Cooking classes

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For a long time, we have been trying to organise cooking classes.  We love to cook, try new receipes and finally eat, what we cook.  However, it has not been easy to find a cooking place.  Conducting cooking classes in the house or apartment has not been very successful, due to limited space and resources.  Venue has always been hard to find. Schools with cooking facilities are expensive; although they are idea. Some members have their own specialties.  There are Hokkien, Hakka, Beijing, Indian and Indonesia food.  We can also have break making classes, cakes, etc. Last week, I was shown around the cooking training classroom with full kitchen facilities at CSC Tessensohn Road.  I  was impressed. Holding cooking classes at such venues has its advantages, although there is cost, timing, cleaning and effort to go with it.  But, maybe we can now try cooking classes, a great way to meet the club objective of providing a platform for members to meet new friends.  Food through the stomach; and putting members and seniors skill to good value.

  • If you like to try other members’ specialties, please raise your hand. So, we know who you are.  Maybe you like bread, cup cakes, 12 layer something, etc.
  • If you have a couple of specialty food skills, and like to share and teach your delicacies, please raise your hand. We might pick up the idea, and conduct cooking courses.

Terence Seah

Author: Terence Seah


9 thoughts on “Cooking classes”

  1. Ladies and guys,

    If you are interested in offering cooking or cake making or cake making classes, please let me know. You can join me at 11.30am to visit the cooking class. Sorry, I am unable to take other times.

    This won’t be a free class, but if you are thinking of offering classes for a fee, please contact me, so I can expect you on that day. Sat 6 Sep 11.30am sharp at the cooking class at CSC.

    Have fun.

    Terence Seah

  2. I am going to have a look at the bakery and cooking classroom at CSC on Sat 6 Sept.

    Members who are interested to teach cooking or baking classes are invited to join me for the visit at 11.30am. We shall have a tour of its facilities. Please let me know if you are coming.

    Terence Seah

  3. Dear members,

    If you would like to share your cooking receipe and conduct a cooking class, please indicate your item/s on this post.

    Terence Seah

  4. Hi Caroline,

    I like your suggestion that after the cooking classes, the cooked food is packed by the participants and brought home to share with the families. This sounds practical, as the venue does charge us on a per hour basis, if we sit down to eat what the participants have cooked. Bringing the food home does give us time to spend time on the cooking classes.

    Terence Seah

  5. Fantastic idea Terence! Many members mentioned before about wanting to attend/conduct cooking lessons but there was a lack of venue which is equipped with the cooking facilities. This CSC place sounds good.
    Usually attendees pay a fee which includes a copy of the recipes and ingredients. And the cooked food is usually packed to be brought home to share with their families.
    I hope that this project will work out.

  6. A wonderful idea! I would like to learn to cook simple but healthy and tasty vegetable soup. Long, long ago, I saw a vegetarian friend cook a veg soup and I remember she added a stick of cinnamon, but cannot remember how she cooked such a tasty, healthy veg soup.
    I believe in barter trading, but am also willing to pay a fee to learn practical things. ?:)

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