My Western Side K’OK group

These are all the Western Side K’OK group from SHC.

Just want to share the photo with all . They sing very well and those who are interested to get them sing in the "Mid Autumn" or the Music Jam…  Please do contact the manager karen Thio @ email

Hi all Kaki – just a joke. Happy viewing.

karen Thio

Author: Karen THIO


17 thoughts on “My Western Side K’OK group”

  1. Lydia

    Wow . Thanks and u really in for “this” (haha)

    “My” group sing well (haha) . That night we really enjoyed ourselves very much.


  2. Hi Karen.

    I was pleasantly delighted to see this forum. Now, we have a thread to gather the SHC singers together. Sure, i’m all for the idea of forming a SHC singing group. We can start from karaoke, then progress to live band singing. Soon, we’ll have to start thinking of a name for the group, & maybe costumes, etc. And if we do progress to live band singing, we have to look out for more guitarist, drummers, etc.

    RonW, what do u have to say?

  3. Hi! Lin/Karen,

    Where got fun without all of u beautiful voices.

    Name as : “DAY DREAMY GROUP” & I think I shell wake up & continual my work. (hee….)


  4. Hi Lin & Judy

    I will go find Lobang for all of u , Lin u r in .

    All sing so well and we got comments ” The girls” … so u people all look young & pretty with beautiful voices..

    Please think of name for the group , then I start advertising.


  5. My dear Manager – Karen,

    Since is the Chinese calendar is seven mth, find some lobang & let us to earn some extra income leh. Hope don’t scare away all the good bro. (LOL)



  6. King Seng

    This is the “girl’s Gang” only la. No boys allowed (haha)

    Ya, these group are all professional singers except me la, so I be the manager …


  7. Hi Karen

    The girls in the group looks professional enough. Why only girls, where are the boys?

    Show us the other ‘restricted’ photos as well

  8. Hi Diana

    Surprised to see your comments here. I do not know how to contact u (haha)

    I appointed myself as your “manager” already.

    Rest of photo are all Lin Chuah nonsense la , so i did not want to make her “Malu” or she will “Hum-Tan” me.


  9. My dear Karen

    Wow, dont we look professsional enough to enter a competition? hahaha. You shall be our spokeswoman if we go professional K? Pls dont download any more photos else I also join in the hum tanging.


  10. Lin Chuah

    Tot u will sign in and start scolding me (haha)… wait till I load more of your photo , ok ??

    Can I get your permission to do so now??

    Want the title of Manager la , please so awful mama-san and then who are those ladies in the background ???

    Better use your words properly b4 u kana “Hum-Tham”


  11. Hi hi,

    Thanks to Josephine, the Or-Kwee-niZer and Karen, self-appointed Manager or our mama-san for the karaoke’s arrangement.

    You know, I generally try to practice on 1 or 2 energetic songs at the karoke session, instead I croaked …so funny.
    Diana and I was laughing away, perhaps you didnt noticed it.
    You was so busy clicking the candid shots.

    Have a good day.


  12. Judy

    Still lot of photo but better don post all or I will get lot of “scolding” comments from those in the photo (haha)

    Just wait & see their comments. Lin Chuah already email me direct to scold me already (ha)


  13. Karen Thio- K Manager,

    Thank you for your effort to download all the photograph & every one look like the professional singer. I also wish to take this opportunity to thanks Josephine to booked the “K” room enjoyed ourself.



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