
Hi, See you all there 6:45 pm.
Thanks Peggy, assign this job for me, so I read Kwong Wah’s comment I missed. But you still owe me a tea and a bun ah.
tks. Andrew,
fishing! not likely this year, rather committed for the next few months.
cu this Fri.
Hi Kwong Wah
Sorry, sorry, missed your comment #98.
Of course I remember you, besides an IT guy, you also a great angler. Hope can follow you to fishing one day, so I can show some photo to my youngest brother to zip his mouth.
See you this Friday.
Hey Dan Huang and Lawrence Khan,
Thanks for your notes. Last minute stuff should take first priority … yes next time …
Hi GraceK, count me out… as much as I wud like to join but unable… the nx time.
Hv fun.
Grace, it’s marvellous that you cd so easily turn the JB traffic to BJ.
So, BJ-bound folks, pls dont forget yr passports, the one with the bearded magistrate’s face on the cover…tiger angkongkia one no pakeh hor.
Btw, Jones needs to know what you think of his food so it’s customary for diners to indicate his approval by running a tick with his index finger on Jones’ head, or a cross if the food disappoints.
Do note that inside his head stores a mega-byte computer. Any other sign will trigger his mouth to make-a-bite………yes, poisonous in the sense that, within minutes, you too will drop yr hairs & become botak.
Do have a good time together……..centrists, leftists, rightists or simply looking for a kiss.
Hi Grace,
Sorry, last minutes commitment proping up. Will take a raincheck this time
Have been to BJ outlet at Depot Road. Very good helping and good service. Hope to come by the next round.
Yew Kwong — okay lah. Just be very careful when you look around and you too, have a great time with your frenz…..
Hi Grace
Tks 4 the invite. Got early booking oredi 4 coming Fri. Will be going 2 One Nite Stand 2 meet frenz.
Hd been 2 BJ in AMK some mths bck n came out Botak cos e gd were terribly gd.
Do hv a nice n enjoyable time. Will try 2 join ur nx outing. Tks once again.
Hello SB,
Welcome to our estate “zone”. Trust you have settled down in your new home. It’s truly central with easy access to the major expressways and public transport!
Of course, we would like to have everyone’s company however we also do understand priority needs to take first place. You may miss out this round but there will always be another and I am sure by then you’ll try to make time to jump wagon with us! Cheers…..
Tim Liu,
Your comment does take one laughing loudly! I told BJ to expect about 40 ppl and his response was “I need to check with the canteen owner and revert back”… indeed we will storm and probably they will remember us for a while …. Enjoy the quality time with your “kiddo”.
Hi Grace Kok and All
I read with interest all the comments of the Centralians. I recently move to Bradell/Serangoon area (I believe this is central?). Unfortunately, cannot join you all for dinner 5th Oct cos occupied elsewhere. Hopefully another time.
Grace, my evening work pays me more, in accrual tho……more than all the world’s annuities combined. It’s what the elders called a “rice ticket”.
Btw, with so many SHCians heading for BJ, not sure whether that botak gets excited or scared off and close shop thinking that tables will soon be turned & parangs fly……
Yes, will catch up; in the meantime, hv fun……..
Kwong Wah,
Credit to all members who are making this gathering possible. Thanks to all. I am just playing a small part and will try to do my best.
Hope that you will have a great time with us. Cya… :P
Yew Kwong,
Busy handling refunds ,, how about a break at BJ? Please let me know of your availability? Tks…. cheers ….
Tim Liu,
Did not realize that you have to work in the evenings as well. We hope to create some fun activites and when firm up, come join us if you can. Till then, cheers …. :)
I am very delighted to have so many of you supporting our zone .. THANK YOU .. as more names are being registered of course it calls for a concern over the seating capacity!
Let me pick a wand and wish that 30-40 seats will be available for us (have called BJ TP and they will revert back tomorrow to advise if reservation is acceptable).
Cross fingers — yeah — that all shall be well — see you — :)
What u choose.
Botak head or Botak wallet?
Steven Chan,
I am sure there will be other makan sessions and certainly, if you are available, do hop on the wagon with us. See you around…. :)
Haha, Kwong Wah, better let you know early.
There’s no dress code for the Friday gathering so pyjamas is acceptable so you can stay late and jump direct onto yr bed thereafter. Senang.
But since it’s the botak’s joint, you’ll hv to get david gun to help i.e. give you a (mexican) sombrero to wear so that no one can disqualify you, or carry the mohican cut atop. Otherwise, the forfeiture can be painful – botak will either make you look like him on the spot or make you pay for all.
Friend friend so must warn you. So pls go prepared hor.
Hello Tim, please to know that u still remember me, or just because of the Chinese tea that u keep me in mind! Anyway, tks. and hope to see u some other time.
Hi Ronald, if I am the munificient IT guy, then u must be the master of this guy. The IT Program cannot go without u.
It is going to be nice to meet so many silver hairs this Fri. Well done Grace.
Peng Peng,
Will meet you at the Braddell MRT at 6.45 this Friday. It will be nice most of us will be meeting at the station,especially this is the first time meeting SHC member.
Hello Peggy,
Will meet you at the MRT on Fri, Oct 5th.
Regards, Peng Peng
Grace, thanks much but unlikely cos it’s still my workday with kiddo. Indeed, Kwong Wah is not just nice but nicely cute………if you cant take him home, at least take a foto of him and you wont regret.
(Heee, KW, why are you pulling up yr collar so early?)
“What do (Botak Jones) have?” so asked Eliza @ #112.
They hv a resident botak pretending to be tom jones. He sings only hokien opera and like the original Jones, also has a huge appetite for ladies throwing panties at him so if you all want more fun than just food, stock up yr handbags.
Enjoy !
Wowee GraceK!
You sure Botak Jones can accomodate so many people?
Looking forward to the event. :-)
Hi Grace Centralites ,
Heard abt yr GREAT party.
I would like to join but already bought tickets at the Espalnande.
P’haps some other time I will join your other activities although I am a Westerner.
Lily Jie, under separate mail, I read abt the BS. Sure if we decide to continue will surellly call you…. :P
Tim Liu,
Since you are having a hard time hunting Kwong Wah, why not join us for dinner? You may have him in person rather than writing. You are welcome; the decision is yours! Cheers, Grace
Yew Kwong,
It’s Friday evening, come makan with us! However if you have pre-engagements will catch you another time… Cheers, Grace
Hello Eliza, please refer to comment # 25 for a the Botak Jones location link and comment #30 for the place and types of food being served. there is a meeting point – Braddell MRT meet at6.45 pm next to control station. If are you available, please register and I am sure Peggy will be happy to see at the meeting point.
Cheers, Grace
I am expecting a BIG PARTY so you are all welcome …
Alice Teo,
Peng Peng,
Ester Wong (hope yr eyes wl b fine by evening) and
Dolly Lim (MacPherson is central lor)… :)
Hi Grace mei mei
Thanks for the invites, didn’t know until someone told me about it.
Cant join u for dinner due to BS (Am hosting). After dinner, you guys can adjourn elsewhere for some music and/or dancing rite? TGIF leh. I will join you then … hee hee :)
Dear Grace
Where is exact location of Botak Jones and what do they have? Am lost though staying in one of the neighbourhoods.
Hi Grace,
Not staying ard Central, but wrkplc ard Macpherson, can join bo?
Hi Andrew,
We are all meeting at 6.45pm Bradell MRT Control Station. See you
Hi Peng Peng,
Welcome to SHC. Will see you at Bradell MRT control station at 6.45pm on Friday.
Hi! Hoping to join you all at Botak Jones Toa Payoh… if my eyes get un-dilated by then. Morning appointment at SNEC but should be cleared by then, hopefully.
Hello Grace,
I new with SHC and wld like to join this Fri, Oct 5th gathering at Botak Jones – Toa Payoh.
I am not familiar with Toa Payoh area may be I can meet Josephine & Peggy at the Braddell MRT station.
Hello, Josephine/Peggy,
Is it okay with both of you that I join you at the Braddell MRT station?
Regards, Peng Peng
Aiyah ……ya, butty, of cos I know this is AMK thread but where else can I hunt Kwong Wah down (he seldom writes)if I dont borrow 08’s territory to invite him to 24 leh?
True, the buus in bedok do make me go rd & rd……you come and help chase them away………or bring them home at yr peril…..TTL ones hor, can suffocate you type…….
Tim Liu Says: “When you’re in Bedok, do give me a shout,”
Bro, U must hv been tea drunk leh n recalled Bedok instead of AMK. Guess U hd hd another rd wif “someone” else at Bedok. Rite?
Sure, Kwong Wah @ #98, not just Ronald remembers you, I too esp the great tea you brewed for us.
When you’re in Bedok, do give me a shout, and best from atop a train at the bedok station where I can find no excuse to miss you……..
Seriously, none will forget the warmth of you & your folks generous hospitality .
Hi Grace,
Hope I am not too late to join in, thank you :-)
Hi Anne, sorry for the late response. Looking forward to seeing you all soon.
Alice Teo
Hi Kwong Wah,
Sure!….. the munificent IT guy. How can I don’t remember you? Welcome…. come and join us, the big family. I see you at BJ Toa Payoh this Friday.
Ronald Lee
Good Morning …..
Boon Liang,
I do understand the toil so do not rush a reserved seat will be waiting for you. Yes see you then …. :)
Good Morning …..
Kwong Wah,
Glad you are able to join us! Many times we see the names on the comments but are unable to match the names to the faces. The same goes for me tooo….
This gathering would be a great way to get to know each other. Cya :)
Hi Grace,
Oh, how can I miss BJ, but may be late due to work matters. C ya all! ThkQ
members from the central, I am one of u (from AMK).
I like to join u on this Fri.
Of the group I only know Ronald and Andrew.
Hello R & A, can u remember me?
Lily Jie, where are you? If time permit, come join us …… :P
Thanks for the concern. I am actually waiting on the final count of people before I call.
At this moment, the key meeting place is Botak Jones however I am uncertain if every member will be consuming from the same stall as I understand there are other cruisine. Perhaps I could proceed with an estimate and see what’s their response? Thanks again.
Hi Susan and all SHC members,
Looking forward to meet all of you.
Grace, I hope u have reserved table with BOtak Jones as in AMK branch, most of the weekend are very packed and full house, they take an hour to serve the food, maybe it will be good that u check with them for reservation.
Hi Ann,
Sorry for the late response. Of course, we’ll see you at Braddel MRT. The more the merrier.
Until then……..Jie
Grace, First I want to say: “one stone kills two bird” but it is not suitable here. Better say: “one meeting acquaints two trip-mates”, wonderful! Thanks.
Marg, see you on 5 Oct.
Hello Andrew,
Certainly you are most welcome :P . I look forward to meeting you too. Marg will be with us so you get to meet two instead of one trip mates. See you then …. :>
Thank you so much for warm reception .. my dear supporters .. Ann, Gingko, Veron, Ah Nee and Joy. Let’s all get “botak” and gently rub on the “shiny fun gel”-till then see you ladies :)
Hi Grace, dear Korea trip-mate,
Like to join your Botak Jones@Toa Payoh on 5th October 2007 and to meet and know you. But I’m living in Jurong West(deep deep west side), wonder whether I’m qualified to join.
Hi Peggy
If I can join, can you lead me the road? Thanks
Botak Jones@Toa Payoh
Veron and Gingko, hey, wait for me!!! I am coming to keep up with the Joneses and Botak gang. Place is fairly near my office.
Hey Grace, you must be really slzzpy when you wrote your comment at 2.04am. Date was typed as 4 Oct. You recce-ing one day earlier with John Howe?
Hi Grace
Ah Nee can’t resist going Botak like us..ha..ha..
See you all the botak gang. :)
Hi Mary & Josephine
We have not met but am definitely looking forward to meeting you two at Botak Jones on Friday. Glad that many are supporting the Centralians for this 1st outing @ Botak Jones.
I have not been there myself so am looking forward to having a nice meal with all of you.
Have a good weekend !
John Howe,
Thank you. I will definitely give you a buzz if I get into any difficulty.
See you, :-)
Yes GraceK,
I have met many nice people here. I’m glad I made the decision to sign up and stay on despite some initial hiccups.
Cheers :-)
Peggy, looking forward to meeting you and Josephine on the 5th
Cheers :-)
Hi Grace,
Gingko and VeronLee coming to give you our BIG STRONG N FRIENDLY SUPPORT. Gwen, Princess Anne, Boon Liang n Joy, come join us and go Botak!
Hi Grace, Pl count me in.
Jie, can I meet up with you & the rest at Braddell MRT too, as I am not familiar with the place?
Alice Teo, Gingko & Veron, are you still considering?
Good morning John,
Botak Jones is still within the vincinity of Block 970. Looking at the link it states Block 970A. Once you are there I am sure you will be able to find us otherwise … call … please check your email. Till then see you on 4th October ….:D
Good morning John,
Botak Jones is still within the vincinity of Block 970. Looking at the link it states Block 970A. Once you are there I am sure you will be able to find us otherwise … call … please check your email. Till then see you on 4th October ….:D
Good morning Maria,
You are most welcome and I look forward to meeting you…… :D
Kenneth says BJ is at Blk 970B (#6) but you say it’s at Blk 970A (#67)???
You will have Jie, Peggy and Josephine for accompany from Braddell MRT. If you do have any problem from there to venue, just give me a buzz.
Hi Grace,
May I join you all for dinner at Botak Jones as I am working in that area, just nice to meet you all after work.
Hi Mary,
This platform is really wonderful, rite? We now have more friends in SHC and I am very delighted to have their company. Do you agree?
Shirley Wong ….. ring ring ….. telephone ring …. Shirley Wong – “Hot Dog Wagon” – are you able to join us? It is quite close by frm your work place. Do try to make some time for yourself and join in the company. After much long working hours, you deserve a break. Hope to see you ….
Gingko and Boon Liang … you guys are next on call w a i ting …….where art thou? There’s Japanese food next to Botak Jones … hope both of you could come along …..cheers :D
Hi Jie, happy to note you are able to join. Yes it will be quite a while (confinement).
Cya. :P
Hi MaryC,
Wanted to meet you but was told that you have already left. Shall see you at Bradell MRT 6.45pm control station together with Josephine & LH Jie. I know Jie, so no problem already.
Hi Grace,
Am joining in this Botak outing. Like Mary said, jalan2 before my ‘confinement’
Will be with Mary at Braddel to meet with Josephine and Peggy.
Till then………………Jie
Yeay! Jie will be joining us. She just told me and will probably inform you too. So, that’s one more for you. :-)
See you at Braddell mrt 6.45pm. Think I’ve met you before, at the SHC gathering on the 18th, am I correct? I’ll email you my phone no. just in case.
Have a nice day. :-)
Glad you like that. Um, my lamb? We shall see. These days, better not talk too much about lamb and sheep. Better let them sleep. Hey, that rhymes! Haha.
Aiyoh Grace. The map looks alien to me. I better stick to Josephine and Peggy.
Hi Josephine & MaryC,
OK Confirmed meeting both of you at Bradell MRT control station.
Received your email. Thanks.
Lawrence Khan,
PLEASE DO! Meet at 7.00 pm over at Block 970A. Please refer to comment no. 25 for the map. If you are driving, Dan Huang may assist you.
Cheers :)
MaryC – How lovely you write my name GraceK! There is a location map under comment no. 25 just in case if you wish to keep it with you. Since you are meeting Josephine and Peggy, perhaps your lamb could tag along … :P
Cya on 5th.
Dan Huang, Ronald Lee — glad you could join. cya :)
Dan – thanks for the offer I will surely be in touch if I need some help. tks.
Molly, Susan – fantastic – will see you ladies on 05 October. Cheers :)
Hi Grace Kok,
Can I join in n around what time is ur dinner at BJ?
Makan is my favorite hobby, :D
OK Josephine.
Wildo. Cya 6.45pm Braddell mrt.
Cheers, :-)
So blur, actually I am very new to this web, infact this will be my very first meeting session with SHC member.
Can we fix at about 6.45pm.if any changes will just keep in touch.
Peggy, hope the time fix OK for you too.
Anyway, I have already sent you my mobile number. See you at Braddell mrt stn. What time?
My dear Josephine, your email address is up there on the comments page, haha.
I am not sure are we allow to give email addresss etc. I need some guideline.
Hi Josephine Wang,
Thank you. I will do that, but how do I contact you? I will send my mobile no. to your email ok and you can sms me yours?
Appreciate, :-)
Hi Mary Chan
U can join me and Peggy at Braddel MRT meeting point,is just one stop after Toa Payoh.
I would love to come except that I don’t know where the exact location is.
If I waited at the Toa Payoh mrt,could some kind soul bring me to the place?
Tks yr reply, actually I was only joking about the old fashion way of meeting up, it must be crazy if I do that.
Well, see u on the 5th of October.
Hi Grace Kok,
Here come my supports. I see you there on the 5 Oct.
Ronald Lee
Grace, I am coming too. Do let me know how i may be of help.
Hi Grace,
Susan and myself will be joining the dinner on 5 oct. See you at Botak Jones.
Kam Sia, I need not trouble Lily no more.
Regards….. yuppie …..
Lily J,
Administrator has sorted and I am now able to write the names. Yeah goody good :-)
Grace, please try to edit your Post.
John Howe: Hooray consider you are registered -Of note 4th October – we go foot exercise,
On the 5th October – we go mouth exercise,
sounds like a balance exercise …. hehehe :-)
Look forward to seeing all registered members :)
hi Grace,
after putting up both hands in response to your call(#16), I will now get both legs into motion to BJ Oct 5. see you then.
with regards…johnhowe
You are welcome, Grace mei mei :)
Lily Jie,
Greatly appreciate yr kind assist for coming to my aid.
I found out that EO needs to have 3 posts before “edit feature” is tasked. Apparently system works AUTOMATICALLY!
Have written and waiting for reply and home bound …..
Dear Grace,
Its done. Hope you can get the Administrator to sort out your edit function.
Click on “edit this” when you are viewing the post or “edit post” when you are in the latest comment site. Started the name list for you, so you can continue from there by keying “enter”.
Hi Grace, I can make it too. Looking forward to the dinner. :)
oooooo HELP PLEASE !!! oooooo
I wish to put up the names of those who have registered for the dinner however I do not know the process. I tried to recall my post but none of the buttons work. HELP! Could someone please show the the way?
Phew … advance thanks … to the rescue …
Yes I have responded please check your email… :P
Josephine and Peggy, You have each other’s company and with Kenneth’s comment #30 you will find your way easily. Yes looking forward to meet you ladies….:)
Charles, will see you on that night… :)
Hi Kenneth,
Wonderful, you are my first supporter and I thank you.
The given directions to Botak Jones Toa Payoh is clear and it makes a good guide for those who needs to locate it.
Cheers… :)
Hi Josephine,
I only assume I know the place. I know the exact location of News Centre (SPH) but have not been to the factory site. I think should be around there.
No need to use the “old fashion” way of meeting. If you had been to any of the gatherings, can look you up in the photo gallery of SHC.
Look forward to meeting you and other SHCians for more happenings.
hi Grace, I can join you all for dinner on Fri 5th Oct. thanks.
OK I will meet u at the Braddell MRT, presume u know the way.
Maybe next week then we finalise time and we will each carry a red rose, book etc. haha think of it it really funny remember those days blind date meeting point at the Capitol cinema. I am sure many of us experience that before which seem to be a norm at the time and having ice cream at the cold storage cafe is very happening.
Now look at the young people enjoying life and their happening is really happening. What we enjoy is really nothing to them, any time any where macdonald/cafe/pub etc is available for them
Well hope to meet up with you and will talk about more happening…………..
Hi Grace,
I will join in the dinner at Botak Jones. BTW, did you receive my email?
I can meet you at the Bradell MRT and walk there.
Hi Grace,
OK I will join in for the dinner, anyway can someone give me a guide by MRT to this factory canteen, so far I have been many time to BotakK Jones at AMK but not Toa Payoh.
Hi Grace
I promised that I’d be the first one to support you:
So here I am… put me down for the dinner!
Let me give more information about the place: Botak Jones is in a factory canteen in Toa Payoh but it is quite airy and clean. Besides the western offerings of BJ, there is a Japanese stall, an Italian, Chinese mutton and turtle soup stall, muslim food and a che cha stall. So, there should be something for everybody.
If you’re driving, you can turn into the factory blocks 970, 998 just after the Braddell Road exit into Toa Payoh (after the mosque). Or you can get into Toa Payoh Lorong 1 and turn right into
Toa Payoh North and right again to the end of the road. Botak Jones sign is lighted up at night and you can’t miss it.
Oh yes, they also serve beer!
Dear Residents and Friends,
The HAPPENING IS ON =))… N the date is now firmed up #:-S!
Our first initial meeting is being scheduled for dinner….
Date : 5th October 2007
Time : 7.00 pm
Venue: Botak Jones@Toa Payoh :)).
Promise you will still have your hair after the meal.
Discuss: Common interests *-:)and future events :-”
Join us: Please register on this post
Come join, dine and drink ~O).
I hope to see you on that night.
Cheers … and good night :-h ….Grace Kok
Hellooo Molly and Susan,
Annoucement will be out soon. Look out :)
Hi Christina Chan,
Thanks for your support. Take it easy. We can always meet up another time. Shalom.
Hi Susan,
Thanks for the link. Must try since it is Authentic American food. The location is near the Bradell MRT.
Hi Grace & Marg
I grew up in Toa Payoh but have since moved house twice, from Jurong West to Bishan. Hmmm… coming back to promoting our Central Zone. There are lots of nice food @central ie : Balestier, Novena, Newton, Whampoa, Toa Payoh, AMK, Bishan,Thomson/Shunfu/Sin Ming area, like Bak-Ku-Teh, Chicken Rice, Rojak, Laksa, Roast Duck, Crab noodles, Zhi-char, Rota Prata, Teochew Fishball noodles, Hokkien mee, Satay, Chicken Wings, including muffins, choc eclairs, yu-char-kway, teochew pau, etc, etc… Btw, my favourite rota prata is at Sin Ming not Jalan Kayu. Bishan Park is just a stone throw away from where I stayed. You’ll find lots of people exercising early in the morning, jogging, qi-gong, brisk walking, cycling, roller-blading, etc….. yo Steven, you can bring your chow chow for kai-kai for a change from the West to this area if you want. There is a place for dog to meet & to run. There is also a spa and restaurant in the park. So, you see, lots of happening @ the Central. :)
Grace, do keep me in the loop should the Centralians want to meet one of these days. People from other zone are also welcome to explore & join us @ the Central zone.
Hey Agnes, don’t go MIA for too long ya.. wud like to hear from you.
Peggy, here’s the link to Botak Jone if you want to know more :
Amazing Grace, you’ve found your long lost friend Peggy huh ? That’s nice !!
Hi Grace,
Thanks for the information. But where is the outlet located in Toa Payoh?
Well, you really did not change much. Will email you.
Hi Grace.
Hv stayed in AMK for 20 years but moved to the east for 6 years already. I dont mind joining you guys and gals for dinner or lunch if I m available on that day. Let me know when dates are confirmed and will make myself available.
Grace, Bravo! sister… you did it.
OMG! food, food and more food. I was a foodie but of late prefer the ‘authentic’ eg., our P.Ubin makan talk was on Peranakan le isnt it, some true blue Peranakan YUM! please.
Had some visitors a week ago and have been having sashimi(one of my craves), 2x at Raku, very good very x, not me who foot the bill phew! and at Ginga, was told they are good,surprising wasnt so that night.
I’ll join you another time as I m not in the right mood; do not wish to dampen your get-together – Sunday, I have received news that a friend had contacted some disease in Cambodia and had passed on. I had lost contact with them so had received this after more than a year late! words cant describe what I am feelin now, need some quiet time. Trust you understand.
BTW, shall be posting the monthly walk later this week… so, hope to see u guys then.
Peggy, I was equally curious to know about Botak Jones and checked it out. They sell American food in quite big helping. Setting mainly in heartland coffee shops. Nearest to us is in Toa Payoh and Ang Mo Kio. The other outlets are at Clementi, Depot Road and Tuas.
Hope this is helpful.
Josephine and Ronald Lee,
Noted your schedule. Will try to fit a date for everyone to meet initially and look forward to catch up with all.
Yo John Howe,
Yes we met at lunch last week and I had to leave for a meeting. Of course you are most welcome to join us. Once a date is fixed it will be announced so look out for it.
Boon Liang,
I visited Aston this evening — Wow long queue for take home. I may join the Q this week to try out — hehehe —- :P
Surprise Surprise it’s either I did not change much or my name caught your attention. Perhaps we could meet to catch up those years.
Cheers to All … :)
Hi Grace,
Nice meeting you at the recent SHC gathering. I am staying in Toa Payoh which is not too far from your place.
With your zest and initiative to start a Central Zone Group, I will give you support and join in the activities when ever possible.
What does Botak Jones sell?
Hi All,
This weekend and next are not good for me. Have to give classes. This Wednesday and Friday night also not good. Any other day should be OK. Thanks.
Hi Kenneth, didn’t know Botak Jones is in Toa Payoh now, thot Blk 608 AMK Ave 5 is the nearest shop. Have you tried Aston at corner coffee shop, Sgn Gdn. They are now the anchor tenant of this coffee shop opp.Chomp Chomp.
hi Grace, we had lunch together last week didn’t we? no, it’s just to verify whether you’re the same Grace.
I do appreciate your effort for this cause and I’m putting up both hands to support you. I reside in the Tanjong Pagar GRC so I’m not in Central. No problem I hope? I noticed you were still pounding away on your keyboard after midnight and you’ve got to work today?
Looking forward to your further announcement.
with kind regards…john howe
Good day to all
It sound great to Grace’s idea we all should start a initial meeting. Then we can chit chat any interested activities, I hope not this saturday as I got a evening appointment but no problem morning – afternoon. Well, otherwise let see what is a better time for all to meet.
Wei2 Joy, glad you are part of central. We look forward to having you :)
To members who have responded, Thank you for your support.
If it is agreeable let’s have the initial meeting; we could meet up for lunch (or dinner) on a Saturday at a convenient place to chart up the plans and move on from there. Do continue to send ideas which we could activate at a later date. I raise my hand first, next please?
Curry fish head is another popular dish at STU, this eating place is known as Pepper and Spice. Grace, would love to participate any activities -lunch, dinner, walk, cycling, you’ll have our full support. Cheers!
Hi Grace Kok, Thanks for putting up this post to start our very own group in this estates.
Charles, Kenneth and Josephine, I agreed to Grace initial idea to have a meal together on one fine day to share our common interests and future events. What say you, guys and gals?
Ronald Lee
Grace dear, sorry didn’t log on till now as was quite tied up last few days.
Congrats U did a great job for a first timer.
Pls count me in for lunch, dinner, b’fast, walks or whatever so long as I’m available on that day. Chiong ah!
Hi Charles, I had heard about this place but was unable to find. Is it a house on its own or shophouse? It sounds like a nice place to chill out. Let’s see if other members would be interested?
Josephine, You are most welcome. I believe we have not met. Like you I am game for lunch.
Kenneth, will join you as suggested. Do we need to make any reservations for any of this food outlets?
Wei Wei Christina Chan, Marg Dear …. remember our makan talk at P. Ubin – it happening now. Care to join us?
josephine, you go in by munshi abdullah ave, off Yio Chu kang, road opposite Thomson Hill Drive to get there. Spore Teachers Union- free parking.
It is not near petrol kiosk or food centre.
Hi Kenneth,
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!foods foods everywhere in Singapore, I have not been to that block most of the time in central but I know there is some nice food in a coffe shop just outside braddel MRT, chicken rice, yong tau foo etc.
Well, it good to enjoy food but meantime we must excercise to balance up all this foods. We are pretty lucky that we got few places to jog and walk, bishan park (there is a nice spa and organic restaurant, well it a little bit expensive but good for relaxing) at the end of the park most of the weekend it packed with people around there with many activities, amk park that link from avenue 4 all the way to library (as early as 6am, u will be surprised to discover many activities) two reservior, so no excuses, well it all individual,
Well maybe we can fix up with all other members next week for lunch as your suggestion.
There’s Botak Jones at Toa Payoh now… as well as a Japanese, Italian (la Picolino), Chinese turtle and mutton soup, a che char and a muslim foodstall all at Block 970B Toa Payoh North next to SPH Building. Also accessible from Braddell Road after the mosque.
So, anyone game for lunch??
Hi Charles,
Is this STU premise near to a petrol kiosk and near to a hawker centre where they serve very good kua chap (only in the morning)
Hi Grace,
Tks for all your effort to start the happening for AMK, BISHAN, TOA PAYOH, looking forward for more response to organise activity for all members in this estates.
Looking at Robert’s map, Bt Batok jusssst about made it within the boundaries. Phew!
Another hidden place is a small cafe by poolside at STU premises in Teachers estate, off Yio Chu Kang. You can have tasty mee goreng, beer & karokae at reasonable price.
Place accessible by car only.
Thanks so much for providing a map. Due to errors made in the 1st posting (inexperienced) I had requested Terence to close it. Could you please re-send the same comment onto this “new” post to assist those who wish to join us yet are not sure if they fall in. The map is indeed a great help. Hopefully in due course there will more “event organizers” to join us.
Thanks for your kind assistance. I was quite upset when the post did not show up after writing but now am delighted that I have achieved the 1st step. Next, hoping to have positive responses for its success!
Charles, thanks for the encouragement. Yes I made it!
All members,
This is for YOU. Hope we can start the “happening”.
Cheers,Grace Kok