Focus group discussion : To find out what does a retiree need for him/her to want to live in Thailand

Hi Silver Hair fellow brothers and sisters

I am holding a focus group discussion for individuals who are interested to retire in Thailand to talk about the needs and wants that are important to living in Northern Thailand.

Date : Sun, 15 Jan 2017, 2pm to 4.30pm.
Location : Blk 495C, Tampines St 43, #08-384, S522495.
Duration : 2.5 hours
Number of participants : 10

The following is the agenda.

1 What do you like about living in Singapore ?
2 What you do not like about living in Singapore ?
3 Do you think you will enjoy the same lifestyle in 2 years’ time and beyond if you choose to remain in Singapore ?
4 Team Presentation
5 If you are given a chance to retire in Thailand, what you must have and what you wish to have ?
6 Team Presentation
7 An example to illustrate the lifestyle you will have if you choose to live in Thailand
8 Q&A

Total participants : 10 max
Facilitator : 1

Light refreshments will be provided.
Please write to me on “” leaving your name and mobile number if you need any clarification. Thank you.


Hong Jeng

Participant list :
1. Terence Seah
2. Jassmine Teo
3. Stella Sheng
4. Jeffrey Lim
5. Zacman Chiam
6. Richard Lean
7. Lilian Teo
8. Bobby Bok
9. Daisy Wee
10.Theresa Seow
11.Ong Lin Lhim

Registration closed.

Direction to my place :
Take bus 293 from Tampines Bus Interchange, located next to Tampines MRT. There are 2 buses of 293. Take the one bus going to Tampines St45. Count 4 bus stops from Tampines Bus Interchange. Alight at Blk 493B. Look for Blk 495C behind bus stop.

Author: Hong Jeng

I was born in the year of the Ox. Moo Moo. Easy going by nature. Enjoys food at hawker stalls. Likes dancing, tennis, cycling and nature. Loves hi-fi and relaxing music. I work for a Technology MNC.

35 thoughts on “Focus group discussion : To find out what does a retiree need for him/her to want to live in Thailand”

  1. Hey Daniel

    The assumption is if the person stops working and income coming in is low or zero, and if he lives longer, say by 10 years or more, will he have enough money to sustain his longer life and standard of living ? The key point is to stretch his money if he lives in a lower cost country.

  2. Hi Hong Jen

    It’s really encouraging to see you and others venturing into retiring overseas especially in Thailand.

    What I was trying to say is that there were many discussions and ideas mooted before on SilverHairsClub…but to no avail. Nobody was keen to take them further than just an acknowledgement that it was an option to retire overseas.

    The sad, or rather, optimistic conclusion (if you look at it from a Singaporean perspective) is that many prefer to remain in Singapore, going for short-term stays overseas to enjoy the change of environment and pace.

    But only when push comes to shove; when one finds it impossible to cope with the costs of living in our beloved country, when pull of family or a foreign spouse…then, and only then will a retirement in another country make sense.

  3. Hi Kenneth

    With the ever increasing cost of living in Singapore and Singaporean living longer life due to excellent medical care, why not stretch our money by living in Thailand.
    Your idea of 1 to 2 month stay to immerse in the local scene is a good one and will be taken into consideration if anybody decides to live in Thailand either short term or long term.

  4. Heehee…my favorite topic…rather, my beaten-to-death discussion…
    It seems that every now and then someone comes up with the suggestion to look into retiring in a Thailand destination.

    What can I say…after so many discussions?

    Just what the famous Nike slogan suggests: Just do it!

    Anyone considering retiring in another country should spend an inordinate amount of time in that place. Not the usual weekend, tourist “Hi and bye!” but really, a month or two of itotal mmersion into the local scene and living just like the locals do. Only then you can decide whether it’s really what you want, the place you can live in, the people around you, and all the nitty gritty!

    But alas, most Singaporeans cannot part with the good life that we enjoy (in Singapore), where friends and family, car and convenience, just the “safe and secure” feeling..

    What!!?? Leave Singapore for another country?? You must be kidding!!

  5. Hi Team

    Attached are photos of yourself in action ! As Jassmine pointed out that although we are all silver haired, we are still sharp in our minds !

  6. Hi Jassmine

    Thank you for the positive feedback. I am happy that the session is useful to you. It encourages me to follow up with the next session. I am very thankful to have sharp and knowledgeable participants to make this a meaningful event for everyone.

  7. It was a formal group discussion with a facilitator who provided all the necessary materials for note-making and presentation….. This part was de ja vu for many of us who had to participate in group discussions before our retirement. Then, after the introduction, the silver haired participants spontaneously turned it into an informal discussion and in this cheerful and relaxed setting, we contributed our thoughts.

    What stuck me most was our group of participants were all very sharp in their minds …and were so animated especially when the discussion turned risqué as one of the groups wrote under “need” the word **x! Straight away another member saw a golden opportunity to be a mamasan!

    Most of the participants were also well aware of the issues involved in the topic. They gave practical or useful advice and suggestions to the vision of building a retirement village for Singaporeans in Northern Thailand.

    I think it is possible to have an idyllic month long stay ( or even three months) in a homestay kind of retirement community on a budget of about $500 a month and this is what I took away from the group discussion.

    It was an informative session for me. TQ to Hong Jeng for organizing the event and to all the participants who made the session such a lively one. :)

  8. Hi Hong Jeng
    I’m interested in exploring living overseas but I only just read this post. Too late for me to join. :(
    Will you post any interesting views to share on this page?
    Would appreciate it very much

    1. Hi Hong Jeng,

      Ong Lin Lhim has always been interested in retiring overseas. He would like tp attend your focus group discussion. Plse add him.

      Terence Seah

  9. Jassmine, if you know of friends who are open to retiring outside Singapore but have not decided which country, please invite them. Thank you.

  10. Hi Hong Jeng,
    I’m interested in the objective of this meeting but am not sure if I’m eligible to be in the group as I’m not thinking of retiring in Thailand. Maybe short stays. I can contribute for the first four items in the agenda, and the Q & A. Do let me know if I’m eligible to join the group. Thanks.

  11. Hi Hong Jeng,

    I hqve similar interest with you on spending retirement time in Thailand. Please put me as coming for your focus group discussion.

    Terence Seah

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