EC Event ~ Makan Sutra on Wednesday, 6th May 2015

eating1  eating2  makan sutra drooling


Some makan sutra kakis are meeting at Old Airport Hawkers Centre for our next gathering.  Details are as follows:

Date:            Wed, 6 May

Venue:          Old Airport Hawkers’ Centre (nearest mrt Dakota)

Time:            11.30 am – 2.30 pm

Prog:             Lunch

Curry chicken, Tiong Bahru lor mee or char kway teow (specially

tailored to suit yr tastebuds… can add sea hum, prawns or sotong

(different pricing of cos)

Chit chat over coffee or sugar cane juice

An informal gathering.  Just come to this hawkers’ centre and meet at those stalls mentioned if you’re interested.  We won’t formally wait for each other.  Just gather there on that date/time.  However, do let me know if you’re coming …


Gabriella, EC

Those coming:

  1. Gabriella
  2. Loong Say Meng
  3. Jazz Soh + friend
  4. Peng Peng
  5. Daniel Chan
  6. Tony Ang
  7. Dan Hwang
  8. Alan Ang



9 thoughts on “EC Event ~ Makan Sutra on Wednesday, 6th May 2015”

  1. Thanks to all the makan sutra kakis who turned up for lunch cum coffee at Old Airport hawkers’ centre today. We had a yummilicious time trying various stalls.. let’s do it again another time.

    Thereafter, some of us adjourned for ice cream and floats…. :-) Enjoyed ourselves from 11.30 am – 5 pm. SHC ppl surely have plenty to yak2. Time flies by when you’re with the right company.



  2. Hi Alan Ang
    Nice to know that you wd like to join us tomorrow. Sori that I do not have the stall numbers, but do look out for us near the following food stalls:

    curry chicken
    Tiong Bahru lor mee
    Dong Ji char kway teow
    Jackson char kway teow
    Claypot rice

    The stalls are located somewhere in the centre of the hawkers’ centre.


  3. Hi Kenneth

    Like your chirpy cheerful birdie’s comments… a disappointment that our live wire will not be able to join us. Nonetheless, have a pleasant and safe trip and we’ll look forward to seeing you at our next gathering viz: kopi chat on 14 May.

    Cheerio & SYS :-)

  4. Aiyah…another meeting I cannot attend as I’m only just back from Thailand. Yes, I and three others are driving from Bangkok to Phuket, stopping at Hua Hin, Prachuap, Surat Thani and many small towns along the way.

    Hey, why am I interested in this meeting which bans gossip and the three taboos? May I suggest it is the cameraderie and the banter among like-minded individuals. We should have no malice, self-interest, agenda or axe to grind; and that serves the objective of SHC.


  5. We’re just a bunch of happy retirees whose goal is to make the rest of our life the best in our life…. we deserve this after having worked for umpteen years (average 40+ years for most of us) and raising the Y-generation….Our formal responsibilities are over ya? The ‘golden years’ should be the most carefree part of our life.

    Our motto is: “We work to live, not live to work”…….. haha

    [image=happy retirement.jpg]

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