Monthly walk: April – Let’s Go Green!

Our apologises for late posting ….
Contemplated to cancel because for April’s walk all of us have personal commitments.  Today, Veronica told me she was able to reshuffle her duties, so, here we go…..

This is an EC activity; feel free to bring your adult friends who are over 45!

Date: Saturday, 08 April 2017

Time: 4.30 pm SHARP!

Meeting Point: Buangkok MRT, Exit A.

Duration: Approx. 2.5 hrs

ECs : Veronica Wong and ChristinA Chan

We will explore a part of the North-East route. The terrain is fairly easy.
Come and be enveloped in a pleasing stretch of quietness filled with much greenery.
Hopefully, we will “catch” some birds enjoying the breeze along the Sungei.
Bring water bottles, caps, umbrellas and cameras. Do wear comfortable walking shoes.

Look forward to your early registration!    :D :D

from the Walk Team: Charles Wee, Veronica Wong, Mary Tan, Serene Low, Alice Seah, Azhari Cuttilan, Linda Chua and I, ChristinA Chan.

Who’s coming:       :)      :)

1. Veronica Wong
2. ChristinA
3. Stella Sheng
4. Winnie Tan
5. AzhariC
6. Henry See
7. Thomas Goh
8. Lettishia Silvester
9. TG’s friend Ms A
10. Susan Tan
11. Bernie Chung
12. Seok Cheng
13. Janie Ng
14. Olivia Jiang
15. StevenChan’s friend – Mr. Wong
16. Doris Tan
17. Graham Smith
18. Shawn Soh
19. Grace Kang
20. Yoon Chin
21. Grace Wong
22. Lilian Teo
23. Andrew Koh
24. Ronald Wie
25. Doreen Lau






Author: ChristinA Chan (Walking group leader)

Interests: Health related and socials.

30 thoughts on “Monthly walk: April – Let’s Go Green!”

  1. Hi Lilian,

    Yoon Chin is a great help. :D
    Any member who has forgotten their password can write to her /admin.

    Look forward to see you more often. Thanks for your continuous support!

    Warm Regards,

  2. Hi ChristinA,

    B4 walk wanted to sign in. Having problem and thks to Yoon Chin for her quick response to my email.
    Taking this opportunity to sign in also to thank the walk group & ChristinA, for the hardwork leading the group.
    C u again in our next walk.
    Lilian Teo

  3. Hurray! this afternoon’s walk we have a good show up of regulars, new faces and a long “lost” member & friend! hahaha
    The weather was kind to us… it was cloudy most of the way.

    We waited for 20mins for some who turned up late. Our grace period is 5mins. Going forward, kindly factor in extra time for traveling. It is not cool for those who came early / punctually to wait.

    Next, the text message that I received was not from SusanCH Tan ie., she did not say she is coming; it was my mistake… my blurry eyes mistook 1 Susan for another Susan; my apology.

    For those who are 1st timers to our walk — our monthly walk is scheduled on 2nd Saturday of each month unless otherwise informed.
    Once walk is posted, rain or sun it will be ON!

    Thank you for spending a Saturday afternoon with us. :D
    Thanks, Andrew for being every ready to snap photos for us. :D

    We look forward to your continuous support!
    Warm Regards,
    ChristinA & the walk team.

  4. Hi Steven, Doris, Graham, GraceK, Yoon Chin, GraceN.. appreciate your participation.

    Look forward to meet up.

    M rushing down in cab .. can moving very fast.. difficult to text much.


  5. Hi Christina,

    Please put me on the list too been a long while not joined u for walks glad to be able to come on this one and meet up with some SHC old friends!

    Shawn Soh

  6. Hi Christina!!

    This is Doris & Graham Smith

    We have been in SHC for a while but ‘not very active’ – busy with other stuff.

    Now it is time for action!!

    Sorry for the VERY late reply, weren’t sure if we’d be able to make it for today’s walk, anyway we are able to so will join all of you later this afternoon for the walk.

    Looking forward to meeting up!


    Doris & Graham

  7. Hi Christina ,
    Your walk coincided with the shc tea dance at Park Royal Hotel this afternoon from 2pm to 6 pm. I like to attend both events but my body can be shared at 2 locations.
    Just my suggestion in future EOs do your best not to have 2 shc events on the same day. Thanks.

  8. Dear Danny,

    Thanks for taking time to write. :D

    As I have said, I know where you are coming from, so no worries……..


  9. More coming… great!

    SusanT, BernieC, WinnieT + friends — see you ladies :D

    Seok Cheng, fyi, last month we also waited for you. :D
    The rain could have deterred you from coming.

    Wonder if we would have equal numbers of guys & gals…. :D :D

  10. Hi HenryS,
    noted. FYI, last month we did wait for you :D Probably you could’nt come due to the rain.

    Hi Thomas,
    yeah, good to take time off for a walk hehe

    A warm welcome to Lettishia & Ananthi! :D :D

    ps: Lettishia , send email to Admin to request to reset your password by giving the name you have used to register.

    See you folks!

  11. Please include Lettishia Silvester and Ananthi (non-SHCian) too.
    Lettishia told me that she couldn’t sign in as she couldn’t reapply for a new password.
    Thanks a lot.

    Thomas Goh

  12. Hi Azhari,

    Glad you can come. Have not seen your wife for a long, long time.
    If she is free, do bring her. Thx!


  13. Hi Danny,

    Thanks for your feedback, am aware of your concerns and from where you are coming from.
    I trust June is much better. I do missed you and June coming for our walks, besides many others who have stopped due to other commitments.

    As mentioned, you have been walking with us for quite some time and am sure you are aware of our choice of routes.
    You have my contact, we can talk more over a cuppa coffee as I do not wish to comment further after this.

    Let me highlight some points briefly:
    1) meeting & end of walks — have always been indicated.
    2) type of terrains – we do caution should it be difficult.
    3) our walks are often nature; along PCNs and many do not provide washroom facilities.
    We try to maintain our walks within 2.5hrs, any distance too short, members are unhappy! Before start of walk, at times we do mention and advise walkers to ease themselves. :D
    One of the reason that we do not do Coney Island & Lazarus is due to the distance and no facilities.

    4) last month’s walk, POIs were highlighted and will do so should there be any however, POIs are not our priority trails.
    5) there are many other organizations that provides walks with charge fees, details are not mentioned except Meeting Points.

    CharlesW, VeronicaW and myself — we have been doing these walks since late 2005/ early 2006. There are some that joined this walk team but only a handful stayed on as it taxed on personal time… before we recommend a trail (esp new trails), the relevant ECs need to recce the entire route to ensure that it is SAFE for members.
    Singapore is a small island – looking back, we have walked almost all around & across Singapore!

    Through the years, we have received a couple of unpleasant feedback, we cannot please everyone! What our team have been doing is a NO THANKS! Voluntary thing.

    If anyone has concern about facilities – let us know, we will try best to address it, if it is private, you may also text me or write to me personally.

    Though we might be unable to thank each participant personally, our team look forward to the continued support of members/friends :D :D

    Just sharing some thoughts….

    1. ChristinA,

      Thanks for your reply and am sorry to say that June will be totally out to participate in future walks with SHC as he knee is giving her problems. I understood your plight and hard work put in for all these years. Good work sometimes does not get appreciated especially when organising such walks. I have also been doing it for our own team occasionally.

      We must have a purpose for organising such a walk. It is solely for exercise or fellowship ? We must also consider different age group involved and the difficult levels of each individual health and cooperation. Walking is a good form of exercise for Seniors and also another platform for socialising and to explore new places which some might not have the opportunity to do so as they do not move out of their nests often.

      Time constraint should not be the main factor but distance do matter as we are doing it in the evening. Longer routes will take long hours to complete and to rush to finish it within 2 hrs 30 mins is considered a little too rush. It should be walking with pleasure to enjoy the beauty of the routes and fellowship during breaks along the routes that will make the walk enjoyable and memorable too.

      This is just my own personal view and opinion and I do hope it will not offense any of the ECs or EOs. My apologies.

  14. Just for a thought. Will it be better of if the EC can give more details of the routes (eg. from which meeting point, walk to where (Places Of Interests (POI)) and end where, estimated distance, what type of terrains and facilities along the routes (toilets) that are planned for the walk on that day so that some of the SHCians can visualise it as some of us like myself might or have walked the routes before. That will be appreciated if you don’t mind my suggestions.

    I have not been walking with SHCians for a long long time as I do have my regular weekly walks that covered most parts of the Park Connectors, City areas, Forested areas, Reservoirs, etc but still would like to consider joining again to meet up with old and new SHCians.

    Thank You.

  15. Hi Stella,

    Welcome to our walk!

    aye’ aye’ … you’ve been padlocked!

    Look forward to seeing both of you!

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