Setting up a Premier Paypal account for your small business

Paypal is a popular way to sell your things and collect money.  It is also a way to pay for goods and services you may buy internationally or locally.

In Singapore, money that is collected by Paypal on your behalf can be withdrawn to a local Singapore account.  Some of you are doing some selling, and may like to set up a Premier account or a Business account.

We are trying to identify a place.  Yew Kwong has been kind enough to conduct a session, approx 2 hours for members who are interested in setting up a Premier Paypal account.  We have not identified the place yet.

But, if you are interested, please register your name here.  More information will be per provided here, when ready.  Charge approx $5 per person.  Priority given to those who register personally on this forum.

Terence Seah

Author: Terence Seah


7 thoughts on “Setting up a Premier Paypal account for your small business”

  1. Hi Terence

    For goondies like me…just like to register in the hope of learning something really useful and rewarding.

    I can also offer my condo meeting room for free…it can accommodate up to 10 persons and has internet access.

    Heehee…Kee chiu!

  2. It is very easy to set up No need to learn Just go PayPal website to register The steps are simple to follow I already done so, have money transferred successfully to my bank

  3. Thank you Rebecca, Jassmine and Bobby, for letting me know your interest. We shall give you priority.

    We will work a date, and let you know, maybe in a week or two. Due to the low interest, we may not do another session again. Keep in touch.

    Terence Seah

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