If you have some items close to your heart which you have kept for many years, but have now found the same items taking up space and looking pretty in a corner or your storeroom, you may like to give them away or sell them off.
Perhaps, some members may like these items. Consider inviting our members to come over at a specific date and time, we can have a look and perhaps take them away or buy them from you.
Simply let me know, a date/time, and we can open the event to members. You can also write a new post to inform the club.
Feel free. This is a great way to know other members, besides keeping your home light and breezy.
Terence Seah
I have 2 good condition stack up DVDs wooden a
nd metal stands to give away free.
Any takers ?
Hi Steven
You might want to post here instead
– https://silverhairsclub.com/?p=44684
newly created by TS.
Dear Howard,
Hope my suggestion help. Better to disclose your Blk so that we can wait below. Late comers will not be disappointed as you are just a call away. Be definite on the items you wish to sell. Not good to ask us to make another trip to collect as you need to reset your phone for sale. Parking at the HDB will save on parking charge for those who drive. If need be I can help you to put on the price tags. Dun ask us to make an offer as you will be unhappy if we offer a token price.
Thanks you Howard for taking time to show us around. You do have a long list of items to dispose of. It would be better if you take the time to put a price tag on each items so that we can make a informed decision to buy.
Saturday morning is precious to all of us. We hope to buy what we need and move on to our other errands.
Your Blk no should be disclosed for us to wait below as it is near the Mrt without having to join you for a morning walk. And by the way I incurred a parking charge of $4.00 parking at Compass One.
Thank you for taking time to morning walk and greet to know a new friend like you.
Update and whatapk those items you are interested, also i dun really have time to start a price tag with short notice.
Thank you for the feedback.
i have lot of stuff but i can pack now that i have no maid with me n i cant bring it down too
Look like the response is poor but nevermind I go ahead to welcome those confirm coming at 11am meet at sengkang mrt.
I will meet everyone at sengkang mrt on saturday at 11am meeting point.
whatapk 88045659 :
afterthat i will form into group with some items for sale and collection.
Paynow : 97980270
Bank : Dbs saving 118 5001510
Note : indicate your name and charity for dementia care or autism children for final donation.
Are we coming to your place or Sengkang Mrt, no address given?
Howard, I am coming too to grab some items.
Hi Howard,
Thank you for the good karma with regards to this. Will come by on August 3 slightly after 12noon.
Cheers.. Dolly
full box
brand new charger and cable
Ps : i will give you a
1.bluetooth keyboard for your support
2.stylus pen
3.Flip cover and back cover (used)
5.Ear piece
6.Power bank
7.Sling bag
8. Protective sleeve
9. Power bank
10. A great hug
OK, Howard, will put this on the required list provided that the price is attractive enough lor.. see you later and discuss ya…Cheers.. Dolly
thank you for the opportunity for me to start the ball rolling of flea stuff to gave away and sell away :
Open house on weekend only August month from sat 11am to sun 15pm at :
Location : sengkang mrt
time : 11am to 15pm
Item to gave away : mostly are pens, note pad, umbrella and unwanted stuff
For sale : Used – computer table x 2, shelve, washing machine, refrigerator, crt tv, Tv consolve x 2, twin bed, queen size bed frame, cupboard 4 door, book shelf , L shape sofa, mattress, sony radio x2 , mobile phone , ear pcs and water bottle.
New : several mobile phone, laptop x 2, tablets x 5, laptop used, gadget led light and ear phone, power bank, cable and CD
Most of the fund collection will donate to charity for nursing home and some my favourite for dementia home and autism sparkle tote.
Kindly indicate your name so that share our good karma to the needy for donation.
Hi Howard, as I like to promote this activity, I shall be over at your place on Sat 3 aug, between 11am and 3pm.
Are u able to provide hot water? If yes, I shall bring a box of teabags and paper cups.
So, put my name in.
just bring your cash wallet, hot water, tea bag and cup provided by me.