About 40 people attended the SilverHairsClub Nov 30 gathering at ONE Fullerton. Starting at 6pm, the event saw SilverHairs writing their names on sticky labels, actively introducing themselves to one another, and enjoying the view of the setting sun at the Singapore river mouth.
Event organiser was Richard Kwok and Venue host was Gibson Tan. Also present were Patrick Yeo (Team leader for 2006 Olympics) and Elsie Ho (Team Leader for 2006 Talentime). For pictures, please click on silverhairsclub.com/SHC/SHC051130.
The evening topic “What do you plan to do when you reach 55?” started at 7pm. Although we had a few observers, many SilverHairs shared their meaning of retirement. Some ideas include travelling, fellowships, nature walks, cooking, potluck, computer classes, making money and collecting CPF. There were also concerns of no CPF to collect, little money left, no where to go and no friends to talk with.
And, on the whole, we had fun and friendship. Small groups start to form. We look forward to the next gathering, likely to be much bigger.
Hi Terence, yes i must say great pics. Anyway, i hope the next gathering would NOT be 30th Dec as I already have a party to attend. Has any date or venue been confirmed yet? Looking forward to the next gathering.
Believe we able to find some volunteer in this area the next time. Thanks.
Re: Shc 30th Nov 2005 gathering – What is Land Banking
On the above meeting, many has approach me about this, What is Land Banking and in short is Wealth creation.
If time permits, I’ll like to organise either one or two sharing sessions on either 21st or 23rd Dec 2005, Wednesday or Friday or both days depending on responds at 7.00pm in my offie premises.
Interest members,(Can bring friends too) must respond by 19th Dec, Monday beofre 3pm for me to make room reservation, So please help.
You can call at Hp: 90271398 or email: tan.gibson@gmail.com
Gibson, next time, i shall look to appoint a photographer. Volunteers? Terence
Dear Terence,
Re: Pictures of gathering on 30th Nov 2005
What a well done job on the pictures.
But believe many has left out due to many reasons and one of it is too shy and not around whne taken.
So members, please give Terence or who so ever was appoint to be photographer for that gathering a chance to get you in the photograph for the next posting.
Keep it up!
Gibson Tan