Coffee meet on Thursday, 16 July


July kopi1     july kopi2

Hi everyone

The next coffee meet is here again.  Details of the next session are as follows:

  • Date:           Thursday, 16 July 2015
  • Time:           2 – 4 pm
  • Venue:         Usual haunt viz: Paya Lebar Singpost food court, B1 (next to Paya Lebar mrt station)
  • Charge:        Nil  – just order your own coffee and snacks and join in the fun ~ Seniors can get special discount for drinks from the Kopitiam stall
  • Topics:         Feel free to discuss on anything under the sun except the SHC taboos ~ otherwise FGM will come with his cane  :-)

Come and join in the fun, laughter and fellowship on a lazy Thursday afternoon.  Friendship is very important at this stage of our life ~ Let’s make this lap of our life the best in our life ya?  I’m sure we just want to be HAPPY ~ we have all the tangibles of life.  Perhaps, we should now focus on such intangibles like happiness, love, kindness, care, concern and contentment.

Always remember, the money isn’t yours until you use it.

Register here if you wish to join in.


Gabriella Chua, EO


Registered List:

  1. Gabriella Chua
  2. Loong Say Meng
  3. Jazz Soh (sick)
  4. Daniel Wong
  5. Lim Tiang Soon
  6. Grace Wong
  7. Richard Kwok
  8. Nita Sim
  9. Alice Tan


Although we have a small group of 6 today, I’m sure that we’ll still have a great time ~ a cosy table of 6 for warmer and better discussion :-) .. What is important is that we are good friends!

 Quotes on Happiness (main theme for the July coffee meet)

july kopi4  july kopi6  I july kopi5


23 thoughts on “Coffee meet on Thursday, 16 July”

  1. Hi Jassmine

    Thank you for your wise words… :-)
    Yes, I remember the good old days when my M sacrificed for her children (only my bro and I)… she’s an intelligent woman who gave us the best she could. A tiger mum, no doubt, but now, like a child sometimes … Now and then, her tiger mum mentality returns. But for now, she enjoys when we hold her hand, give it a squeeze and stroke it. That’s life………..

    Till we meet again, thank you Jassmine.

  2. Hi Gabriella,

    Just read and come to know about your mother’s condition.
    Hope she will recover well with her fall. You too, pls take care.


  3. A Big Thank You to Caroline, Janie, Mary and Terence for your kind thoughts and good wishes. I’m really touched!


  4. Hi Gabriella,

    You know best what you need to do, We have only one mother.
    I hope someone will be able to take over your EO role during this time.

    Terene Seah

  5. Gabriella,
    Sorry to read about your mum’s condition. Hope she recovers quickly. You have quite a task at hand and I wish you well. Take care of yourself too.

  6. Dear friends

    I may not be able to EO this kopi kakis meet for a while. We are really a sandwiched generation. After spending years raising a generation, the time has also come to look after our aged parents. My mother fell and is hospitalised. What makes it harder is her ‘dementia’ problem. Short-term memory is poor but these old people (she is 91) can still remember what happened long ago in their life. I’ve loads to learn about this disease of the aged… to be positive, I take it as a learning project for myself. Any advice from anyone would always be welcomed.

    Wd anyone like to take over as EO for this kopi chat?

    Thank you and God Bless

    Till we meet again……

  7. Hello coffee kakis

    Look out for the next coffee kakis meet …. we’ll be moving to another location!

    Meanwhile, be happy and stay healthy…

    Till we meet again.



  8. A big thank you to all the participants at our coffee event today. I’m sure you’ve enjoyed yourselves.

    Take care, till we meet again.



  9. It is ok, Terence. This topic is now the talk of the town. The reason I voiced my displeasure is because I want our children and grandchildren to pay less exorbitant train fare, among other high costs.

    I can understand your edgy reaction although I strongly believe our mutually induced fear should have diminished after 50 years of existence in this nation of ours. I respect your decision.

    While you are quick on this one, you have yet to respond to my question (in another post) for the names of the people in your “committee”.


  10. Hi DanielC,

    Your comment has been rejected. Gabriella’s Post has nothing to do with your comment.

    If you wish to start a new topic/Post, you are free to do so, within the rules of the Club.

    Terence Seah

  11. Hi Gabe

    I know that you’ve been waiting for my reply…but I’ve been waiting too…
    And, much to my disappointment, I cannot make it this Thursday…
    There is a more pressing and urgent matter I need to attend to.

    Have a great meeting!

  12. Hi Tiang Soon
    Tks for your support. I’ve registered for you. Looking forward to chatting with you re: paranormals.. Hee


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