Since SilverHairsClub was first established in 2005, all our activities and venues were centered within the CBD and East Singapore regions.
Although our bus and MRT network have made it easy to meet, there has been a reluctance from members leaving in the West and North to join activities because of distance. Very often, it can take one hour to travel between East and West Singapore, more so if activities are held on weekdays for working members.
We are looking at ways to make it easy for West Singapore members to meet in smaller groups. We reviewed our postal code system, and see that using the 1st 2 digits of our 6-digits as the community group can help members get together more frequently and conveniently.
We shall start with postal codes 1st 2 digits 60, 61, 62, 63 and 64. Mainly in Jurong and Tuas.
If you are living in these postal codes, as per your NRIC, and would like to join this community, please whatsapp text ‘zone 60-64’ to 9489-4360. The Club hopes that this project will help members meet new and more Silverhairs friends.
Terence Seah
We have identified a starter group for SHC West. If you are living in these postal codes, as per your NRIC, and would like to join this community, please whatsapp text ‘zone 60-64’ to 9489-4360.
Closing date for registration; 15 Jan 2019.
Club rules apply. No URL, copy & paste, videos, audios and pictures.
Terence Seah