Invitation to A Private K session (31/8/2018 Friday , 7pm to 11pm)

Hi friends,

Tentatively I’ve  booked the below venue for max 15 pax (min 10pax)  for our private k session. Pls. respond by dateline 10/8/201(Friday). If the respond is less than 10pax. . I may hv to cancel it.

Address : The Singapore Chyun Athletic Association . (No. 16 Beng Wan Road, Singapore 339848. Opp. Elim Church Off Serangoon Road 3 m/s. ).

Reference :

Cost charges : $120 ( To be shared among attendees)

Drinks are provided . There will be a KJ to assist you . K vcds and thumbdrive can be use for this session. There will be various song books for reference too. I’m a regular here and i love the evergreen oldies songs and the sound system is good. Do respond ASAP if you are  keen and your commitment to this event is needed. Your attention and co-operation is much appreciated. I’m looking forward to the session to sing with all.

Cheers, Clara (EO/Event-coordinator)

<< Attendees >>

  1. Clara
  2. Maureen
  3. Pearl Wong
  4. KC Lau *
  5. Rick Chay
  6. Cynthia
  7. Ronnie
  8. Ronald lee
  9. Judy Lim
  10. Philip Ong
  11. Thomas Loh
  12. Sarah *
  13. Bernie
  14. Lydia T *
  15. Raymond Hsu

Hi friends, thanks for your support to this k session!  Im counting down the days to meet all n sing with you too. Till then ….

—————————- END ——————————-


Waiting List :

  1. Sally Foo
  2. David & Lilian




7 thoughts on “Invitation to A Private K session (31/8/2018 Friday , 7pm to 11pm)”

  1. I seldom log in and i didn’t expect response to be so fast and already fully booked. Me and Lilian is also keen to join in but is too late. Do let us know if there are drop out, we wish to fill up the gap, if any.

  2. oops… it has been a long time since i last logged into this website…. i guess i must be late to submit… if any drop out do let me know and put me on wait list… is it OK?

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