Hi all Craft & K’OK lover
I will be conducting a craft class of "mini bookmarks" & k’ok on the 25/oct/2008.
Craft – Mini Bookmarks
Place : Heritage Condo at Dover Road Time : 1.00pm – 2.30 pm
Materials & course Fee : S$15 ( 2 pcs of bookmarks – choices of glass beads & accessories)
Photo of Mini Bookmark : http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y64/lohyks/Karen%20Thio/MiniBookmark.jpg
Karaoke Session : 3.00 pm – 6.00 pm
Function Room : S$20 (will be share among all member in this event)
Please bring along all your favourite Hokkien CD – "Train Station" disc
Those who are interested, please register here.
Karen Thio
Registration for Craft
- Patrick Lee
- Andrew Yeung
Registration for K’ok
Andrew Yeung (still considering)
Boon Liang
Marg Tian
Hi Boon Liang , Patrick Lee , Andrew yeung ,Marg Tian
Sorry I will not be conducting this craft classes/k’OK due to the poor response …
K’OK will still be holding at the same place on Devapali Day… please contact me at my private email. Thanks
For you info that I don’t need any secret admirers & only need friends able to gather & chit chat to sharing the topic & I always belived that at out age, most important is keep life healthy to achieve better golden life for future.
Alamak, till now you still don’t really know me well leh, I always find that actual life more important rather than in the sweetdream, as dream surely will wake up one of the day!!!
OK! I am off-duty for today & will enjoy my holiday tomorrow
. Hope that all of you will enjoy the holiday – Hari Raya!!!
WHen I read the 1st part of your msg to Judy , I was about to tell u to stop or her secret admirers will back out with your “sweetdream” …
Did u two really get started ????(hahahhaha)
(This posting is for all to distress themselve la)
Karen, deal ! If you teach “Harry Potter” I’ll come with a hairless goat and myself wearing a hairy goatie and then we start the suti bo mati………
Judy-L, glad that you still can recall our “sweetdream” which is really the shortening of this “….the passing of a sweet to & fro our mouths was an experience even the most romantic could only dream…..”, heeee.
(Better not sabo you any more lest yr secret admirers change target and start admiring cigarettes).
Are you in your sweetdream that sometime ago we kissed till your tongue blunt? May be in your 1st post to welcome me & mentioned 500 years ago we are family. Anyway, totally agreed what you mentioned that this forum can help to de-stress in our work, me also enjoyed reading during my lunch time. (hihi)
Dolly Sifu, thank you for your encouragement & I always enjoy to read your Hokkien English, will learn from you day by day. Thanks!
Karen Sifu, try to conduct a witch-craft & I would like to see how Tim become the witch student.
Wow … your Hokkien is very “Chiam” . It take me awhile to u/stand the whole comment (haha)
If I conudct a witch-craft like “harry-Potter” , u will be the first to register, ok.
Aiyo, Tim, u kong me har?, Dun wori, Judy, kar kar write, mai care tio bo ang mo spelting errors lah.. Guan si tio ho lor.. hahahha :)
Judy-L, me sharp-eyed? Definitely not, I hv nite blindness so bad that I have long abandoned this past-time of liak gou or catching monkeys at nite. Sharp tongue…………it’s blunt now, it must be sometime ago we last kissed?
(Thanks to this forum, it helps me to de-stress in btwn work).
Dont worry lah, just write to enjoy. If that tio bo cha bor is wary of this & that then we wdnt hv enjoyed her hilarity which we all hv come to like.
Btw, thanks for yr fondness for me, heee, I can see that, tio bo?
If Karen’s workshop teaches witchcraft or the craft-to-bluff, I will join.
Tim is SHC Admin la. sitting right in front of the computer to correct everyone grammer (haha).
Sooo ,must check the speeling b4 u post.
Andrew Yeung
Ok, hope u can also join us for the K’ok .
hahaha, you are such a sharp-eyed & sharp-tongued guy. Wonder are you always sitting right in-front of your computer to read the post? so fast with your response within 1/2 hrs.
Anyway, really appreciate your effort to point out my typo error & I will make sure more careful in typing before I submit the comment.
Thank you.
Count me in for the craft session. For the Karaoke session, can I decide on that day? Thanks
“I….full of energy after the whole night dancing at Mandrain……..” Obviously there’s a typo but if you think it shd be spelt as “Mandarin”, you’re wrong. Correctly, the word is “Main-drain” i.e. the main longkang.
Wonder why? Ask her lor………………..
Hope I having full of energy after the whole night dancing at Mandrain Hotel, surely drive myself to Temasek Club to support all of you.
Is ok. Enjoy yoursel on that day , then come join us later for the dancing (haha)
Sorry that unable to support you this events as having company D/D on the same day.
oic, Karen, i dun noe mah.. butter finger lah so no craftwork 4 me lor.. but will definitely b there 2 give supp lor..
Patrick, wu mic but rusty n off-tune 1 la, ai sai bo? hehehee..
No lah Dolly,
I’m there to support(1pm to 2pm). It wouldn’t take much time as I live quite near to Karen’s. Not a problem to get home on time to ZZzzzz….
What about you? Supporting or not, huh ? Come bring your golden microphone along to sing your lungs out from 3 to 6pm ,if not doing the 1st session.
Actually it need only 15-20min to make one la, that is why I want the members to make 2pcs at the event and this is why the K’ok come in .
Wahpiangz, Patrick, u so ‘kiang’ meh – oli nid 1hr den u can do the bookmark meh???
U…Hu… EO Karen
kindly register me for the 1 hr mini-bookmark making session OK.