Monthly Gathering for February at Jayleen Hotel – Friday 6 February 2015

This gathering will be held at Jayleen Hotel, 42 Carpenter Street.

Nearest MRT Station: Raffles or Clarke Quay

Big public car park in front of the hotel

  • Date: Friday 6 February 2015
  • Time: 6pm to 9pm
  • Price: $11 per person (inclusive of mini buffet and free flow of tea/coffee and soft drinks)

Please transfer the amount to POSB Savings  Account No. 137-13046-7

Once the money is transferred, please indicate the date of transfer, the amount and the transaction reference in this forum for tracking purpose.

Please register early as there will be a cap on the number of pax due to space constraint.

Only those who have registered and paid up will be treated as confirmed registration. Sorry, no walk in is allowed.

Please bring along your name tag.

Judy Lim

Latest News

Music will be provided for your dancing pleasure after dinner.


6pm – Drinks and getting to know you.

7pm – 7.30 pm –  Dinner is served

7.30pm – Dancing start. 

9pm – Function end.

After the event, those interested can join me to Chinatown for jalan jalan to soak in the festive mood and to do CNY shopping.


Those coming

  1. Judy Lim (EO)
  2. Jazz Soh (Pd)
  3. Andrew Koh (Pd)
  4. Douglas Chan (Pd)
  5. Alice Yap (Pd)
  6. Bira (Pd)
  7. Lily Ho (Pd)
  8. Rina Tan (Pd)
  9. SS James (Pd)
  10. Robert Ong (Pd)
  11. Ann Lim (Pd)
  12. Ah Nee  Karen Thio (Pd)
  13. Peng Peng   Jane Tan (Pd)
  14. Ronald Lam (Pd)
  15. Catherine Koh (Pd)
  16. Bessie Lam (Pd)
  17. Lina Tan (Pd)
  18. Lai Fong (Pd)
  19. Gabriella Chua (Pd)
  20. Veronique Lee (Pd)
  21. Joe Choo (Pd)
  22. Ronald Lee (Pd)
  23. Leon Lau (Pd)
  24. Theresa Seow (Pd)
  25. Lillian Teo (Pd)
  26. Myra Chia (Pd)
  27. Moon Wong (Pd)
  28. Alice Tan (Pd)
  29. Philip Wee (Pd)
  30. Priscilla Wee (Pd)
  31. Lam Hoy Tzee (Pd)
  32. Bee Gek (Pd)
  33. Andrew SP (Pd)
  34. Thomas Loh (Pd)
  35. Eyvonne Chew (Pd)
  36. Joan Ang (Pd)
  37. Jway (Pd)
  38. Yat Sing (Pd)
  39. Malyne Suen (Pd)
  40. Magdalene Phey (Pd)
  41. Jonathan Ong (Pd)
  42. Eileen Ong (Pd)
  43. Bobby Bok John Howe (Pd)
  44. Jenny Lee (Pd)
  45. Choy Kum Weng (Pd)








Author: Judy Lim

Hi ! SHCcian, I am Judy Lim & work as an full time Accounts/Admin staff in Logistics Company located in Changi Airfreight Center. Although I am not really a good singer/dancer yet this two activities are still my first choice of hobby. Beside that I also enjoy travelling. I was attracted by the name of ‘SILVER HAIR CLUB" thru the website & wondering what is the Association or Member club. After reading the forum, I would like to thank the founder - Mr Terence Seah to found the club to gather & brighten those in their 45 & above heart & social life. After my first attendance at the Bali Lane on 15 Mar 08, I noted the members are quite knowledgeable/friendly & looking forward to my 2nd gathering in D/D which in coming Sat. Lastly, I feel glads to join as a SHC member & proud that all of us 45 years old & above are still healthy & strong in our body to achieve senior citizen’s life. Cheer!!! Judy

95 thoughts on “Monthly Gathering for February at Jayleen Hotel – Friday 6 February 2015”

  1. Hi Andrew Yeung

    Are you still available for the monthly this friday, 6 February as Joan Ang has asked me if I wanted to take her place as something has cropped up for her and she would like to give up her seat to me. If you are still keen on attending, please take Joan Ang’s place with compliments from her so no payment needed.

  2. Hi Judy

    Thanks for your reply. I am lazy for the meeting, just want to meet Karen as she will join. Hope you and the others have a enjoyable meeting, especially for Karen. Take more care of her, thanks

  3. Hi Andrew Yeung,
    Sorry, I missed replying to you earlier as I was busy at work and also keeping an eye on this forum as it was coming to the end of the maximum pax and closed the registration once the max pax was reached and then to concentrate on my work which has been giving me problems with the implementation of the new system.
    You just missed out when John Howe paid up for the last vacancy.
    Although I would like very much to include you and others, the hotel did not allow me to do so.
    You may wish to join the next monthly gathering but please register early to avoid disappointment.


  4. Hi everyone,
    We have now reached 45 pax and registration is now closed.
    Thank you to those who have registered and paid up on time.
    To those who missed out, I am very sorry but you can still join the next gathering. Do register early to avoid disappointment.

    Judy Lim

  5. Hi Judy,

    Today surf the comments, found Karen also come for the event, I think I don’t have any excuse to stay at home even I am lazy. Still got vacancy. Will make the payment after your confirmation. Thanks

  6. Hi May,
    Personally I feel that success in organizing any event do not rest with one person but more importantly it is the participants who supported the event and without them there will be no event.
    I am humbled and at the same time happy that there is a full house for my first time being an EO. I hope everything turn out well.

    May, your kind word of encouragement is much appreciated.

    To all members who are coming, let us take this opportunity to meet up and at the same time make new friends.


  7. Hi Judy

    Congratulations for a full house registration! I am sure participants will enjoy the music and dance and also the food! I would love to support you in your first EO party if not for a personal commitment on the same day.

    Anyway, you had done a good job as a co-EO in the first gathering at Jayleen Hotel on 17 Jan 2015. I am sure you will be an excellent EO in your maiden event! Happy organising ya!


  8. Hi Judy
    Just to let you know that my husband also a member will be attending the dinner
    Name: Choy Kum WEng. paid . Ref: 14016928071.

  9. Hi Karen Thio,
    Welcome, welcome.
    It’s great you can join us. Looking forward to seeing you and I’m sure many of us are also eagerly looking forward to meeting you.


  10. Hi Judy,
    Thanks for your prompt reply.
    Though we have been members since 2009 and 2011, we have not been active in the participation of SHC activities owing to our busy sechedules in work and travelling. Yes, we will be looking forward to meet you and the other members too.
    Thank you once again.

  11. Dear Judy,
    Payment transfer via internet banking…..
    Transaction number for your records: 14001827777
    Transfer Currency and Amount: S$22.00
    Tks for organising,

  12. Hi Eyvonne,

    Linda Chong’s membership is no longer in our system. Please ask her to contact

    Dear Members,
    If you have changed your registered email address, please update at at your profile page.

    If you have lost your password, please go into “Lost Password”, put in your email address, and a temp password will be sent to you. If your email address is incorrect, you will not receive any email on your password.

    Terence Seah

  13. Hi Everyone,
    We are reaching our maximum capacity soon.
    We stop at 45 pax based on payment received – first come first serve.
    Those who have registered but have yet to pay will lose their places to those who pay earlier than them.
    Pl do the needful if you are interested in joining the function.
    Thank you.

  14. Hi Everyone,
    Good news. I have arranged with the hotel to provide us with their music system and we have our own DJ to provide music for dancing.

    Dancers enjoy yourselves.


  15. Malyne,
    The fact you can post in this forum shows that you are a member and I think your friend is also a member.
    Thank you for your payment.
    I think we have not met and I look forward to meeting both of you.


  16. Hi Judy,
    I have just transferred $22 to your account 137-13046-7 .
    Date of transfer: 24/01/2015.
    Amount: $22 for 2 persons.
    Transaction Ref: 6224.
    Thanks once again.
    Malyne Suen

  17. Hi Judy,
    I have posted a request for the registration of Magdalene Phey and Malyne Suen for the monthly gathering for February at Jayleen Hotel on 6 February. We are members of SHC since year 2009 and 2011. Up to date, there is no post from me at the website? Do I need approval and confirmation from the administrator?
    Looking to your response soon. Thank you.
    Malyne Suen

  18. Hi Judy,

    I’ve just transferred $22 to your POSB Savings Acc., being payments from Joe and Veronique. Tr Ref: 13985205138
    Thanks and Good day!


  19. Hi Bee Gek, Eyvonne Chew and Ann Lim,

    Thank you for your payment.

    For those who have registered, please don’t forget to post in this forum after payment has been made. This is for tracking purpose. Pl don’t use other method. Thanks for your understanding and co-operation.

    Judy Lim

  20. Hi Judy,
    I have made payment via atm to your Posb Savings a/c for the 2 names below:-
    1) Ronald Lee
    2) Jazz Soh
    Ref no. 3389 dated 21/01/2015 @ 14:32. Amount $22.00 Please update. Thanks.

  21. SS James msg me today informing that Peng Peng is unable to attend and to delete her name.
    He had also forwarded $11 to me today for his registration.

  22. Hi Judy,
    Please include Philip & me.
    Can I write a cheque to “Judy Lim” and bank it into your
    POSB account 137-13046-7 ?
    Thank you very much.
    Philip & Priscilla Wee : )

  23. Thanks to those who have registered. I am looking forward to more members joining this event.
    At the end of this event, those interested can join me to Chinatown for jalan jalan and for CNY shopping.

  24. Thanks Robert for putting my name in your registration for this event.
    Judy, please also include Leon Lau, Theresa Seow and Lilian Teo.
    Will revert when payment is made tomorrow. Regards.

  25. Hi Judy
    Tks for organising. Please register for us:

    Gabriella Chua
    Veronique Lee
    Joe Choo

    Payment will be made individually to your account.


  26. Hi Judy
    Please include the following names:
    Robert Ong
    Lena Tan
    Ann Lim
    Ah Nee
    Peng Peng

    For payment each one will transfer to your account individually.
    Robert Ong

  27. Thank you Judy for taking the lead to develop Jayleen Hotel as the venue for the Feb 6 monthly gathering. Plus, the other members who have helped to coordinate and ensure we have a good deal and program for the event.

    Some members attended last weekend tea party at Jayleen Hotel, and the venue is suitable as the venue for future weekend tea parties. I believe you are using any area at Jayleen; so it would be good to tell us more.

    Members who have not yet organised an activity for fellow SHC members, please make effort to organiser and invite fellow members. You only need to do so once in your membership lifetime.

    Terence Seah

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