WWII trails, Pt 1 & 2

Date: Saturday, 13th April 2019

Time: 09.30AM SHARP!!     

Do plan to be on time, if not earlier . Strictly NO waiting for latecomer! :D

Duration: approx 3 to 4hrs (there’s no turning back)

Meeting place (**) : Seah Im Food Centre.
Nearest MRT – HarbourFront, NE1 / CC29; Exit B.

SeahIm FC: One end are Malay stalls; the other end are Chinese.
Use the toilet facilities (located nearer the Malay stalls) as the next two(2) hours might not have this facility.

WE MEET: In the mid section; are rows of tables & chairs, nearby a CharKwayTeow stall; past these rows facing the main road is a “Coffee Queen” stall.

EC: ChristinA

This is not a walk in the park ….. this is an Adventure you may not want
to miss!

Let’s get closer to nature.. C’mon on, strap on a good pair of hiking shoes!

We will trek through some overgrowth, hike Uphill, to visit site(s) that once
even had disappeared from the maps of Singapore for more than 60years;
was rediscovered, yet hidden.

1st leg of this walk — depends much on the weather.
Should there be heavy rain on Friday, we might need to “change” route
as it might be too slippery to hike uphill & down.

IF above happens then will walk only the 2nd leg…. m still thinking :)

To avoid confusion, meeting place (**) shall remain unchanged.
IF you are not sure of the location of the meeting place, ASK early.

Strongly recommend:

  1. wear long pants, covered shoes with ankle socks unless you wish to
    get bites.
  2. Hiking poles — it helps as there ain’t railings or anything to hold
  3. Brollies, caps and bottle of water to stay hydrated.

As we might end at 2pm, I will provide a small snack.

Walk Team: Charles Wee, Veronica Wong, Mary Tan, Azhari
Cuttilan, Linda Chua and ChristinA Chan…. signing off!

Kindly put your name down soonest! Thank you!

  1. ChristinA
  2. LydiaP
  3. IreneP
  4. SusanT
  5. AndrewK
  6. StellaS
  7. PeterG
  8. JennyL
  9. DollyL
  10. Lilian K
  11. BruceL
  12. SusanCHT
  13. RonaldL
  14. DorisT
  15. GrahamS
  16. GingoT
  17. Jimmy Tsin
  18. Mike Tay
  19. Catherine Yeo
  20. Henry See
  21. Phyllis Tan
  22. Evelyn Ong
  23. Yap Sew King

Author: ChristinA Chan (Walking group leader)

Interests: Health related and socials.

62 thoughts on “WWII trails, Pt 1 & 2”

  1. Dear all,

    I want to address this… no offense to anyone hor
    Fair feedbacks are welcomed.
    To be my fair to all my teammates and information for the new comers to our walks…

    A comment was brought forth, I have heard it before some years ago ie., we always repeat our walks”… ?

    I do keep tap of all our walks since 2006.
    Also my teammates knows that we do not repeat any walk routes too soon!

    This morning I reviewed my records…
    not forgetting the fact that Singapore is just a RED dot.
    We never repeat any walk routes too soon ie., it never happen even the following year. If there is a repeat, likely after 2 years, some routes even longer.

    From 2016 to 2018 — we repeated only Changi Boardwalk (due to requests) – did one in 04Apr16 and the next was 08Sep18.
    Route might be 85 – 90pct same but we make efforts to make changes here and there (sort of a twist) to make the walk a little different and/or more interesting, therefore even a repeated route is never 100pct similar whenever possible.

    Till now, every year we add some new routes when available.

    We planned every year but we are tired as there just isn’t that many new routes to bring to the table yearly; besides we also have our own priorities and to give/spend precious time for our families.

    These days new routes are also splashed everywhere.
    People join CCs and other walk groups that get subsidies and grants.
    Some walk groups charge at least S$15 per person and some do only a few
    same routes.
    Even within SHC there are a handful of “private” walk groups.. which is fine as different people wants to be with different people.

    Confidently I can say: We, the SHC walk team since 2006 had walked the Most routes all over SG and it has been and is still Free!
    Perhaps we should charge? …. hahaha

    Our walks are to generate an avenue from the mundane concrete living, be nearer to nature and for fellowship, we do not “Chung-ah” :D :D

    My heartfelt thanks to all who supported and will continue to support; else our team will not be doing it :D

    Am just airing some of our thoughts here……..
    Thank you!!

  2. thanks Dolly… it warmed my heart to see that you could make it as well.

    Cos somehow the incident several years ago seems to be stucked in my head — when ended our walk at Bt Panjang for dinner at a coffee shop,
    you came to join us .. you said “I cannot walk” hahaha

    So now you know it is possible.
    See you more often..

  3. Dear ChristinaA,
    I never thought that I could finished the whole duration for this walking – or trek or hike? Wahpiangz, this was really really chin chia tough hor… Nevertheless, with the help of many others (many thanks all), I managed to complete this… Kudos to myself and all others too.

    Yes, agreed whole heartedly from all above comments – Great support and good company really make this possible…

    My dear buddy, Carly, heng, you bo lai lah due to ChingMing prayer…. I know that you are toughest than me for walking but hor, knowing you well enough, it would be not be safe for you to crawl, kneel and bend through…. as I know that you still have not truly recovered from your hip replacement operation. I am very very sure that if ever another almost similar 1 that our SHC walking group is going to organise again, you are definitely ready to cheong… Just keep our fingers X lor…

    In the past, I had never been ardent supporter of walking event as I was quite often not in SG till now which I had opted for a less stressed job and more times in SG hence, I hope to be able to join as much walking events as I could if time and/or circumstances permitted.

    Cheers… Dolly

    1. Dear Buddy
      The way you described the walk, bending and crawling and kneeling, I would not have made it with the “repaired hip”. Will cheong for the next walk.

  4. Dear participants,

    yes, we should all give ourselves a pat on our backs! :D

    The track was not easy with the soft soil, the sprawling roots, fallen branches, spreading vines everywhere!
    I wanted to do this trail for the longest time… am glad those who signed up
    are tough!

    Due to the uprooted tree and fallen clump of creepers that had blocked the path; I had to divert onto a route that was much steeper; midway, for the safety of everyone, much as I wanted to go further up, I have to call a turn-back as I noted the “danger” from where I was standing.

    I am more than glad that all the participants were very helpful, co-operative and encouraging each other… for sure this is the spirit that I welcome with open arms! besides, a big load was taken off me as their only lead.

    Kudos to one and all, dear participants :D
    Sincere thanks!

  5. Wow…wOw.. WOW….
    My name being mentioned twice wor…. Thanks, thanks for appreciating my presence ya.

    GREAT walk, simple JOY !!

    Isn’t such pleasantness all SHCians looking forward at ALL events ?
    ( just to enjoy ourselves to our fullest at every event amicably with no ugly sights ).

    Life is beautiful, let’s enjoy our golden years with peace, fun & good memories together.


  6. You know, this mini “OBS” trek has brought back some nice memories:

    1 Like Susan Tan commented at the groupchat there “Thanks Christina, this is the type of walk l like…. teamwork, trust, for one another.”
    I know Susan says it from the heart. People are very very nice though some we only met for the first time. It’s this type of warm helpful trusting friends that took our minds off from the challenges we encountered and enjoyed it at the end of the day. I am grateful for the mutual help we got from each other at some challenging paths at the forest trek and how cool, calm and collected we were and made our way successfully through. Labrador was a breeze after that and things got better and better when we had our reward – a nice late lunch at a coffee shop (maybe we were super hungry!), and thanks Chris for your treat of kueh lapis during the halfway mark of the Trail that was much needed!

    At the end of the 3-hour trek/walk we got the we-can-do-it feeling but of course we need to know our own body and don’t take the risk if we cannot do it, and I’m very heartened the hear what Mike Tay said:

    “…….. Even for myself i wouldn’t dare to venture into this wild wild “forest” By the way thumbs up to all you elderly Shcians. You shocked me with your guts and determination in this trail adventure. “Pei Fu Pei Fu”

    Coming from Mike, a very fit veteran cyclist who’s cycled all the way to Malacca, I think we can give ourselves a lil’ pat on the back.

    2 My leg strength has become a bit weak nowadays as there’s a little pull at my hip joint that’s why I didn’t feel confident of going through the whole journey. Luckily we have very helpful Lydia Poh, Irene Poh, and Bruce Lee and Mike Tay (sweeper!) not to mention those around me who were very calm and encouraging as we made our way, step by step, ants and all and looking out for each other. Wah, I got help from several people at the same time – first time in my life! Brace myself for the truth la – I’m getting on!

    This adventure is going to be remembered for as long as I live. Thanks once again Chris for your hard work and sweat (hope not blood, sweat and tears!)

  7. It was indeed a very adventurous and challenging walking trail esp the uphill and downhill slope.
    Thanks Christina Chan and Team for organizing, never a dull moment with bubbly Lydia Poh around making jokes and laughter along the way, thanks for the team building and thanks for all the wonderful people in this group, thanks for the creepy ants hungry to crawl us up, thanks for the slippery parts from fallen twigs and dried leaves, thanks for the coffee break for free drinks and snacks…

  8. Dear Christina and Team
    My sincerest apology for the no show. Prayers finished late so I couldn’t make it. Hopefully, i can make it for the next one.

  9. Hi Chris,
    Sorry my right knee giving me a bit of problem, I give it a miss. Will join another time. Do enjoy your walk, everyone. Cheers..

  10. JimmyT, aiyo… long time no come for walk liao…

    MikeT, I can remember your name but still search otak for a face to match

    DaisyP, bring Steven,,, no time no see him leh
    Mike & Daisy… just come, I will not disappoint***** :D :D

    CatherinY, thanks for keeping your word …. hehe

    HenryS, am glad you are joining this walk.. called you.

    *****However, need all the prayers for GOOD weather tomorrow and Saturday!!


  11. Good morning EO Christina/Walk team,

    Sorry that I need to give a miss on this interesting walk due to sibling changed date to 13 Apr morning Qing Ming Prayer.

    Thank you


    1. Not only abandoned reservoir. There is also a bunker – which leads all the way up to Mt Faber top but is unfortunately sealed at the entrance). Also there is a Japanese tomb somewhere i the midst of the hill. Are we going there, Chris?

  12. Dear Participants,

    SeahIm Food Centre: One end are Malay stalls; the other end are Chinese.
    Use the toilet facilities (located nearer the Malay stalls) as the next two(2)
    hours might not have this facility.

    In the mid section are rows of tables & chairs; nearby to a CharKwayTeow stall; past these rows facing the main road is a “Coffee Queen” stall.

    Due to certain changes beyond my control, 2nd leg of the trail is still pending
    as I have’nt time yet to explore further ….
    kindly bear with me till Saturday.


  13. Hi Christina
    I have Qing Ming prayers on that morning and if I think I can rush to the meeting place in time for the walk, I shall then register when I am on my way. Hope its fine with you. Keeping fingers crossed!
    Many thanks.

    1. Hallo Carly,

      yippee.. so glad you as well as members are coming back to our walks.
      Message me & Dolly. She will for sure wait for you one hehe

      Look forward to having you back :D

    2. Buddy,
      Must be super early timing for prayer hor… starts early at 9.30am sharp hor.. so if you can cheong before 0929 hours, will see you there lor..

      Cheers… Dolly

  14. SusanCH,
    ON… bring that stick… that’s the way to go! hehe

    mmmh … will / shall I see you at every walk since the 1st walk this year … haha

    Doris&Graham… glad you sign up.

    1. This is Bruce Lee. I had joined your walking team in Nov 2018 meeting point was at Kallang MRT ending at Gardens By the Bay makan time :)

  15. Read above comments.. 2 requests to have an earlier start time.

    I hear you, I understand….

    I am game to START the walk should ALL Registrants clock in before 9.30am!

    Let’s also be kind / understanding to those who arrives at 9.30am instead. :D

    If above (to start earlier) do not happen, let’s enjoy nature at the time that I have set ie., 9.30am!

    Without a doubt, our transport system has eased traveling. Let’s remember that for some, they might still need more time to commute from one place to another.

    We can shade from the scotching sun with a cap, a brolly, sunglasses or use UV sleeves.

    Humidity is felt even indoors! May I suggest using a mini battery operated fan? Personally, find this useful and handy.


  16. Hi EO Christina/ team,

    I will give a miss in my Karaoke gathering which on same day/timing. Look forward to join the trail walk which I am looking for.

    Thank you for organising.

  17. Dear all,

    The walk itself is not necessarily 4 long hours
    Time has been allocated for breaks and photo snapping!

    Besides, I have no intention to rush through.
    I trust you will share my thoughts. :D


  18. Hi MikeT,

    What a surprise… have not seen you for quite a while..

    Marang trail is a good trail, we have had that.

    WWII’s trail is definitely interesting and exciting even for me.. twice over!
    I like to explore! Unfortunately, I dare not tread alone and quite a few
    trails were lost to redevelopment!!
    So I would like to share this before it is gone!!

    You will know on the 13April… so come, join us!
    Kindly confirm your presence. :D


  19. Dolly,
    your comment tickled me…. :) :) … you read right, I did not indicated
    where the walk will end.
    As mentioned am still contemplating where to divert the route.

    Once on the way, has to complete the route else defeat the purpose
    of this trail besides my effort to recce the 2nd leg on a Sunday! :0

    Will certainly factor in diner location and rest assured everyone will be
    able to commute home either by Bus/MRT :D

  20. Stella, noted your registration.
    Thanks for your info, I had highlighted to them to check this post.


  21. Glad registration coming in from members I expect hehe…
    LydiaP, IreneP, SusanT and AndrewK.

    PeterG, BobbyB, JennyL and MelissaK.

    Look forward to seeing you guys!

  22. Hi Christina,
    This WWII trials looks interesting and exciting!
    I hv a few questions:

    1 Are we taking the Marang trial that leads up to Mt Faber top and from walk along the road to the cablecar stn and from there moves towards Horti Park?

    2 Where is the ending point of this walk if everything goes according to your plan?

    3 Are we going to trek thru “unchartered terrian” that will take us to eg a “deserted pool ” in the mist of the thick undergrowth?


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