Hi all,
Have we forgotten how to wish, dream and to have faith?
If we did, let us try to put some cheer to others around us in any way we can. So here is wishing everyone a MERRY XMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009, and le us try to count our blessings no matter how little it may be now and hope things gets better.
Terence, seems a little too quiet for you to be alone this holiday, call me to join a group of us going to JB for a makan spree this Sunday.
2008 is coming to an end…
“The closing year does not seem to bring much cheer,
Yet be not pessimistic about the New Year.
Listen to Santa’s bell – it’s loud and clear.
X’mas is hope and cheer –
Hope for a future without fear;
Hope for a peaceful New Year.
May the New Year start auspiciously,
Perhaps with another $2 COE.
Oh, so many people will be so happy!
For believers in fate –
The wheel of fortune continues to rotate.
In the New Year, may good fortune stop at your gate.”
Wishing one and all a joyful X’mas and a peaceful New Year!
half time in Xmas???? How I wish!!!
My resolution for next year is to get the SHC SCUBA diving group going. Diving season starts around April and I’ll get a trip organised tentatively over the Easter weekend either to P. Aur or P. Tioman.
Golf for me is no. 4 in my list of sports(after SCUBA diving, sailing and tennis). Frankly after that 3 and counting time making a living, there’s not much time left for golf.
3 weeks ago I had a weekend of golf at Khao Yai, playing at Mission Hills and Bonanza and that was my second game for the year. Nevertheless do keep me in the loop for golf.
Hi Janet, Jeff Lim(half time in Xmas)
Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year,
Thanks for the season wishes and the fun thought of having a game sometime. Hope we can get golf too into the SMS system that Terence has started as it can really useful, to get a group to play anytime there is a 3/4 some free.
Jeff, yes pls keep me in the loop if you are planninga diving trip, how about golf too ?
Hi Terrence – many thanks for all the work done for SHC
sorry I have been busy past few months not able to attend
many functions but do read the news sometimes too late tho
anyway merry christmas and a happy new year to you.
Hi Ronald – been busy and not able to get together for a
golf game with you hope to do so after the x’mas season.
Merry christmas to you.
Merry christmas to all the SHC’ians I have met and also to
all those new I have not met. Janet Loo
Dear all,
Wishing all SHCians a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous Chinese New Year.
From: Sekaran & Dhevi
Norlinda #14,
Yes, today is a holiday … Hari Raya Haji. Wishing all Muslims, a happy holidays:
Hope your prayers and sacrifices are accepted by ALLAH,
In the true spirit of EID-UL-ADAH…………….
Mary-Chan & Celia-W,
The famous old story goes like this : when J asked he who hadnt sinned throw the first stone, the people bowed their heads, were ashamed and walked away.
Whoever asks the same question today must be a idiot cos he wd be buried under stones. People today are generally more honest to their dishonesty yet clever enough to know that they’re innocent until proven guilty.
So whoever doesnt throw a stone is telling the whole world that he has sinned.
This world has changed. With money one has more to buy, more to spend and more to waste even as the poor are getting poorer. And angrier. So can we blame the fanatics, the affecianados for wanting to kill believing, sadly, that that wd bring some semblance of a balanced society as the rich, the aristocrats will too get their chances to feel pain and grieve.
So into the New Year, if we are the lucky haves, do spend a thought for the have-nots and help them in whatever small way we can. Not that we can change the world but at least we do get to feel greater inner peace ………
#14 Norlinda sayang,
Saya khabar baik, terima kaseh. Cuppa too hot for summer, I drink cold beer. Next year come to Perth with SHC, boleh? Thank you for being my fren. Wishing you Happy Holidays and enjoyable 2009!
Hi Major,
Greetings to you too. Have been busy, and wishing you a blessed Christmans and New Year 2009 too. Cheers.
Dear Celia,
Nice to see you here, how have you been?
Thank you so much for your compliments. :P
Wishing you a Blessed Christmas & Year 2009, may you have a wonderful year ahead!
Hi Ronald, Terence and fellow SHCians,
Here’s best wishes for the coming new year ahead to all.
Hi Major, your poems are as good as before,
Hi Tim, do not think too much of the negative news, not much one can do nowadays. Cheers to all.
Looks like we have no shortage of poets in our midst. Maybe we can publish a book of SHC poems.
Wishing each of us a blessed Xmas and a happy new year.
Today is holiday..so free at home..so i thot lets kacau the forum!
Terence @1
Nevermind abt the bad reports…its only predictions..miracle happens,think positive,remember?..dont read too much,then less worries..smile & be happy we still hv our loved onces rite?..
Alamak luckily we dinno earlier u check in at BatamView, if not we’ll give u headaches again!…haha!
MaryPerth @5
Apa khabar?I know u always smile & cheery bcos u hv very cute face & even if u don senyum (smile)..u look sweet oredi lah!, surrounded by your veges & fruit trees & tranquil environment..i can imagine u having yr cuppa tea by yr beautiful garden…hhhmmm,what a wonderful life!..
Thank you so much for yr special wishes to us Chiangmai campers!Yes, we had great experience together up in the mountains & the town.Im sure all of us are grateful & blessed to be backed home safely.
To all Shcians
Have a lovable Xmas & bright fruitful NewYear of course!
Thank you for being my frens :)
How sad but true, but let’s all keep a positive outlook and hope the end of the year will bring us all good cheer.
and hopefully A HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Will Santa Claus on a sleigh come a toot toot
Or will the terrorists marking yr centre come to shoot?
Cos its Xams with good tidings to cheer
Cos the accursed are eyeing you to sear.
It’s Xmas so celebrate in good old tradition we must
It’s Xmas so sack & break their tradition they too must
While you booze and boogie through the nite
They choose to set booby for you out of sight.
A soothsayer I am not neither a seer am I
But for sure 2009 is not a 4-D number to buy
Butties they tried all ended up hugging each other to cry
Pockets all dry they smiles went wry.
A better year ahead we all hope
For blessings we queue to ask the Pope
But I say 2009 is a year like the blind many will grope
With quetions many will probe getting answers which sound like jokes.
Dont see me as a contrarian to good wishes
Cos I fear babarians will continue to wreak wretches
Nevermind that high up in heaven gourd watches
Ruefully, he’s sad to see his loved world botches.
For starting this website, let us give Terence a cheer
He is very hardworking,kind and his vision is very clear
In this kind of people network, he is super and pioneer
I want the SHC to be global and it will never disappear
I am new but found SHCians very lovable and sincere
I wish all of them a merry Xmas and Happy New Year.
Hope that 2009 brings them prosperity and better career
Let us celebrate with lot of chocolates & cartons of beer
Dear SHCians,
Wishing All Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year.
Though there are some of us, our lifestyle are greatly affected due to recession, restructure (laid Off ) and / or repression
When things go wrong as they sometimes will
When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest, if you must, but don’t you quit.
Life is queer, with its twists and turns
As everyone of us sometimes learns
And many a failure turns about
When he/she might have won had he/she stuck it out
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow
You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
And you never can tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems so far
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.
Just a word of encouragement “requoted”.
Have a Nice Day.
Patrick Yeo
Dear SHC Friends,
What has happened to the world?
We use to have a peaceful world.
Now its full of terror, fear and pain.
And now global recession, slow growth in the end.
I know it is Christmas when I see white,
sparkling snowflakes twinkling from the heaven,
Hear the joy and laughter of merry people,
Smell of delicious, gooey, chocolate cookies.
Time goes so quickly by,
So much to do and say,
So many places to go and see,
So many things to do and complete.
If we are wise, we won’t waste our life,
Be more loving, kind and forgiving,
I wish all the friends from SHC and friends all over the world,
A Blessed Christmas and New Year with lots of joy, love,
Courage, faith and of course good health and
Eventually good wealth!
Hello All SHCians,
Time has gone by so quickly and we have made more friends or at least for myself this year thru SHC. I am grateful to Terence and not forgetting Dan who had also sent me a welcome note when I said that I would like to join the Soo Kee Nans for Lunch.These are some of my good memories of 2008.
I would like to wish everyone of our SHCians a Blessed, Happy and peaceful Christmas and A Happy and Healthy New Year.
I am also using this Post to call on Lynn whom I met at the
1st. Soo Kee Nan’s Lunch to say that I found some Christmas carols’ lyrics but can’t print for distribution on the 17/12/08’s gathering.My printer is not working and it’s a new one too. Can you,Lynn, or someone volunteer to do this? Thank you. I will share the cost for printing if the volunteer will let me know how much.
Btw,I found the free download lyrics @ Christmas Carols.com.
Hope to hear from Lynn or the Volunteer for this mini project soon.
Thank you.
Geok Suan.
Hi Florence,
Sorry lah cause I just glance thru sometimes so did not register in my mind. Anyway with a new post below the Kebaya ladies smiling faces it makes a nice Xmas and New Year Greeting card, right? Of course I can think of a slight modification to spice the card but better not before Terence run after me.
Good to hear greetings from down under and their different perspectives of life. Yes Mary Lee, like what you say about getting your bearings many a times with friends, family that are too familiar we tend to stay in a rut like a record player.
I can say many thanks again for the many nice people I have come to know this year and the welcome into their homes and world it really light up my life, views and also some personal achievements.
Let us wish all the Chiang Mai campers a very special Xmas and I am sure this Xmas brings them closer to their families after their experience.
Oh yeah Mary!
I totally agree wif U that I’m thankful that I’m alive after witnessing how my hubby dropped dead at 50yrs old.
What an inspiring poem of yours to share
For someone like U who always care
Even from downunder a SHC member
I’ll always love to remember!
Troubles plague many in 2008
through them we learn to ‘gohead’
It is all part of life
we will learn to survive.
Every morning, I say thanks, I’m alive!
as I become aware of others’ strife.
Thank you all for sharing
through SHC, I gain some bearing.
From afar, I send my heartiest greetings,
May Christmas bring hope and a good start to your engines.
With Love
Mary Lee – from Perth
Hi All SHCians,
Was rather disappointed when the Xmas Party was CANCELLED due to poor response.
Yup! The economic recession & expectation of worse in 2009, let hope we’ll not be affected & dampened by it… here is wishing everyone a Blessed Xmas & A Better 2009. Regards
Halllllooo Ronald Wie……alamak, didn’t you read my comments, DEC 5th: “Today’s News Reports”??? I wished everyone A Happy, Healthy & SAFE New Year already leh…definitely a Merry Christmas too. I’m a bit early, but here’s my New Year’s resolution: Try to attend all if not some of SHC’s functions. Cheers.
Yes, to everyone in SHC:
A Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.
Despite the current gloom, I’m sure we all have lots to be thankful & happy about. So put on a Happy Face :)
Hi Ronald,
Thank you for the initiative to launch the Christmas and New Year greetings, to all SilverHairs.
May I take this opportunity to wish all SHCians a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. News reports are so demoralising, that we will have a terribly bad recession next year, and slow growths in the next many years.
And, I have booked my hotel room at Batam View. Am bringing my laptop and thinking how to recreate my thoughts. Also, being naughty too. I plan to arrive Batam early Sunday morning and out late Monday afternoon.
Terence Seah