October Monthly Gathering – 21 Oct 2011 Friday

Calling Hiah Ti Jie Mei,
Sam Huat is organizing this mthly gathering which I 1 2 called as "Ah Beng Ah Seng Ah Lian Ah Huay, Lai Lai Kong Yi Kong"
Calling calling all xin n pioneer members 2 attend this mthly gathering at 

Venue : Bra Cafe (inside MPH at Robinson Road) – Nearest MRT is either Tanjong Pagar or Raffles City
Date : 21 Oct 2011 Friday
Time : 3.30pm to 7.30pm – Cant stayed behind this timing cos no aircon liao 

Hopefully this time, more xin members will attend this meeting lor… so that we can hear from them on suggestions and any other related issues.

As there is space constraint at the Cafe, bo bian, we need to set a target headcount of 40paxs can attend this meeting… so lai lai ka gin po mia..

BTW, attendees will need to pay $5 which they will entitled to 1 standard drink (coffee or tea) and 1 pastry. However, u can top up the difference should you want to change other menu.  NO OUTSIDE FOOD IS ALLOWED IN THE CAFE PREMISE.  SO PLEASE FOLLOW HOR
So registration starts here:

  1. Sam Huat – EO
  2. Dolly Lim – Assistant
  3. Lily Ho
  4. Janie Leong
  5. Richard Wong
  6. Steven Chan
  7. Tim Liu
  8. Peter Sng
  9. Terry Tang
  10. June Chin
  11. James Chan
  12. Lam HT
  13. Bee Gek
  14. Lawrence Goh
  15. Yoon Chin
  16. Norlinda
  17. Charles Chua
  18. Jessica See
  19. Vicky Koh
  20. Raymond Tang
  21. any more to come?

53 thoughts on “October Monthly Gathering – 21 Oct 2011 Friday”

  1. Hi Daniel C,

    Thanks for your comment but Tim is not the issue now. All this attention may just inflate his gasbag to Kingdom come.

    About our Club Manageress, I won’t put much credibility too. I don’t think she is Ms Objective.

    Just let it be for the moment.

  2. Dolly #41
    I hope you were writing this comment in your personal capacity and NOT as SHC Club Manager. There is serious implication. Please scroll up to comment #11 of this post and explain to everybody what Tim was trying to say.

  3. It has been raining the last few days. There was nothing for me to do at home and the SHC site only have some old people quarreling. So I set on a stool and watch raindrops fall onto the earth.

    There was a group of earth worms and they were fighting to get to the top of the pile. I think it was the best position to get dry from the wet soil. And when the rain stops the top one get to dry up first.

    There was this particularly vicious one. It manages to muscle its way to the top. There it stretches itself out to sun when the rain stops. He basks on the glory of his success.

    But on top of the tree, the birds were watching and waiting for the rain to stop. When the rain stops they rush down and ate the top worm. The rest of the worms have time to scurry deep into the soil.

    I turn on my computer but the people were still quarreling in SHC site, so I continue to watch the worms. To my consternation, they ere fighting for the top spot again. Wah Lau.

    There is no moral teachings in my story. Only ramblings from and old bored guy.

    To; Charles and Lily.

    I know both of you well enough to say, the quarrels have ended, done start another one.

    The first one of you to apologies to all of us for arguing here gets a free lunch from me….with ice cream and lollipop.

  4. Thank you to Dolly, Lily, Charles and others.
    I enjoyed myself in Bra Cafe last evening. The choc cake was sinfully delicious and the chat with other members, was great too. In fact, we left with the prospect of meeting again in future, for sports and recreational activities.
    As in any organisation, one man or woman should not be allowed to impose his or her influence on the well-being of the group. With that, may I propose that we continue to look towards spending quality time with other members in future and at the same time, leave any negative thoughts behind.

  5. Charles

    Again you make assumption that I condone his attack on others just because I choose to keep quiet like many in the audience. Weren’t you quiet too? Ignoring someone beyond reasoning is not the same as agreeing with that someone. Wasn’t that also what you used to say?

    Years ago he attacked you on your investment talk – those old timers will remember this. And all these years you choose to remain silent till now when it is ‘safe’ to shoot and you become trigger happy? Why didn’t you speak up before two other members put him down? You have already said your piece on another thread. Is there a need to continue snide remarks about him on a ‘Thank You’ note by another member? Yes, I am implying that you attack him when he is down.

    And if you wish to turn this into yet another spin-off drama, be my guest. The floor is all yours.

  6. Dear Lily and Dolly,

    Glad that u 2 hv the courage to say what you want to say. I dare not to say more bcos I scare being classified as “admiration for him” or “ladies with heartbroken”

    I have absolute high regards on u 2 ladies.

  7. Hi Charles Chua,

    I will just ignore him even if Tim Liu calls me a ball carrier or angkat kaki with my sincere thanks of appreciation to those who deserved mention.

    Initially, I too had quarrels with him over a few ocassions with his ridiculing remarks and making nasty comments. After knowing well his character, I chose to IGNORE his comments.

    The only way to “win” Tim over is to ignore him and let him win. There is NO point arguing with a fellow member who doesn’t SHOW RESPECT for others.

    Let him be himself. He has learnt but a bit too late.

    Yes, Tim was at the BRA……..cafe.

  8. Lily,

    Strange that you should object to being under attack for siding with him. But you have no objections when Tim attacks others.

    You also seem to imply that I am attacking him when he is down.

    Let’s just see who comes into the fray first.

  9. # 44 ah lily jie…..

    i am truly agree on wat u said… i like de part even in death sentence there is a LAST WISH….. so goes there is a saying in my belief…tua ser huat sio ser sio ser huat bo ser…… ( big problem make into small problem small problem into NO problem…. tow hong lim whahap brother, or kim oredli kong ti lim chu kang de braves one ..heroes still in changi teng lian keng lor…

    i am not taking any side …after all we are over 45 liao..how many 45 to go lagi? life is 2 short so must cheong
    & ai hua ye hua yee tio ho lah….

    will tis finally closed as it f%^&&**xxx boreing to see who rite who xxx… we all join tis club to make frends n again ai HUA YEE HUA YEE TIO HO LAH….

    sam huat huat huat

  10. Charles

    I said that he has a right to be at an event he signed up for, that I welcome his presence and would be disappointed if he didn’t show up. Whether it is going to be his last or not is not for me to decide. Even in death sentence, there is such a thing call last wish. Whatever he is going thru is his own doing and he knows it. Whether he deserves it or not ? – I would say yes, he deserves it. But just because I do not jump on the bandwagon in attacking him makes me his admirer? No Charles, you should know me better than that.

    All the old timers will recall the number of times, I had quarreled with him on this forum during the earlier SHC days. On many occasions, I was also offended by his indecent prepositions and/or innuendoes either in private or on this forum. So, you can rest assured I have no affinity towards him yet I do not feel the need to loath him. All I’m saying is, “Is there a need for such incessant attacks?” He is already exiting. Leave him be.

    Yes, I am a forgiving person (those who know me will attest to it) – and that may be the only virtue I have. But that’s how I truly feel and am expressing it in plain English. I don’t see why I have to change my view point to suit others or be attacked for standing by my belief.

  11. Lily,

    I am surprised at your admiration for him. Particularly after he referred to you as the ‘Ho’ of SHC.
    But you are a better person than me. I must be missing something than.

    To each his own, like your buddy says.

    Live and learn, is what I say.

  12. Yes, indeed, Lily, well said lor.. n m oso glad dat Tim came 4 d mthly gathering, I wuld b very disappointed if he don’t. As far as I m concerned, 3 of us r good frens ever sin we bumped in2 each other 6yrs ago n I treasured our friendship ever sin. I dun bother wat others think of him as I always believed in 1 man’s meat is another man’s poison hence, 2 each its own lor.e

    So let’s move on… ok… Cheers.. Dolly

  13. Hi SHCians,

    We had a wonderful time this afternoon at Bra Cafe chatting with fellow members who turned up. Their presence afforded real time interaction with one another to get acquainted in double quick time in a nice, comfortable social setting. It was time well spent together.

    We, the attendees, wish to thank the organisers for ensuring sterling success for the Birthday event for our Silverhairsclub.

    I saw Tim Liu there too with a name label stuck to his shirt pocket. He was smilingly friendly to everybody and not confrontational at all. Knowing that I couldn’t speak Hokkien, he spoke to me in Cantonese throughout his time with me for which I appreciated exceedingly.


    Peng Yew

  14. Tim registered for this event way before the saga. He has every right to show up whether it is his last or not.

    Both Dolly and I welcome his presence. In fact, we would be disappointed if he didn’t. So, I personally text him to come and am glad he did.

    Enough is enough as what Susan Tan had so rightfully said. Do we have to be so adamant at kicking someone who is already down?

  15. Hi Steven C,

    It was nice to have a long chat with you. But please dispense with the ‘thank you’s. Otherwise Tim will call you names like ‘ball-carrier’ or some usual mandarin derogatory phrases like having 3 legs. Now that he is not around, it is safer but I know he is still lurking around. Thot I saw him in Bra Cafe too. Did you?

    Despite his avowed declaration to quit and so on, looks like he has changed his mind, again.

  16. Hi all,

    Thanks for the good chit chat times together.

    Thanks Charles Chua for bringing the delicious cake to celebrate our 6th SHC birthday. It was very thoughtful and generous of you to grace this auspicious occasion.

    Thanks Hou Chong for your superb and efficient DHL service. I have just ordered last night by email and I didn’t expect the marmalade to arrive the very next day by air. Fresh and nicely packed too. :)

    Thanks Peter Sng our new SHCian for playing some songs and the Happy birthday meaningful song on the ukulele for us. It was indeed a pleasant surprise. It was my 1st. time to hear an ukulelel being played.

    Thanks to Jessica See for sharing with us her healthy and nutritious talks etc.

    And not forgetting Dolly, Lily Ho and ? with their good , efficient and courteous service.

  17. halo halo ang mo kin chio or chia kan tang ah jessica ….

    u, bo kong hokkien ..aa sai lai lah…( can come ) bo tai chi ( no problem ) aa sai kong ang mo mix abit hookien or teochew or kong fu lor…. arh sar wu rojak also can lei….

    so cfrm liao.hor….# 32 ah beng or ah lian vicky koh ,

    huan yin huan yin lai SHC …bo sar lai ( u wun be wrong ) to join tis club…bo kay 100 % ..u chim bo eng liao 1 hor….many lobong or kan tao hor 4 u 2 choose & siow liao….u pi ,u chee u tua liap nee u ai koon lor pi…..
    ( u.will be busy..many events 2 join ..cheap ,green big size, near road side hahahaha )

    # 33 ..lily jie ,

    wow wow wow lua lua …now we ve our sleltar golf sifu also ai lai siow liao hor…okay noted liao …maybe hope some newbies can sign up to join de present 8 shc members under study for nex tiger wood wannabie…so any1 still keen to learn golfing..pls kin kin poh mia here hor…

    so 2 day MG ….in de cafe bo loh kuan,ang koon tong …sio par leong 18 siow..all in de kong meng sua or chua chu kang

    histroy liao…we are all in a happy ah beng ah seng ah huay ah liang mood wif de SHC … after de MG . some of us are gg 2 cheong 2 our MAS ah nee siow siow ah jie kovan jam nite….any niebie can also come in last mintue ..ticket still sell also @ de door step ..i been there many time..cheap buy got nice curry puff , mineral water..& can see many hunks & sexy char bo also…also ve leng kia ….( aircon ) so mai tan liao hor…( dun wait )

    2 day, if i cant rush it..zillion of sorry hor as oredli @
    #24 …sam huast huat huat

  18. Dolly / Sam

    Golf coach Raymond says he will try to make it to this gathering.

    Registration updated. At this moment, there will be 20 if all turn up.

  19. I would like to attend, but I no ah lian cos, like Terry, can’t speak Hokkien, is that OK? Worse than him, I can’t even understand Hokkien, a true banana (yellow outside, white inside.)

    Nevertheless, I will be brave and come by on the day cos I have been looking forward to meet fellow members since I joined, but was too busy to attend previous events.

  20. Hi Charles,
    I had got Marg’s approval to let you bring in d cake. However, a collection of $5/pax will still be imposed on all members attending this gathering.

    Gentle reminder – No outside food is allowed in d cafe.

    Cya.. Cheers.. Dolly

  21. Hi Dolly,

    I was told to get permission to see if I can bring along a cake to celebrate 6 yrs of SHC.

    So how? Can or not? Pls let me know as I have to cancel.

  22. Hi Lawrence, thks for d offer to help, can u help in registration this fri?
    Lily, can help to print out d registration list cos printer kong liao. Tks

  23. Hi Terence,

    Congratulations to you and the other ‘assistants’ for bringing SHC to what it is today.

    I will bring along a birthday cake this Friday to celebrate.

    Are you able to join us?

  24. Hi Terence, #22
    Ah Gek Mei is indeed Hwa Bee Gek. My apology for not correcting the name earlier.

    Hi Sam Huat, #24
    Need not feel frustrated, that is work life. I work in Jurong too, I know what kind of the traffic at that hour, do drive carefully. We will wait for your arrival.

    Lam HT

  25. halo halo halo to all hiah ti jie mui ( bro & sister )

    wah lua wha pian…..chin bo song liao..cos hor..i last week inform my ah tao ( department head ) dat tis coming pai 5 ( friday ) …i nid 2 take a 1/2 day off from chor kang ( work ) to chair de oct monthly gathering…

    den …hor 2 day ve urgent shipping coming in…& my leave kena cheong kong liao….( leave not approval )sobs sobs sobs …..$%##@$%^$ to my ah tao lah…..

    1 minute say no problem 1 hor..den sim mei last min kena play out liao @@XXXX$$%%^^^#E$E%R&^^*& to my ah tao again lah…. can not use to chor wording hor..arboh godmother whack me lei…pity me lah…so hor my ah dolly u can take over bo har ? by de time i rush down from my work plc jurong

    koon jiu koon liao lor… ( water boil lah ) nvm lah tai kay hua yi hua hee tio ho lah…..

    dolly aa sai hor…u chair huh !!! kam siah jway jway har…….

    sam huat

  26. Hi Terence,

    Ah Gek Mei and Hwa Bee Gek are the same person. It just an endearing term use by Lam on his beloved like, ‘My beloved is mine and I am his and his banner over me is love’


  27. Sam Huat, good that October’s MG will proceed. Think I can get by with my Hokien so Hokien it will be for me. No expletive but a lot of bak sai, guat neo, buay sai kong eh bimi, bu nu, chi cheng tam, wo mun ti, yah si lin sing from me…………

  28. # 15 tim liu ah hiah & # 18 ah hiah terence seah ,

    hahahahaha ..tim liu steady pom pi pi lei…wu aa tua leng kong ho sei liao lah ….thks 4 de good oh low about me ( praise ) i ..now chin kam tong ka ai lua butt sai liao… ( so touched & tears flowing liao )hahahaha

    halo halo ah hiah james chan de senior…wah lua wah lua why u so like dat 1 har ? M.I.A so looooong..u no come 4 so many moons ..wah lua ..u miss so many ,much exciting funs in life liao…must see eng eng bo chor kang den kin kin ai cheong poh mia..like monthly KLKK also ve badminton also ve kok also ve, ki tai kok also ( thailand ) also ve..& most also ve lumpsing also ve…@ de kovan c.c …

    so pai kay MIA liao hor…hahahahaha

    sam huat aslo ai kong ,

    ah hiah terence ,

    ah gek mei hor…is a member lah…mei mei swee swee 1 si media corp beng seng 1 nee koo lee kang us $10000,000 per show hor… ( actress salary )aa chai liao bo har ?

    wah pian ai 6 tiam liao…must ve 40 winks liao …b4 i kong sweet dream..ai cheong ai huat chai 2 day ve 4d bei piow huat huat huat huat

  29. wah wah wah …i chim bo eng ( very busy 2 log in )

    see so many kong lai kong ki ( conversation 2 way )

    so betta ki ki kong abit lor….

    ah my dolly , pls procced now seng li ho sei liao lei… ( businnes good )..

    ah hiah peter sng , heng ah ah hiah terence deleted yr tian wei liao…arboh hor u got 0400hr 7 char 8 char ( early morning ) i wake u up 2 pan sai 1 hor….& lim koon chiu 1 lah ( wake u uo & do visit de toilet & drink water ) hahahaha………..

    sam huat huat huat

  30. “Had I offended Sam by asking him the touchy questions as recommended, he could easily have broken every brittle bone in my frail………..body”.

    Well, Terry, in my eyes and I believe in the eyes of many SHCians as well, Sam Huat is a gentle giant. Fact that he keeps himself faithful to one woman these 2 years means that he cant have over used this tua leng gong. So, wont he be proud to show us what we all envy?

    He does like to lay his fingers on bones……not to break them but to give a soft massage. Want?

    After that, you will hear some painful screamings and sounds of bone breakings from the kitchen. Grinning like the best host ever, he will ask you to try his double-boiled bak kut teh

    But of cos if you want him to break your bones as the soup ingredients for a change, I think very reluctantly he will oblige. Want?

    Earlier when I signed up for this MG, I forgot that I hv a medical appointment that same afternoon. I know I will be subjecting myself to another mauling session by some trainee/understudy docs.

    Hopefully, by the time I stagger to the Bra, I can be resuscitated by Sam with his prowess for bones. Think I can bet on that with my $5.

  31. Hi Tim Liu,

    No thanks for your kind recommendation. Since you mentioned Sam Huat is somebody whose towering presence cannot be missed, sorry, I really can’t follow your instructions. Please be kindly reminded: “I NO STUPID LOR!” Had I offended Sam by asking him the touchy questions as recommended, he could easily have broken every brittle bone in my frail 67 year-old body for unwarranted invasion of his privacy and hurting his self-esteem.

    Oh! This is just a joke with no offence intended. We all love to make friends whose smiles light up our day. As such we all in SHC are guided by the golden principle of give and take and of enjoying one another’s company in team spirit.

    I understand Hokkien a fair bit, although I can’t speak it.
    The ‘graduation route’ from ‘Ah Hiah’ to ‘Ah Chek’ to ‘Apek’ has been particularly long and difficult for many, myself inclusive. Not everybody is blessed with a long, well-lived life. To each his own lifestyle formula on keeping fit in order to live a long, rewarding, meaningful life surrounded by good-natured relatives and friends.



  32. Dear All,
    I have been missing out all the events due to my work.
    Ghosh! time has changed and so is SilverHairs Club when I was amongst the first to be the SilverHairs Club during one of the D&D event at the Serangoon Garden Club.
    I will come to the gathering on Friday 21/10/2011.
    See you Guys and Gals.
    Warm Regards

  33. Terry, Hokien is easy to speak. For greetings, you can start with ‘cant knee lair’ . When you see Sam Huat – he is too huge to miss- ask him ‘tia kong li eh tua leng gong pai liao huh? Bn pai, kia jut like kua leh’. You wil b amazed at the size.

  34. A very good morning to one & all!

    If all the attendees decide to communicate in only Hokkien, then, I have to act dumb over at bra cafe or pretend that I am a complete, unreponsive lifeless dummy. Ha, ha, ha. Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not against Hokkien being the sole communication medium on Oct 21/11 SHC late afternoon chit-chat. If asked in Hokkien, I can always reply either in Mandarin, Cantonese or English for which I am suitably fluent on all three.

    Let’s be honest with ourselves. When Hokkien is being spoken among the Hokkiens, there is an air of affinity and kinship pervading the heart and soul of the gathering. The same can be said for other dialect group get-togethers.

    Please count me in.
    Thank you.

    Terry Tang

  35. Hi Peter #7,

    I have deleted your contact telephone number, a practice on this forum to prevent prank calls.

    Welcome to the club.

    Terence Seah

  36. Weiwei Sam Huat3,
    Ah Beng Ah Seng ai mit Ah Lian Ah Huay meeting bo seng li leh. Maybe they ai ki d next day Hokkien KOK event 2 kong lai kong ki lor.. so u 1 2 cancel bo? Cos u told me dat u 1 2 try 2 take leave 2 chair tis mtg leh so now hor.. u still 1 2 go ahead wif tis anot har? Pls let us noe earlier hor so dat we can plan cafe’s logistics hor… Cheers.. Dolly

  37. Hi Ah Beng Sam Kor,

    Looong time No shit . u aur k la.

    I gilaffa Steven is coming to your Bra party la.

    You la must entertain us with more of your hamsup jokes or humourous acting if possible.

    I no se u for a wrong wrong time ,

    U c Sam .
    U 2 influence me to lite Ah Beng’s bloken English.

    Ha! ha! :) C u dan.

  38. halo mei mei geraldine ,

    ho sei bo har ? ( how r u )….long time bo kwa tio ler hor…long time we no meet..

    aiyo pasty is ang mo roti lah…( english snack ) tio bo har ? can dolly or towkay ah hiah terence tow kar chiew explain bo ? …wah pian u so sua kua 1 mei ? ( mountain tortoise .hahahahaha..

    aa sai hor…no english mandrain..onli in any dialect 1 hor…can be teochew ,hokkien , kong hu ,hylam kek ,hock chew…wu lan ai kong ang mo hor..den must kena penalty lah..maybe massage my back for 15mins lor…

    den i siok siok lor… ah mei mei , si hor..bo pan pai kui ?

    next 2 de date ..will do so later lah….now ai ve my 40 winks 1st hor…zzzzzzzzz

    sam huat huat huat hope 2 see more newbies lai support..

    will try 2 break de cold ice so we all like hiah ti jie mui hor ( we r brothers n sisiter ) den we start from here 2 siow siow for future events ya…. but also need de pioneer members.. kin kin lai cheong ..arboh 40 paxs mua liao hor siow liao lah….

    cheers from sam huat

  39. Wow Huat Sam

    Your ‘theme’ sounds very exciting, what with the bengs and sengs and huays. Are participants require to behave like so? Kekekekekee.

    Pity I can’t be there, would love to be Ah Lian.

    Foodwise, what is a pasty? Sounds awful! I’m not going to eat it.

    Would be good if you post the day as well besides the date. Easy reference.

    Have fun and please don’t scare the mintees.

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