Aromatherapy for the Family, 8 Jul 2011 & 29 Jul 2011

Aromatherapy for the Family

Anyone who has ever smelled the scent of French lavender oil or genuine Bulgarian rose oil knows that essential oils are one of Nature’s greatest, most wonderful gifts to mankind.

I am a qualified body designer & the winner of Elite Mrs Singapore 2011 (crowned on 4th June 2011). I want to share with you "What Is Aromatherapy ?"

Aromatherapy is a natural therapy for physical and psychological well-being. Natural healing is becoming the idea of good medicine nowadays. More & more health conscious individuals are searching for alternative medicine to help him / her for better health. Now, do you want to relax ?

Let me take your hand and walk into the world of aromatherapy to pamper your body, soul and mind.

Just to share with you the benefits, I am conducting 2 workshops as follows :

Date : 8th July 2011 & 29th July 2011

Time : 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm

Venue : EZ4U Music & Dance

169C, Selegie Road, Singapore 188322

No admission fee required. Every participant will receive a doorgift which will be an aroma experience for you.

You may choose to attend any one of the 2 workshops or to attend both workshops as the 2 sessions are not totally identical. Come with your family members and friends, if you wish.

Kindly register your attendance as usual, thank you.

Organised by Irene Lee (EC)

 Registered members:

  1.  Gabriella Chua
  2. Dan Huang
  3. Joy Chuang
  4. Audrey Wong
  5. Serene Ou
  6. Pauline Tan
  7. Jeffrey Gan x 4 students

Author: Irene LEE

Updated : 20 April 2023 Biographical info : * Professional Certified Coach (freelance work) * Executive Search Consultant (full time job) * Passionate about music, singing, dancing * Enjoys organising events and hosting shows/events

24 thoughts on “Aromatherapy for the Family, 8 Jul 2011 & 29 Jul 2011”

  1. Hi to all…

    Due to some unforeseened urgent matters, I have to cancel the workshop this coming Friday (29th July). I hope to be able to share with all again on another occasion.

    Gabriella, Dan & Joy… thanks for informing me of your non-attendance (in any case).

    Thank you,

  2. Hi Irene

    Tks for organising the above talk. My apologies as I’ll not be able to attend the session on 29 July.


  3. Ooops, I honestly forgot abt this aromatherapy sharing as looking good doesnt come on top for me but feeling good is.

    In fact, I checked into a hotel that nite and was watching an old Cantonese movie with ??? as ????? which tickled me to no end. Am keeping my fingers crossed that I wont forget 29 July as the next & last session.

    A fairy can become an imp, and vice versa.

    I may be a monkey today, a caterpillar tomorrow and run over by a Caterpillar bulldozer the next day.

    Everythg is transient but whatever form one is, even crushed and mangled, to be the best one can be must prevail.

  4. Hi Tim,
    Sorry to have to reply so late . Jeff inform me to follow up the thread in case of query . I honestly did not know .
    You did brighten up my day and do keep up you humour .
    I think I know who the Fairy is now . Tks for your info .
    I was looking forward to seeing you appear but alas, was disappointed . But nevertheless , there’s always another time , right .
    Regards and all the best to you ! Irene Lee .

  5. Thank you Irene-L for believing that what I wrote might brighten up yr day and that I am fun.

    But there’s this guy out there who believes that I bring him and others doom and gloom, that I write nonsense. Will leave that to readers.

    On his part, the clever him goes out of his way to please people. Sadly, polishing an aple does not make the apple turn sweeter to him. It can end up as another Adam’s apple stuck in his throat, resulting in his croaking more.

    Back to the Fairy. She does have an unenviable job to do.

    She assists Terence to ensure that SHC taboos are kept away, and that this forum will continue to flourish as a forum of choice. Which means that she has to exercise judgments, usually correctly but sometimes not so correct. Clear to me, she strives to do and give her best.

    Whatever, SHC will continue to evolve itself.

    Corporate membership which was once unthinkable, is now thought thoroughly by Terence. So, nothing is cast in stone……who knows 1 or 2 taboos may be removed. Or 3-4 taboos added.

    And who knows I might walk into yr aromatherapy class to be “immortalised”……

  6. Hello Tim Liu

    I have never met you before (probably I am still very new to the club) but your response surely brightens my day. It is one of the most humorous comments I’ve ever come across.

    I sat in front of my computer and started laughing heartily as I read your writings.

    We need more members like you and this will be an absolutely fun place to be.

    Well, you have correctly pointed out the wrong choice of word in my question. I meant to ask “who’s fairy godmother”.

    Hmmm… will probably give your suggestion a try. You might as well just get your lollipops ready for the next Monthly Gathering.


  7. “Whose fairy godmother?”.

    The question (and the operative word) is “whose”.

    Guess it has to be Terence.

    He is associated with all kinds and sizes of gods – gotfather, gotmother, gotbro, gotsis, gotlobang, gotpanadol, gotbanana, and of cos gotnopapaya.

    But if it’s “Who is” then we need to do some work to find that out once every year, on the 15th day of the lunar 8th month.

    Place a bowl of water under the moon. Carry a white lantern (that which was famously displayed outside sago lane shops in the early 1900s) and walk round the bowl 15 X 8 times, Then call out “Fatty Gotmother, ki lai ah !”.

    If nothing pops up, ok, I owe everyone a lollipop at the following Monthly Gathering.


  8. Hi Terence

    Thanks for your gentle reminder about SHC’s policies. Coming from a corporate background in my 23 years of senior executive career, I will be the first one to understand the importance of compliance with guidelines and policies.

    Inevitably, any workshops (for that matter), may or may not be linked to a MLM program. In my opinion, it depends on how one looks at “workshops”.

    Workshops are conducted to impart knowledge and to share one’s area of expertise (be it dancing, accounting, cooking, etc, etc…..). It happens that my area of expertise (other than in finance) is in “beauty” and “health”.

    It is only right to respect club rules. So, rest assured Terence, the PRIMARY objective of the workshop is to impart and to share what I know. It was the same at the Rotary Club when I was a member there some years back.

    To the best of my ability and with the help of my husband (Jeffrey), we will make the workshop sessions as fun as possible for all the participants.

    Once again, thank you for your blessings, Terence…

    (by the way, whose “fairy godmother” ?)


  9. Hello Gabriella, Terence, Dan, Joy, Audrey, Serene, Vivian, Pauline…..

    Thank you for sending in your responses. I have been away since Monday and returned only yesterday. And all this while, my darling husband (Jeffrey Gan) has been replying on my behalf in my blog. He’s really a big help to me and just to share with you further…. at the Elite Mrs Singapore 2011 crowning, Jeffrey also won the “Hushand of the Year 2011” award. I am very proud of him.

    Most importantly, I am absolutely looking forward to meet all of you at the coming workshop sessions and sincerely hope that you will benefit from the knowledge that I am more than happy to share with anyone.

    Meanwhile, I wish all SHC members a great weekend.


  10. Hello Pauline,
    Thank you for registering to come for the above. I am sure you would enjoy and learnt the art of using the essential oil in no time . Cheers ! Irene .

  11. Congrat! Mrs Singapore, I’m the Geylang serai WEC member, hope there’s a chance to invite you to our place.
    please email me. thanks

  12. Hi Dan/Joy,
    Nice to hear from you. A great decision to attend as I assured you could enhance for a better living . See U both dates so you would be able to understand the right mix better .
    Hi Audrey Wong,
    Thank you for your early response. Very keen to meet up with you personally.
    I will be leaving for China early morning today and should be back on Friday . All the best to you and Cheers ! Irene

  13. Hi Irene,

    Thank you for sharing, i would like to attending both days.

    Yes nowadays, more and more people are getting very much interested in aromatherapy.


  14. Hi Irene,

    Thanks for taking the trouble to share with us your knowledge of aromatherapy. Indeed the sense of various essential oils can contribute to our well being and a healthy life.

    Dan and Joy will be looking forward to attend.


  15. Hi Irene,

    I have heard that you were recently crowned Elite Mrs Singapore; and my congratulations, although I have not seen you since.

    I am glad to see you organising a workshop on Aromatheraphy for SHC members, and I am sure it will be beneficial for members seeking to relax and enjoy. Very often, in the market, Aromatheraphy workshops are linked to MLM programs. SilverHairsClub and fairy godmother strictly forbids even the slightest link to MLM activities. I hope you and others planning MLM workshops to take note. Have fun.

    Terence Seah

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