Ho ho Hahaha buddies of SHC, II like to appeal If you ve extra or no longer use but still in working condition house phones. We need about four to five land lines phone for d underprivileged centre in johor.. Please drop your message here or email me at gohchinhuat @gmail.com.. Life is short so stay happy be happy hoho haha. A India trained LAUGHTER YOGA TEACHER… CHEERS bro Sam Goh
5 thoughts on “Do you have any old but working condition house phones??”
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hohohohoho hahahha sister jennifer ,
10q 10q KAM SIAH KAM SIA jway jway , took d trouble to bring 2 KSL on saturday event hor…here my salute 2 u ya…muach 2 ..hohohohoho hahahaha
next sunday is world laughter day ya…hahahahaha
cheers hahahahhha bro sam goh
Hoho haha sister ,
Of course no lah.. I just sent email to you liao… Check out the email.. Besok I am in town jb around one pm.. Timing match we meet ya… Cheers bro Sam huat
Hi Sam. Are you crazy – asking me to put my address on the net??? Don’t know your email, so pl email me at lishuqing2002@yahoo.com.sg
Monday’s not possible – shopping in JB.
Hoho haha buddies of SHC / seok cheng ,
A very early good morning.. Yes sister , please email me your address, coming Monday I am back. If timing match we will meet up.. Oso like to thanks to three who send through my email ya.. Cheers bro Sam huat.. Laugh for fifteen minutes a day
Hi Sam. I’ve 2 phones to give away. How do I pass them to you?