Use of Avatar image in

Last week, I activated the use of Avatar images in  This is a little picture, that appears on the left of your comment.  I understand you can choose from one of the many freely available images.  You can also have a picture of yourself or pick one from your computer. 

Here’s how I manage to create an Avatar image, next to all my comments.

1. Go into
2. Put in the email address which you use in
3. You can choose one image that is available, or browse from your computer.
4. Within 15 minutes, the Avatar image will be activated. You will see it next to all your comments.

Have fun.

Terence Seah

Author: Terence Seah


15 thoughts on “Use of Avatar image in”

  1. Some members have their pictures next to their posts and comments. this help other members recognise you.

    If you have not done so, please give it a go. If noy, you will notice a monstrous and eerie creature created for you.

    Come to this month’s monthly gathering and ask around. someone can help you.

    Terence seah

  2. Some of you have noticed an ugly character, supposedly representing you when you make comments. This image is automatically given by our system, if you do not select one of your choice.

    In order to have your own picture, please Go into

    Terence Seah

  3. Terence,

    Am still blur how to put on my handsome photo.

    Why is the new upgrade so user unfriendly? Each time I log in and click ‘comment’ it prompt for my password. I have oredi click on ‘save password’ umpteen time. Very kesian lah!


  4. Some of you may have noticed a strange looking image next to your comment. This has been automatically given by our upgraded operating system. I am not sure how to change it. But I do know that you can follow the instructions on the Post, if you wish to have a picture of your own.

    Some of the characters look like monsters. Look closely.

    Terence Seah

  5. Some of you may have seen a cute little picture on the top left corner of some comments. This is because the member has an Avatar image. This image is free and helps other members recognise you. Read this Post for info.

    Please try to get an AVATAR image. We all want to know who you are.

    Terence Seah

  6. Hi Terence! I think it is good if members can opt for a pix of themselves as an ‘avatar’ as this will then enable us to remember faces and names easily when we get together for SHC events.

    The above suggestion comes from one who has problem connecting names to faces…:p

  7. hahahahaha, thank you Charles-W very much. The monkeys all look so handsome and best, they are all Chinese monkeys – majority Hokiens and teocjews, a few Cantonese. It will make me look so good if I were to choose any one as me.

    If possible, do me a favour please. Pick the one that you think best depict me and my idiosyncracies, and the next drink will be on me when we meet.


    Thanks my good butty !

  8. Terence, people said I hv a common look.

    Asked further, they said I look like a monkey, and they started giggling. Pressed to say more, they had no hesitation to tell me that, in fact, the primate looks better than me.

    So, a pic of a monkey will be ideal for me as it makes be look great.

    If Avatar image becomes a hit here, then pls help find me a pic of him not tim……..but pls ensure that the image is that of a male. Male monyet hv beard, unlike you. I can tell the difference.

  9. Hi Tim,

    Ideally, a picture of yourself would be the best Avatar image. Switch on your phone camera, turn it around, and just shoot. I am sure you wont be shocked. Let’s wait for your avatar picture.

    Terence Seah

  10. Hi Lydia,

    I am trying to remember what I did to put in this Avatar image.

    1. Go into
    2. Put in the email address which you use in
    3. You can choose one image that is available, or browse from your computer.
    4. I think within 15 minutes, the Avatar image will be activated. You will see it next to all your comments.

    Have fun.

    Terence Seah

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