come to JB for dinner & dance @ RM 98.00 .

hohohohoho hahahaha brothers & sisters ,

First time helping a good buddy to this EC event .

date 31 August 2016



VENUE Marina Seafood Restaurant .

1D jln skudai ,80200 JB JOHOR

SAM Goh 0107666056

THERE will also be lucky draw ya….

first five buddies to confirm ,i can give a lift from JB SENTRAL ..2 ways ya…

AND if these five re keen we can hit desaru ..shall discuss this when five interested buddies raise your hands ya….

if any car owners like 2 form your own buddies ,by all means ya …tickets is fast running out ya …i can lead de way to the venue ker !!!

cheers bro sam goh hohohohoho hahahaha

11 thoughts on “come to JB for dinner & dance @ RM 98.00 .”

  1. wow x 3 , it was real real eye opening man !!! ,

    hahahaha , it was fun & good fellowship plus de food was damn shiok ya …

    1st time had a taste on ah meow durains ..all thks 2 bro terence treat ya .

    many donor did want 2 buy de homes expensive types ..we oso say do not spoil them normal type will do …

    hohohohoho , the event was oso like our SHC styles ya..many chio bu swee swee ladies most wear like going for beauty contest …many ladies come on single too.hahahahha not forgetting de singing & dance too was oso FUN ya …

    our brother terence , was the only 1 in our table won a RM400 lucky draw which he give it away ya….thks again bro terence !!!!

    cheers & hohohohohoho hahahhahha

    bro sam goh

  2. ole ole ole schooling win gold lei for o lan pig game lei !!!hahahahahha lei….
    no problem lei bro terence as usal lei ,pick u & JB SENTRAL ..please WHATT APP me when ur about 2 reach spore checkpoint lei !! aa ming pei bo ?? under stand huh ??? also let me the time 2 pick u up lei !!!
    why why lei ,no one have a post on our SCHOOLING winning lei !!! i ,@ first tot .he like our CHINA ( come home in NAKxxx again charmed over to spore & asked to represent our small small small re dot for de GOLD lei !! i was totally waylaid by some
    bookies here he is from other country lei !! so sorry to my sister who aruge all de way lei…OKAY OKAY lei ,i see u terence ah hiah on 31 august MPV now beside ternce have 2 charity buddies from JB …ole ole ole i ve to say bye bye liao lei !! going to watch CNN news lei !!! hahahahahaha
    bro Sam Goh

  3. Sam,

    I won’t be in Spore the whole of next week, so cannot pay you. I can transfer you in SGD thru a dbs/posb account. Plse advise.

    I have an appt on Wed 31 Aug morning, so I can see you at the restaurant or after customs.

    Jeff, love to take your transport, but I will have cross over by then.

    For those who can join, great, it is Malaysia’s National Day.

    Terence Seah

  4. hhohohoohoho hahahhaha bro jeff ,

    i remember u said u oso drive a MPV ….okay why not u gathers your kakts ,
    then alert me how many tickets u want . i am coming back 2 sg on 24 Aug wednesday to collect de cash from you . ( please pay in RM ) .

    wi;; most likely meet up @ the shell petrol kiosk in jb ,after u had pass the CIQ in JB SENTRAL ya….please let me know ASAP as tickets is selling like HOT CAKES YA .

    it a singing ,dancing & sit in 8 course dinner with lucky draw too ….i forgot to mention in the top of my post every table is allow 2 singers . my this buddy oso have a outlet in karoke in pelangi for donkeys years …

    cheers now am doing silent laughter yoga for 20 mins ya…hahahahhahahha
    for each of our own healths do laugh eveyday for sixty days at least 15 minute to half an hour .it increase our good cell & feel very fresh ..check it out on youtube
    about laughter yoga ….very good very good yeah !!!
    bro sam goh

  5. good a morning buddies of SHC ,

    hahahahha bro terence , okay on ya….no problem night life is more exciting den in spore ya….
    hahahahha miss NO blur daIsy Wee …on count u in ya…..

    cheers bro sam huat , will arrange to collect de tickets & den u pay me ya…..
    have a good day buddies ..hahahahahha hohohohoho


  6. Hi Sam,

    This is just a thought.
    I am thinking of staying overnight in JB after the dinner; as \i would like to find another luxurious hotel in JB to host another event towards the end of the year. I heard there are two nice hotels; one is Mutiara and the other is Intercontinental. Perhaps, the next morning.

    Please think about it. Also I like to visit some naughty spots after dinner.

    Terence Seah

  7. wow wow bro terence , me no lawyer lah ,so simple ang mo only ya….

    okay noted your keen interest …in those days skudai is very popular with all sorts of …….. hot action MERCHINTA ….HUNG HOH ….777 kopi tiam & de longest pasar malam in JB ..AND many more ya…arlight buddies ,if any1 in SHC need any tips ,lobong or whatever knots ,i sam huat will try my very best to help if possible ya….

    okay ,1 seat taken by our big brother ,1 by my buddy…four more vacant seat left ya….
    cheers & what a hot day ya….
    bro sam huat

  8. Hi Sam,

    You have been very supportive of SilverHairsClub, and I like to encourage you to be one of SHC contacts to the JB Area. I take almost 15 mins to read 5 paragraphs of your English, and I appreciate your good honest heart.

    I have not been to the Skudai area since 30 years ago. I like to confirm my coming to join you at Marina Seafood Skudai, as I arr Singapore the day before.

    Terence Seah

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