Happy Lunar New Year…

Lunar New Year have always been celebrated by Chinese community for many centuries and is an important occasion to have close bonding with children, grand-children, parents and grand-parents together for grand reunion.  Not forgetting to visit friends and relatives too for long lasting friendship/fellowships. – I have numerous new friends added on my list this year thru SHC and likewise, I am sure that most of you feel the same.

On behalf of SilverHairsClub, we like to take this opportunity to wish all members and families a healthy and happy Rat Lunar New Year.  It would be nice to see how interesting we can be as we enjoy our SilverHairs years along the way.  Share with us here if you can. We are waiting to hear from each and every one of you too. 

And for those members whom have been inactive for some time due to other commitments previously, do take this occasion to wish fellow members seasons’ greetings.  We want to hear from you.

A Happy prosperous New Year to everybody.  Here we share our thoughts and exchange our greetings too… Starts the ball rolling…

Club Admin – Dolly Lim

Author: Dolly Lim

ACTIVE 2005 / UPDATED - 31.03.2021_SF

14 thoughts on “Happy Lunar New Year…”

  1. Hi Dolly,

    I enjoyed meeting you yesterday.

    Thanks you for all the guidance you have given me

    Those making use of personal relationship or social platform to spread fake news just in order to pull down someone’s reputation or popularity is kind of very low class and dirty trick which usually used by person whom having low morale.

    This type of person having ability to act pity, friendly and innocent on surface towards everyone just to make everyone thinks him or her is a nice & trustworthy person. But deep inside his or her mind, no one will know what the real hidden agenda that this person is keeping.

    Scary part is, those people whom choose to believe in him or her will be make use and be doing wrong thing to harm true innocent party without realizing.

    Let me know if there’s anything I can do or
    If I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me

    Cheers !

    1. Dear Cola,
      You are welcome and let’s enjoy while we can, make an effort to forget any unhappy situations happened Y2019 and begins a new year at Y2020 with much events to look forward for. Noted your assistance for help if needed too.

      Let’s have this solely for members to send their CNY greetings to all members OK?


  2. Dear Cola,
    Glad to receive a nice greeting from you to all members.. .Thank you for sharing yesterday and while we cant control others’ speech of words so we just have to learn to appreciate those spread with good intent and as for other uncalled for, just ignore lor.. You being angry or upset by those words will only make other happy instead of you.. Life is too short for us to behave this way.

    So CNY is coming soon so we will move on lo.. Quoted by you, positive energy we received lor,,, Right… Cheers..Dolly

  3. Happy New Year! Always welcome the new morning with a new spirit, a smile on your face, love in your heart and good thoughts in your mind.
    ?May our days be as glittery as a diamond, may our friends be as good as gold, may our heart stay as green as an emerald, and may our soul remain as pure as a pearl.
    Wishing Everyone a Happy Chinese New Year.


  4. Dear LydiaP,
    Thank you for the greeting ya… to all members…

    Creating bonding events need helpers leh… but both Carly and I are thinking though nothing concrete as of now lor… Carly, tio bo?

    Cheers.. Dolly

  5. Wishing ALL in SHC …. Good Health & Great Fellowships whole year through.

    More bonding events for us ya, Dolly – our Club Admin – JiaU !!


  6. Greeting to all SHC members….Huat lah!

    Must Huat for toto,4d and lucky draw.

    Huat to win more on mahjong and cards

    Huat on meeting new and premium SHC members.

    Huat Huat Huat horray!

    Ai hiong to Huat har!

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