The Rope

Hi SHCians
Want to share this………
The Rope
Eleven people were hanging on a rope under a helicopter; 10 men and 1 woman. The rope was not strong enough to carry them all, so they decided that one had to leave, otherwise they were all going to fall. They weren’t able to choose that person, until the woman gave a very touching speech. She said that she would voluntarily let go of the rope because as a woman she was used to giving up everything for her husband and kids or for men in general and was used to always making sacrifices with little in return. As soon as she finished her speech, all the men started clapping.

15 thoughts on “The Rope”

  1. Read it somewhere. Well well, women thru time immemorial
    are always one up (one only) on men. TimL, what say you, my stylist and prolific writer.

    Women can be smarter at times, may not be intelligent always.
    Fate has it that there is one woman destined for each
    of us, Man.
    If we miss her, we are saved.

  2. “……women……are always one up (one only) on men. TimL, what say you…..”

    PatLee, I, very bad mood lately lah but now am here and reading you.

    I like to suck, not suck-up to women….let them know who is the boss but once they know that, they can be my boss……..onee up but 2 bells dangling, 69, M-thru, bayeee, whatever.

    “…..the woman gave a very touching speech. She said ……as a woman she was used to giving up everything for her husband and kids……….and was used to always making sacrifices with little in return.”

    Many women are incorrigible. They talk turkey but think they make touching speeches (we men are touching and so we touch, dont rant). They ae so convinced that by telling us men how great, altruistic & magnanimous they are, we will believe and go down on our knees, eyes teary.

    Ok, if we kneel it’s bcos we want a more vantage view of what we’ll get to see, looking up. If our eyes well, it’s bcos we want to make better actors than them. If they say they make sacrifice, we will help them fulfil their wish.

    Such women out ther, look my way. I am heading for the zoo tomorrow and my carnivorous butties in there are hungry. You wont sacrifice with nothing in return……’ll be kept warm, bever feel this warm in life, in the stomach of the tiger………..

  3. ….She said that she would voluntarily let go of the rope.. As soon as she finished her speech, all the men started clapping.Goodbye!


    Not really, a V.SELFISH woman indeed and also SCHEMING!

  4. Geraldine Ting
    Appreciate your humour.
    I’ve read this one before but it still brought a smile to my face.
    It’s hard to believe that the men were so appreciative of the woman’s ‘sacrifices’. ;-) Whoever wrote this apparently wanted to make the men look foolish, hahaha.

    Well, whatever it is, it made me smile, so Steven Chan, cut the crappy comments ok? They are beginning to make you sound like a woman hater. Or perhaps you are, like some people?

  5. TimL, sorry to hear you are in bad mood recently. Cheer up buddy. Yes! Not worth, if because of woman. You missed my..
    Fate part about woman…. and if we missed Her, we are saved. The worst fact is, we can never miss a woman, with our macho torso and their voluptuous insinuation.

    I just cannot hide my accolades to you TimL in your rancorous undertone of a woman. I love your frankness. Many a times, the taming of the shrewd is a man’s job.

    StevenC, you are too mild to say women are selfish. Many women are killers of Men. See how those stupid 10 guys just
    got conned to their death. Never believe a woman 100%. Intuition lah !


  6. You’re promised a pot of gold but what you find after scaling the rainbow, is a Thank You card at the end, gilded edge it may be. No, my foul mood hasnt anything to do with women.

    Seriously, PatLee, I cant wait for Sengh to open shop, whether to sell dates or dating service of the kind I have recommended. See, if he opens a boy-date-boy shop then we – 2 not too young farts – can openly hold hands and walk in Orchard Rd to promote Sengh’s biz and spare him the agony of doing his sumokong pole dancing. We can fall in love unabashedly and invite SHCians to our engagement. Heeee, me so stressed, getting a bit bien tai liao.

    I dont dislike women, nay hate them. In fact, it was a woman who created me and if I had screwed up my life, it was my own doing.

    I’d have called it game, set and started a new match if not bcos of another female to whom I owe a responsibility of seeing her grow up for as long as my earthly lease allows. So far she’s a joy and has not failed me.

    I hv had women all my life. In the past months I tried not to have one and life was placid until a puppy was dumped in my arms……… prize guessing it was a woman.

  7. Same like you TimL, I never hated women, we hated ourselves to love woman unconditionally. What can we men do without women on earth. My feeling is mutual. You may not agree with me, we men are the weaker sex.

    The Emperors of the Chinese Dynasty, most of them died before they even reached 45 years, with the exception of Shi Huang Ti who lived beyond 60 years. Why ? too many concubines and women. ( Death by exhaustion and over-indulgence of the coquettishness of the Beauties).

    TimL, I do now want to fall in love with a guy and walk down Orchard Rd. We will be napped by the authority. Goh Chok Tong raised a storm on Gays but nothing is legal yet.

    We two are lucky, in our mid 60s.Are you? We still got many good years to enjoy the sunrise and sunset. Not necessarily with woman.

    Moderation is the art of restraint.
    Over-indulgence is pleasure turn misery.

    To serenade a woman:
    “O wild,dark flower of woman,
    Deep rose of my desire,
    An Eastern wizard made you
    Of earth and stars and fire.”
    —G.G.D Roberts — The Rose of my Desire.

    I always belief, it is God who makes woman beautiful,
    but it is the devil who makes her “pretty”

    So the debate goes on: Are women truly intelligent?
    Geraldine, you really aroused Men’s interesting topic, about WOMEN. You are the temptress of the modern world……Hahaha !

  8. Yes, PatLee, I’ll go further by saying that we’re weaker in sex as Annabelle has so conclusively proved to the world in that 10 plus hours.

    I dont have a Chinese emperor as friend but do understand that the cricket emperor Chu Yuen Zhang, founder of Ming, did live beyond 45, probably he jiat po, created and fed himself with many qiao hua ji (beggar chicken).

    In terms of age, I am almost 1 cycle didi to you (luckily not idi……amin).

    Heee, you’re so frank to say that the authory nap so if they nap then how do they nab us leh? ah Goh is tall and can be easily watched even at a distance so agree, he can be a liability, he’s out.

    “Geraldine, you really aroused………” I wont ask how you know that but will take you by yr words.

    Women……….yes, beautiful but seldom can beat the fool, pretty always can make baby…….hehehe.

  9. Hi Tim / Pat Lee ,

    1) In the human race, the FEMALES are more beautiful
    than the males.

    2) In the animal kingdom,the reverse is true.
    MALES are more beautiful than the females. Look at the guppies for instance, the more colourful and beautiful ones are males.

    Another eg,the MALE peacock has long beautiful plumes while the female peahen has dull feathers.

    Lastly, the MALE lion has a ” impressive ” mane while the female has none.

    Oh my Gd! WHY is nature so PUZZLING?

  10. You see ‘Tai Kor’ TimL. I am laying my card on the table. Will be 64 this June. If one cycle, in the chinese zodiac is 12 years. Better learn to eat more salt from you leh !
    Maybe I am wrong about being aroused because there is ‘no
    picture no sound” from Geraldine leh.

    StevenC, I will check with my lion friend if I am reborned into the animal world, hopefully to be a male lion. I don’t want to be a pea – cock lah.(pea means tiny)I am just as puzzling. I don’t think I can attain enlightenment
    now since I joined SHC with ‘tai kor’ Tim around. My meditation is cracking up hahaha !

  11. Hi Mary

    Glad that this joke made you smile! We all need a little humour each day to brighten our day especially during this global crisis and to count our blessings for the things we have. Despite this mess that we are all in due to greed, etc, it is still a beautiful world.

    Have a nice weekend……..

  12. Steven

    Lighten up! Would still share this joke if it’s the other way round. Good to hear your opinion, though. Just as you mentioned in another post, tastes differ. Thoughts differ, too. No right or wrong.

    Yes, nature is puzzling…..Tim can write a book about this, I’m sure. haha

  13. Hey Patrick

    You are trying to get to enlightenment and I am trying to get to Nirvana – did not realize it would arouse anything or anyone especially you! kekeke……..

    The fact that you don’t wish to be reincarnated as a peacock, you are now far from enlightenment. Oh dear!

  14. To answer your question Joyce, is because they are having a game of tuck-of-war with the helicopter pilot to see whether the helicopter is stronger or the 11 blokes.

    (The moral of this rope story is: Know your strength and weakness. You are entitle to be stupid, but do not abuse the privilege…..hehe!) Geraldine, my original poster
    girl, am I right?

    Geraldine. You make me “hei tham” or “tham siong keng”
    sin choi, sin choi. Hahaha !

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