- This site is created to cater to the need for updates, information, comments, feedback, ideas, proposals, etc. pertaining to the monthly Online Flea Mart. All constructive input from members are welcome. However, chatter and additional information pertaining to an advertisement will be deleted.
- It is hoped that with your input, the monthly Online Flea Mart will evolve and develop into an interesting place to visit for club members and members of the public.
Hi Frank #12,
Please communicate with admin@silverHairsClub.com re your intended Post. The Fleamart is not the place to put up Business Opportunity advertising.
Terence Seah
The following has been reposted on this thread from the online flea mart post which does not permit comments/communication.
Audrey WONG Says:
November 6th, 2012 at 1:20 pm e
Hi Amy,
didn’t even see yoiu posted the Polgyon bike.. Solded .. wats a waste!
Frank Kaw Says:
November 6th, 2012 at 3:11 pm e
Hi Jassmine
I refer to my posting of 1 Nov on Business Opportunity – Project Financing.
In the event of my posting being accepted for publication, I kindly request to correct the first para, second sentence which should correctly read “…to a tune of USD5m (NOT 50m) to 100M…”. Thank you.
Frank Kaw
Amy Soon Says:
November 6th, 2012 at 8:32 pm e
Hello Audrey,
Sorry you missed the post which was up in August.
Many enquired, some came to test it out but most found it too big for them to manage.
Glad someone appreciated my bike for what it was worth.
Transferred here from Online fleamart advertisement site which disallows comments.
Steven Chan Says:
October 11th, 2012 at 11:56 am e
V. sorry.
Temporary boarding for Pet DOGS only for October has been fully booked.
Re-posted from online flea mart thread.
Sam Huat says:
halo halo ah dorine tan ,
if ..yr colleaque…barangs 2 still have….den i will come 2nite to collect it for the orphange homes….
will send u a email aso lah…..
sam huat huat
Steven Chan says:
Hi Jassmine Teo
Thanks so much for posting on my behalf re dog boarding rates.
Appreciated. :)
Steven Chan
If you have an extra guitar at home, and want to sell it, please put it up for sale in Jassmine’s online fleamart May 2012. I hope to encourage more beginners to pick up guitar learning.
Terence Seah
Hi Winnie
Have removed your comment on the flea mart site to this information/comment site which is the site for communication/comments relating to advertising/advertisements on the flea mart site.
Winnie wrote:
Hi Jassmine,
Glad I remember to type double “s” for your name. Gee, I have nothing to sell this month. My OSIM massage chair still with me. Guess I have to live with it. Might be a good idea to hold on to it for old age. Hmmmmm….(o_o)
Cheers, winnie
Don’t give up on your OSIM offer. You can repeat your advertisement on the May flea mart thread with a good reduction in the price. Am sure it’ll be snapped up like hot cakes! :)
For comments or posts which have been put in the moderation queue, you may write to admin@silverhairsclub.com, if you need a clarification. After a week, the comment or post will be deleted.
Terence Seah
Please note:
The online flea mart information board can be used by members to reach an advertiser whose e-mail contact given in his/her advertisement is not functioning.
For comments and queries on issues NOT DIRECTLY related to the advertisements posted on the advertisement site, please use e-mail.
ON THE QUERY why one member’s advertisement has been languishing in the moderation mode for several days, the reply is: It was approved on the same day the advertisement first appeared. However, the advertisement still remains under moderation. This implies Admin wants to review it.
UPDATE – expanding the information board to include messages for advertisers
With immediate effect, a member can post a message to reach an advertiser if he/she is unable to contact the advertiser through the latter’s e-mail address.
The following message has been moved to this information board site:
Yew Kwong Says:
Your email ac is overloaded wif emails. Nothing can reach u unless u it up. I m interested in your bikes. Drop me some pic via link here.
If u still hv my contact. Tx me or use whatsapp.
The purpose of the online flea mart advertisement page is to serve the SHC community by informing members of good offers, bargains…and for the advertisers, also SHC members, to make some ‘income’. It is NOT meant to serve companies, directly or indirectly.
If a member has a personal service to offer and the service is held at the member’s home, and NO COMPANY is involved, the advertisement is permitted on the online flea mart site.
Please note:
The rationale for allowing advertisements of trips and tours is to create an opportunity for SHC members to earn some income from organising AND LEADING the trip/tour.
The keyword here is LEAD. If an SHC member organises but does not lead, such an advertisement will not be permitted. This kind of trip/tour is commercial in nature and its advertisement should not be FOC.
The online flea mart serves individuals (SHC members). It does not serve companies.
UPDATE – advertisements for paid guided trips/tours
Starting from January 2012, ACTIVE club members who wish to organize and lead a PAID, guided group trip/tour can advertise their trips or tours on the Online Flea Mart site to publicize their trips/tours.
These paid trips/tours will also be open to non-members so that it is easier to get the minimum group size needed. Tour advertisements will be limited to 10 lines. The conditions will be posted on the Jan 2012 online flea mart post.
A word about our definition of ACTIVE club members. They are EOs, ECs, and members who post comments regularly on the SHC forum.
INACTIVE members include members who register for events. INACTIVE members are not eligible to post their tour advertisements.