Stars-in-Concert #3, early Aug 2020 evening over SHC Zoom

In 2009 and 2013, SHC organised two 2 Stars-in-Concert respectively.  These two events bring out the singing and entertainment talents of our SilverhairsClub members.

This year 2020, we have set the dates for Stars-in-Concert #3.  The event is open to all SilverHairsClub members, SHC Ordinary and SHC Facebook members.  There will be prizes for both singers and home audience.   You are encouraged to participate.  This event will be held LIVE over SHC Zoom.

  • Date:  1st week of Aug 2020
  • Time:  after dinner, approx 3 hours.
  • Venue:  SHC zoom.  New password will be issued after registration.
  • Judges:  3 members plus audience participation.
  • Singers and Audience open to all members, Ordinary and Facebook members.
  • Requirements:  All singing participants are required to use their own Desktop PC, with Windows 10, speakers and an external microphone.  You should also have a singing or song application.  You can choose to have lyrics if you wish.  Ideally, you have  5mm from the microphone, for best results.
  • Top 5 winners will be judged based on voice clarity, music and vocals broadcast stabilty and entetainment.
  • Practice sessions:  regularly from now to 15 Jun 2020
  • Registration closes 27 Jul 2020.  Enough time to practise before registration closes.

More updates from organisers.  Keep in touch.

Terence Seah


Author: Terence Seah


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