One night in JB, 8/9 July 2017

A video cotribution by MegaA as a kickstart to “One night in JB”.

We had a Dinner and Dance at KSL resort, JB some months ago.  The feedback was generally good, and this time again, towards the year-end, we shall have another event in JB, over a Sat/Sun.

Feedback from members suggested that transport from Singapore to the event is an important consideration for many members.

Feedback from dancers suggested that the dance floor needs to be big enough and suitable for dancing.

We had good feedback on the food, the rooms and the event proper, although some fine tuning is required to make the event more fun and enjoyable.

Feedback also indicated we can consider a venue change.  Besides KSL, we may consider the Double Tree Hilton hotel.  We are now confirmed to use KSL hotel and resort again.

Again,”One night in JB” promises lots of dancing, singing, good food and good companionship. This time around, the Club will target 40 pax, with a possibility of up to 200 participants.  We shall leak out more details as we form the committee.

You are invited to contribute your ideas and suggestions. The date has not been set but it will be Nov or Dec 2016 be around mid 2017. Transport from Singapore will be provided from Singapore via the 2nd Link, though optional if you wish to drive yourself or go on your own via the causeway.

If you like to join the club committee for this event, plse WhatsApp me at 9489-4360.

Terence Seah

Author: Terence Seah


21 thoughts on “One night in JB, 8/9 July 2017”

  1. Thank you Sue for the support. And I appreciate your kickstarting this “One night in JB”.

    I am looking forward to more group leaders taking a table rtoo. TQ again.

    A new post will be created.

    Terence Seah

  2. Hi Terence,

    This social event held at the same KSL is indeed convenient & centrally located in JB. To kickstart the registration, do register a table for me please.

    The name list will be provided in due course.


  3. We have finalised the cost for our Dinner and Dance “One night in JB” on Sat night 8 July 2017 at KSL Hotel, JB. This event will be held at the Bukit Tinggi Ballroom. We have managed to hold down the cost, and to encourage participation, the event will be opened to non-members. There is also an early Rooster discount.

    Cost of D&D ticket:
    * SGD 40 per pax (SHC members). Early Rooster discount 10% at SGD 36 per pax.
    * SGD 45 per pax (non-SHC members).

    The 10% discount is given to the first 40 pax. If you have already formed a table of 10 pax, simply indicate your name first, as head of table. We can add the participants names before 30 April 2017. Payment for the tickets payable before 10 May 2017.

    All participants will be on the registration list. An update post will be put up next week.

    Terence Seah

  4. Our theme “One night in JB” is moving ahead with more ideas and suggestions. The setting will be the 70s. As in all orevious “One NIght” events, we will have plenty of dancing, singing and music”. If you are a regular to JB during the mid 70s, please share your fun and activities with us here. We are likely to pick up some of your nights, and adapt them into our evening program.

    The entire evening will be spaced as follows:

    1. We will have a short segment of popular Malay songs, which should be familiar with many of you. This is assumng you are now beteween 55 and 65. I am still in the process of finding someone to lead this program.

    2. Next, we shall move into the Chinese segment, which will be broadly Mandarin, Cantonese and Hokkien music. I shall announce and provide more details as we go along.

    3. And finally, the English segment. all songs and dance will be themed around the 70s.

    We will have a closing segment, and I am looking for someone to lead us into a great closing. This is also when we announce the next theme and venue.

    In our planning, we are targetting 40 pax. But, as you know, we will always aim higher. Please put the dates in your diary. This event is strictly for SHC members. Due to limited resource, we will not be taking in new members after mid June 2017. An early Rooster discount will be given to help the organisers do a better planning. So, form your tables now. Tickets will be sold after 8 April 2017.

    Terence Seah

  5. This year, we will hold another event “One night in JB” at KSL resort, JB. The venue and date 8/9 July is confirmed.

    Already confirmed are the event proper, the rooms and transportation from Singapore and back. Please keep these two full days in your diary. Hotels and transportation are optional, and members can choose where they stay and how to go to KSL. Please start forming your own tables.

    The theme will be One night in JB. It will be up to our imagination. Please speak out and we will hear you out.

    If you like to join the organising committee, this is the time to decide how the program will work out that night.

    We are targeting for members to arrive at KSL by 2-3pm via the 2nd link. We are working on an optional stop halfway too.

    On the return leg, we will also have another optional stop. This will be announced at a later date.

    We have our Treasurer Christina Chan in place. Registration positions are also in place.

    So, let’s start our program planning, find your friends to come along with you and wait for our early bird discount. We will announce price before mid Apr 2017.

    As to how many people will come, it will be up to us. Have fun in the meantiime.

    Terence Seah

  6. Here are updates on our KSL “One night in JB”. We are organising this program so that members can get to interact with one another.

    Event proper: D&D with dinner
    Date 8 July 2017.evening
    Venue: KSL Hotel and Spa

    Recommended Hotel: KSL Hotel and Spa.
    Members can also stay in any other hotel of their choice.

    Transport will be organised from Singapore to KSL via 2nd Link. Return: will also be organised, via 2nd link. Time: ETD early morning, Return ETD afternoon.

    Members can also choose to go on their own via private arrangements or public transport via the causeway.

    Please put 8 and 9 July 2017 in your diary. Start finding your room mates, find your private transport partners and book the hotel of your choice.

    There will be an early bird discount. Watxh out for it.

    Terence Seah

  7. I appreciate Doreen Chan helping us to organise a 2D 1N event in JB.

    The night activity will be “One night in JB”. We have blocked the date 8/9 July 2017. Please put this into your diary. Updates will be announced here from time to time.

    Terence Seah

  8. “One night in JB” is in progress, Thank you to members who have been helping to piece the ideas together.

    * Venue: We can confirm the venue will be “KSL Resort & Spa”.
    * Date: Not fixed yet; but will be around mid year. It will be a Sat/Sun event. Once confirmed, members shall be kept informed.
    * Transport: We will provide a bus to/fro Singapore via the 2nd link to KSL.
    * F&B: An international buffet has been selected.
    * Theme: Not confirmed yet.
    * Accommodation: KSL Resort and spa. You may stay at any other hotel, of your choice,

    We shall start our process of preparing the theme, and the program.
    I am looking to form the committee, and you are invited to participate. This is a good opportunity for you to be involved in the theme and program.

    Terence Seah

    1. Hi Terence, I missed it the last time due to prior engagements so I am looking forward to attending this event and hopefully the date will be good for me.
      Thank you

      1. Hi Caroline,

        I welcome your intention to attend this “One night in JB”. I shall be in touch with you to join the team in creating the theme for the night.

        For many of us, JB is no longer a mysterious city. Johore is a large state with beautiful beaches and chalets on the East Coast. JB city has always provided Singaporeans with attractive tasty food like Satay beehoon, mutton soup, roti Chenai, exotic tastes from Peninsula Malaysia and its own wonton noodles. We drive into JB to enjoy the lower price of petrol late at night. Johore city is well remembered for its night entertainment, drawing men to its the bright lights and romantic sounds. Today, JB is still attractive to Singapore families for food, shopping and gateway to West Malaysia.

        Many Singaporeans have enjoyed JB over the years, and have gone into this city week after week. But we have also many Singaporeans who have yet to peep into JB. As a Club, we can make it possible for members to enjoy each others company away from home in a city across the Straits where submarines used to swim by.

        ” One night in JB” is one of many themes we create to re-kindle our younger days, free and easy from our parents and grandparents.

        Members are encouraged to give their suggestions and ideas to bring in “One night in JB”. Make it a night you had experienced, and together as the SilverHairsClub, we bring our good old days right here in JB.

        Terence Seah

  9. “One night in JB” took a short break in planning. Now, that we are into the Rooster Year, we shall start planning again. From feedback, we are now likely to have “One night in JB” as follows:

    1. Venue: KSL Resort
    \2. Date: Like April 2017, over a Sat/Sun
    3. Transportation: This time around, transport will be arranged.
    4. F&B:

    5. Theme: While, the main theme will be “One night in JB”, we are ready to finetune the theme to make the event more exciting and exotic.;
    6. Committee: If you would like to assist in the committee, please give me a buzz on whatsapp +65 9489 4360.

    Terence Seah

  10. We are also in the process of working on the theme and program for the D&D at KSL. We like to open this opportunity to members who wish to have an event during the D&D. The main theme is “One night in JB”.

    We hope to close the concept by 31 Oct 2016. Then, the program for the evening will be arranged by the committee. From previous event, the program is tight, and we are unable to accommodate additional items. So, the earlier you give your suggestions, the earlier we can see if it fits in the main theme.

    For example, if you think we should have a floor show, this may be an idea. If you think we should have a beer competition, do let us know. Or if you feel the event should be strictly English songs, alsop share your thoutghts. Last year, we have a thot to have nasi lemak at 11pm, because we thot members would be hungry; but some thot the food would not be allowed by the hotel.

    Maybe, we should have a quiz, a game, or something.

    Time to share your ideas. Deadline 31 Oct 2016.

    Terence Seah

  11. From those who have fedback on the venue for our overseas D&D in JB, KSL resort still is the most popular recommendation for this event. So, KSL is the decision. Thank you for your feedback.

    Now, we have to decide on the dates. First, the dates should be on a Sat/Sun. Sam Goh lives in JB, and he is appointed liaison with the hotel re food and venue. He will be checking out the available dates. We can have this event in Dec, Jan or Feb 2017. Please suggest sutable dates, and Sam will check it out.

    We also plan to have small mini bus to ferry members from Singapore to KSL and Back. If you have recommendations or suggestions, please let us know.

    Terence Seah

  12. “One night in JB” brings back memories or many memories of our stay in this city, north of Singapore.

    Maybe, for many, JB is our shopping stop, away from Singapore. We buy everything when the ringgit was 1.20 to 1 SGD. Today, when the ringgit is 1.3, we may be shopping more. For drivers, the thought of buying petrol and driving across the causeway may mean a week supply to get around Singapore.

    As young couples, before many of is got married, we treasure the suppers across to JB, anytime from midnight to 2am. Where did we go and eat at our favourite haunts?

    Driving to JB means traffic jam; and yet, it is worth going across. With friends, I can only remember the Straits View hotel, with entertainment throughout the night. I remember being the shy type, bit o was always tempted to hug and kiss the girls after a couple of drinks. My colleagues were fun. After getting half drunk, we dragged ourselves for teochew porridge, before sobering up and driving back to Singapore. Next day, none the wiser and back to work.

    JB or further away in Desaru, thoughts of staying in huts or attap houses along the beaches may mean prawns, praying mantis and cuttlefish. Fresh and available morning to night.

    Do you remember the good old fashioned mutton soup, that has always made every man stand. A bowl for one ringgit. And all served from a big aluminium pot. Sitting on small stools, under the skies, and sometimes sweating on the second bowl.

    Plenty of temptations for young men and families. Maybe more for men. For those who do business in JB, this is a great city to entertain business partners.

    Today,JB has its dark sides. We hear this and we hear that. Many members have not stepped into KB. We are afraid of being kidnapped, robbed, ransomed, cheated and having our cars stolen.

    Shopping is no longer cheaper with all the toll fees we pay going on and out.

    But JB is still memories. Whether you are coming to “One night in JB” or still thinking, do share your experience and memories of this city that will continue to be a quick holiday away from Singapore. You can definitely help us formulate the theme and activities of “One night in JB”.

    Terence Seah

  13. To kickstart “One night in JB”, we have a song “Best of Friends” contributed by Mega. It reflects upon SHC objective. And how meaningful and important good friends are.

    Video is up on this Post. Enjoy.


  14. “One night in JB” planning is on, and with a good start start too. Feedback is flowing in, tq for the ideas. The committee will be formed soon. Plse make your recommendations so that the committee can review them.

    1. Theme: One night in JB
    2. Venue: KSL resort, Double tree by Hilton, waterfront Hotel suggested by LydiaChin..Both SS James and Sam Huat have suggested a hotel venue at JB Sentral.
    3. Music: No suggestions yet.
    4. F&B: No suggestions yet but likely to be organised in conjunction with venue decision.
    5. Transport: depending on venue, transport may be included and optional.
    6. Committee:
    E0: Terence Seah
    Treasurer: identified, will be announced soon.
    Registration: will be announced soon.
    Ticket sales: will be announced soon
    Prizes: will be announced soon
    Transport: will be announced.
    Music: will be announced, after committee is formed.

    Please keep your suggestions flowing on

    Terence Seah

    1. Hi Terence, ooooo I love the song. I have agreed to help in the organising committee but hopefully the dates dont crash with the 2 wedding dinner dates i have on 4th n 10 Dec. Cheers

  15. hohohooho hahahha after two weeks in KL IPOH ,CAMERON HIGHLAND ,

    yo yoyo ,now back to JB ya….bro terence , there is a new hotel which claimed it open this year march ya….please buddies check it out ! holiday villa jb city centre .

    3 minutes away from KSL ..i just happened to hear from my KL buddies . will recee these 2 days ya….thks for your blessing in what app ya !!!

    hohohohoho hahahahha bro sam goh

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