Let’s rethink SHC succession

This year, we celebrate our 15th Anniversary. SilverHairsClub has been established since 2005, and we have been quietly successful through a network of Event Organisers EOs, Event Coordinators and members support who share our culture and traditions.

It’s about time we look again at succession and a new team to take the club forward. At 50, I founded the Club. Next year, I shall be 65, and will get to collect the 1st payment from my CPF. I am running out of ideas. And in reality, I don’t have so much time to spare for the club, as I intend to continue work till I die. On average, I spend about 3 days a mth in Singapore.

Every organisation needs continued succession and we need to review this from time to time.

I am now ready to hand over the club to someone or a team to take over and develop further the SilverHairsClub. My eyes will be focused on someone with SilverHairs at heart. Let’s reopen the discussion.

Terence Seah

Author: Terence Seah


6 thoughts on “Let’s rethink SHC succession”

  1. I shall be adding a new role into SHC. Howard Yong will be handling SHC Promotional Materials. We presently do not have many promotional materialsa. We had the SilverHairsClub cloth patch. Some members have bought the cloth patches, but i guess few had used them.

    We will continue to look at more items. And will leave this role to Howard to bring in and concieve more ideas, so that we can promote SHC.

    If you have ideas, plse feel free to discuss with Howard. We may take tine to develop this area.

    Terence Seah

  2. We just returned from a overseas trip. While overseas we, 3 SHC, often lamented on missing SHC gatherings, including visit to FC. Most talked about is still how you grow SHC from the time we joined at 1000 to 6000 (not checked) now. ????????All compliments. Status quo is best but unrealistic; succession renewal is required. Should explore further. 3 of us used our Skillsfuture fund to attend a WordPress course. SHC may wish to familiarise members about its use for SHC website.

  3. Hi fellow members

    As part of succession plans, which I intend to complete by mid 2020, I am introducing Dolly Lim to the SHC committee.. The role is to assist Yoon Chin, who currently is in charge of areas on membership and password controls. YC has done a good job, fine-tuning our membership and password controls, and will stay on for another 2 years. Tq YC.

    Our membership system is not perfect, but I hope we can make it better with YC and Dolly.

    On another note, Susan TanCH has expressed her desire to let newer blood take over her role. SusanT will stay until end 2019 in the committee, while I will announce a replacement next month. Tq SusanT.

    My plan is to develop the committee and will complete looking for my replacement by mid 2020.

    Terence Seah

  4. As part of succession plan, I am looking forward to have more members volunteering at key positions in SilverHairsClub.

    Yoon Chin is responsible for managing all Club members’ ID and lost password. Yoon Chin joined SHC in Dec 2017. She is currently still running her own office business, and is actively involved with seniors near her residence.

    Getting a new password may be an easy process for some members. However, for some seniors, losing passwords seem common, and getting a new password seem cumbersome.

    I am looking for a member to assist Yoon Chin with this process. The requirements are:

    1. Fluent with WordPress on the mobile and desktop.
    2. Fluent with WhatsApp and email.
    3. Has been a member with SHC before Dec 2017.

    4. Familiar with SHC rules and culture.
    5. Patient and firm with membership application.
    6. Agree to keep members’ contacts confidential.

    if you like to volunteer for this role and able to assist Yoon Chin, as ClubAdmin, please contact me at +65 9489 4360.

    Terence Seah

  5. To-date, we have no volunteers from anybody to run the club. Everybody who has written in, has suggested to stay status quo.

    I am now very inclined not to accept the status quo. Therefore in the absence of new ideas, I will be making transitional changes from now to sometime next year.

    We have currently a supporting team. Yoon Chin (membership and passwords), Christina Chan (Treasurer), Andrew Koh (Facebook), Susan Tan CH (Event registration), and Susan Chan (Social activities). For activities, we do have the respective EOs/ECs.

    But this has been difficult as many members usually do not have the time. Due to the complexities of meeting members expectations, many ex EOs are unwilling to organise activities due to frequent complaints from certain individuals, criticisms and members’s distaste for the behaviour and attitudes of fellow members. We have a volunteers system, so criticisms and complaints are “negatives” towards finding leaders.

    I am determined to not allow the “status quo” scenario. I have set a deadline of 30 Jun 2020. We will have a new team with a new head, to run the SilverHairsClub”.

    More updates as we develop the change. Your views and suggestions are welcome here.

    Terence Seah

  6. Succession in any club is important. 15 years is a long time, and we need new ideas, a renewed team and a new head. I see change is necessary. We have many members who have been with us since 2005, and we need to meet the challenges of a younger set of members who are now joining us at 45.

    Silverhairsclub has served its purpose to provide a platform for Singaporeans over 45 to meet new and more friends. Club has no other objective. Our taboos on religion, politics, race, sex, direct selling and MLM are broadly accepted by members, although some members do feel the need to deviate away from this rule.

    Over the last couple of years, we have a number of members with roles to play in the club. And generally this has worked well, although I must say I am not the most organised person in the Club. In fact, for the many who knows me, I believe “A little disorganisation is good for all of us”. Our lives have too many rules.

    I encourage members to come up with proposals to take over this Club. Present your ideas here, and I am sure we can arrive at a succession plan.

    Let’s look forward to hearing views and ideas.

    Terence Seah

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