Places to offer to conduct net classes

Hi everybody, we have a good sign-up of SilverHairs who has volunteered to teach net coaching.  Also, we have a number of people who have signed up wanting to learn from others.

Now, we are looking for places.  This is the tough part.  Would you have suggestions on where we can host some of these courses.  If we are unable to find places, then we may have to look for cafes with internet wireless access, and participants may have to bring own notebooks.  Keep the options open.

Summary of SilverHairs who have offered to coach and to learn.

Registered as coachers of internet/auction selling on the net.

  1. Wong Kong Thean
  2. Patrick Yeo
  3. Kaushal
  4. Richard
  5. Loh Yew Kwong

Registered to want to learn selling/auctions on the internet.

  1. Catherine Yeo
  2. Pauline Au Yong
  3. Ronald Lee
  4. Chow Weng
  5. Kenneth Tan
  6. Fong Cheong Kong
  7. Margaret Cheo
  8. Ronald Wi
  9. Cheng
  10. Rossanne Chan
  11. Simon Wong
  12. Evelyn Tan
  13. Annie Loh
  14. Dave Tan

Author: Terence Seah


15 thoughts on “Places to offer to conduct net classes”

  1. Does anyone in SHC know some expertise in running a karaoke business? Also, how does such a business stay profitable? maybe a group could get together to run one? anyone keen as I believe investment is quite small.

  2. I speak only for myself. I don’t have the temperament to be a conventional educator. I am an implementor. I train on the job with a sort of mentor-apprentice relationshop.

    If you ask for a lecture series structured beginners course, I won’t know where to begin or what to teach.

    I prefer if the people who wished to be trained put their objectives and pet projects forward. We select one and organize resources to meet that objective. Everybody including trainers and learners can help and as a result everybody learn something from the exercise.

    We then move to the next project up the complexity ladder. After a few projects even a novice will learn enough to be an expert from a practical point of view.

  3. We can kill two birds with one stone.

    I hope we can discuss this at the end of Blue helmet meeting on Thurs. We can look at this in relation to find a regular meeting place for S?HC members.

    See posting under “Cybercafe Project” for more details.

  4. We will do it this way.

    1 Coach/ Instructors- pls indicate the day/date/time most convenient.

    2 Trainess -pls indicate the day/date/time most convenient to learn.

    3 Place- margaret ready to offer her place. We need more places/home- pls indicate time/date/day most convenient to conduct classes.

    4 Trainees/Trainers-To ensure sucess pls indicate MORE days/dates/time for easy planning.

    5 We need more places to conduct these classes

  5. I’m available on 7 Oct 06 to do net session from 10am to 12pm and latest by 1pm. Conducting the session in the morning will free us the time to attend activities in the afternoon. Preference is to do session at host member’s place which allows more privacy and open discussion without interference and disruption to others.

    Basic Requirement : Host member’s place must have internet access, preferable broadband with at least 1 computer available for use. Attending members can bring along 1 laptop (if equipment is insufficient). Total number of learning members attending session should not exceed 6 persons.

    Chow Weng, if you are available on this date, may I put you as the Co-Ordinator?

    Evelyn, if your place is available on this date, may you be the host for this session?

    Interested members please email your phone and email contacts to
    Your contact details will be kept confidential and only be released to the Co-Ordinator.

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