I have been exploring the possibility of having other SHC regular gatherings outside the central area in Singapore. Last week, I spoke with Vincent Khoo, who lives in Jurong East. In general, since he is retired, and would also like to gather and coordinate SHC members together on a regular basis.
In general, I have some agreement and understanding on having a monthly gathering there at Jurong East, for those members who live in the West. Key points are:
- Place – Jurong East
- Venue –
likely a food court. This is being explored by Vincent.Food court Kopitiam, 2nd floor, IMM - Time – 10 am – 12nn
or 2pm to 4pm, a weekday - Frequency – likely once a month
- Date: Fri 10 Feb 2012
- Residents – those who are retired and live in the best.
- Transport – MRT, Jurong East.
- Food – As you would buy from the food court.
- fees – there are no charges.
- Topic – Vincent will lead. But, participants can suggest topics.
Soon, I will announce the start of these gatherings. Note: The usual monthly gatherings for all members will still continue; although this one will be in the West for retired SHCians.
For your info, thoughts and comments. If anyone has suggestions, and would like to lead in the East and North, please share your thoughts here. This is to be a regular happening. We will take it from here.
If you are living in the West, and would like to be part of this grouping, please register here.
Terence Seah
Vincent Khoo
Inez Lim
- Peter Lim
- Primrose Kok
- Susan Tan
- Steven Chan
- Lim Tian Soo
- KC Lau
- Catherine Yeo
- Terence Seah
- Peng Peng
- Jane Tan
- Linda Chan
- Josie Yow
- Pearl Kwan
- Simon Lee
- Cheng Pun
- Richard Lean
- Tan Seok Wah
- Mega Abdullah
- Grace Wong
- Lilian Teo
Hi Terence, when will be next regular meeting in the West? Thank you!
Hi Terence
I am a new member of SHC living in the West , I would like to join the West Group if it have been formed.
Kindly let me know if there is a next gathering for this West Group next time as I missed the first one.
John Lim
Hi King Seng/Terence,
I have some pics taken @ this SHC meeting @ IMM on 10 Feb – for your consideration to upload.
Where can i send the pics to?
Wow! the turn up was so good and was introduced to so many but only remember Tricia, Peng Peng, Barbara who plays Rummy O, Lena who is opening her poolside for the April meeting and short trips, Primrose, Pearl, Grace Wong and of course Terence. I hope to remember more on the next meeting. Imm is big but seating arrangement does not allow much interaction. Maybe Vincent can come up with a better place so that everyone could interact with one another to get to know each other better. Going to bed now. Good night!
Hi Lena,
Thank you for being flexible with the timing..
@52 Hi Felice
Suggestion for private pool area was suggested for APRIL. I’m easy with time slot, can be three to four hours for those who want to stay around longer to chat. Doesn’t always have to start at 10am too, just has to be anything that suits the majority, I’m flexible.
Will coordinate with Vincent/Terence in due course.
Have a good weekend y’all.
Terence, I thought Lena mentioned that in her post..we will
be meeting in a private pool area ??
It is Ok if timing can not adjust, i can understand..
Vincent Khoo will organise the March gathering for the WEST. I will leave it to him; but the time is likely to stay 10 – 12 nn. Felice, the time is suitable for those who had turned up today. Felice, I am not sure why you have to bring lunch, there is plenty of food at the foodcourt.
It was a pleasant surprise to see 30 retirees/semi-retired SHCians at the gathering. The drivers are happy because it has 3 hours of free parking. The two hour gathering was just ample; as the crowds build up at 12nn.
For those who have planned activities, go ahead. Gosh, today, we had a chatty bunch of members today.
Terence Seah
Hi, Glad to know the meeting took off just like A380..
and hopefully we will not found wings chipped off after
sometimes like the Super Jumbo plane..
I am interested but timing is NOT suitable..
Since we have to bring lunch, i am most happy to provide
some simple meals IF you all can kindly adjust the time a little later…after all it is ONCE a mth.
thank you for the understanding..any VOTE for me ?
Hello West End Members
Thank you Vincent for mooting this get-together, looks like it’s going to do good for retired West Enders.
Excuse me if I can’t remember every single name, and for not circulating enough.
Some members have suggested, and I more than welcome, to have a future meet-up at the poolside area (there are shaded areas) of Summerdale condo (8mins. walk or 1 bus-stop fm Boon Lay Interchange where Jurong Point is). Private venue will be good as there will be no rush. I will also be happy to arrange pick-up from Jurong Point courtesy myself and those with wheels.
Someone suggested that we bring our own brunch/lunch, good idea!
I’m good for mid April, actual date TBC.
As mentioned, those who are interested in joining my forays into regional countries, scheduled trips for the moment :
(1) 24-28Feb Shanghai
(2) 07Mar-02Apr Siem Reap (for work, and anyone who wants to swing by any time during this period, let me know)
(3) 23-26Apr Penang … food & more food!
(4) 10-15May Manila
I can also be reached at lenawang1605@gmail.
Have a good weekend.
Congratulations to Vincent Khoo for the successful gathering this morning. Wish I have more time to get to know so many new people. But the oublic was overflowing the Kopitiam by 12 noon.
Look forward to another gathering next month.
Hi Terence,
Grace Wong & myself would like to attend this meeting in the West.
Pls include us.
C u all
Hi Terence,
We live in Bt Batok which is very near IMM.
We would like to meet up with fellow Silverhairs in the West but are unable to make it this Friday as we have to babysit.
We hope to attend the next monthly meeting in the West.
Philip & Priscilla Wee :)
Hi Vincent
I am new to Silverhairs and would like to attend your 1st gathering at IMM.
Hi Vincent
i m coming for this gathering.
C u
Terence, may I know is there a Ukulele enthusiast group in the West I am interested to join them jamming?
During the gathering of the West, we currently have Vincent Khoo as the EO. I hope we can find someone to assist Vincent Khoo, from time to time, when he disappears to Thailand. Please speak with him or me, when we meet this Friday.
It would be nice to expand the West group, especially for retirees. Also, I am not too sure about the suitability of this place, if the numbers grow. But, let’s give it a try. If you have suggestions, again, please speak with Vincent or me this Friday.
Terence Seah
Hi Terence and Vincent
I am a retiree in Central but keen to meet up with members in the West. So please include me for this meeting.
Rgds Mega
would luv to come but will be away… hope to attend the next one… Have a great meeting…rgds Pat
Hi Terence,
Please include Richard Lean and I in this meeting.
Susan Tan SW
Please include me.
Please include Kwan Pearl and Simon Lee. Looking forward to meeting you all.
Hi Josie #35,
The agenda is really for retirees in the West to meet, once a month. Hopefully, Vincent can continue with this gathering; and that members can get together to know one another. The intention is to meet others with similar interests.
Hi Felice #34,
I would think 1130 would be too late. Do join them another time.
Terence Seah
I think it’s a wonderful idea meeting retirees in the West. May I know what are we going to discuss on?
Hi, starting at 10.00am, isn’t it a little too early ?
Gentlemen, please kindly consider the ladies who still have to
sort out the housework before they can leave home..
I can only join after 11.30 as i have a previous engagement.
would the meeting last til 1.00noon ?
This is my first time joining an activity as a newbie of SHC
very recently. Thanks.
Please count me in. This will be the FIRST time I join the club.
Hi Richard @ #31,
Good to know that you worked for over 10 years in Thailand.
Would be interested in your stories about normal life there.
I an not free on Fri mornings so will have to look for another day to meet.
BTW, you mentioned you help in the Willing Hearts soup kitchen? In Geylang? With Tony Tay? Just for my info, do you know if they collected the cornflakes from Penjuru Rd last week, and how many cartons did they collect?
Hi SHC’s
Have worked in Thailand also, 5 years in Bangkok, 5 years in ChiangMai. Would love to meet on 10Feb but not at 10am as am doing voluntary work at Willing Hearts that cooks and deliver to various points for the needy. If th
I’ll be there to meet up with the retirees.
Jane Tan
Hi Thomas,
To participate, please register members only. Please have kenny contact admin@silverHairsclub.com. Thank you.
Terence Seah
IMM is near my place. Yes, myself and Kenny Loh would like to
have a nice day,
thomas kuan
Hello Vincent & Terence
IMM is a good venue, I’m happy to join the SHC West End Club on Friday 10Feb.
Vincent : I’ve probably visited Thailand 35x and never tire of the country and the many ways in which they have constantly evolved and re-invented their attractions. I’m sure you’ll have useful input for SHC visits there.
See you all on Friday then.
Hi Vincent,
Pls include me for this first gathering.
Thanks & Rgds, Peng Peng
Hi Vincent,
This is our first gathering in the West. I am also eager to attend. See you at IMM.
Terence Seah
Terence and Vincent,
IMM is my regular mall and my favourite too.
Will definitely drop in for the ‘westerlies’ gathering whenever I can so please add me to your list.
Dear All
Vincent may like to talk about sex but he is respectful of ladies. In fact I think he can still put many ladies at ease. So don’t be discouraged. We will behave in front of you girls. Come and have a chat.
I am never too sure if certain gatherings work. I think a gathering in the West, especially during the offpeak hours would be good for retirees or semi-retirees. So, this West end gathering is just the beginning.
Another point you should know about Vincent is he is 78. And because he has been in Thailand for more than 20 years, he is well versed to discuss anything about Thailand. He tends to talk about sex, so I thought it would be good you know first. I think he has retired 10 years ago.
Enjoy the first gatherng. Thank you Vincent.
Terence Seah
Hi Robert Ong #6,
The Westerners had already set a date on 10 Feb 2012,
when is your East gathering gonna happen?
Can you put up a new post on its own instead of linking with the West here so that we can hands up for “A regular SHC meeting point in the East”?
Hi Vincent,
Count me in too!
Hi Vincent
Plse include me.
Hi Terence, Vincent and Westerlies
I would like to be part of this group. Saturdays are better for me. I would prefer meeting in a cosy cafe.
Other than sit down meetings, walkabouts are good too.
Calling calling calling the other Westerlies…
Much as I want to join I am only available on Mondays to Wed.
So sorry for being unable to be there. Hope I can join next time
Peter Lim
Hi everybody,
Terence has asked me to lead the first monthly gathering in the West, for those who lives in the West. The first gathering in the West is confirmed.
Place – Jurong East
Venue – Food court Kopitiam, 2nd floor, IMM
Time – Start at 10 am
Date: Fri 10 Feb 2012
Transport – MRT, Jurong East.
Please register and I will see you there. I had worked and live in Thailand, especially Bangkok for more than 20 years. So, if you wish to discuss anything on Thailand, we can talk. I am young at heart. I am retired long ago.
Vincent Khoo
Dear Vincent Khoo,
Thanks for mooting the idea of a meeting place in the West.I live in the West and have recently retired as a school teacher.I have always been of the biased opinion that a good many of the meeting places are in the East.The Westerners appear to me as a neglected lot.I am glad that you thought of us,Westerners well!For this patriotic reason count me in.Cheerio!A Happy Lunar New Year to you and all.
Hi Robert #13,
Please go ahead. I wont set new rules on these gatherings. You have been with the club for some time, and as long as you stay within the rules of the club, I would support you.
On the issue of guests, they have to be members, no external parties.
Terence Seah
Hi Terence #7
Yes I am a retiree and can commit for one year to liase and collaborate for SHC members to spend meaningful and joyful occasions at a conducive environment.
To enhance the sustainability of the activity, have you given some thoughts on the mode or format by which the participants will abide to on certain rules and etiquette? This is important as we are bringing a diverse group of people for interactions and exchange of views.
To promote vibrancy, we can invite guests to give talks on specific topics in which they excel.
My above views are suggestive only and are open for discussions.
oh, but I can still join, can’t I, as I can still go if I’m on leave! Cheers!
Hi Robert #6
Glad that you’ll be arr coffee talks in the East. I would love to join in such coffee chitchats but I hope that it’ll not clash with my working schedule.
Hi Terence,
As a retiree, I too would like to join the West group.
Hi Robert#6,
Am so happy you are leading in the East.
Some of us suggested some time ago that the East SHC members can meet in the East for chit chats, also to know new members from the East too. Weekdays are great as its less crowded, easier to get seats, hehe.
Hope you’ll start soon!
I like to join the west group
I would prefer weekday from Mon to wed. if possible.
Hi Robert #6,
I am very pleased to have you run the East monthly gatherings for retirees. Will be in touch with you in a day or two. If you are committed to run this for one year, I shall give my support to this activity where retirees from the East can meet at least once a month. Participants can follow through their new friends, for the rest of the month, before meeting again. We stay focused and meet to know one another, and know one another.
Terence Seah
Hi Terence
I live in the East and would like to help out in organising the gathering at East Point shoping centre preferably at the food court: The Banquet at 5th floor. It is cosy and we should avoid the lunch crowd. The best time is 1.30pm to 4.30pm on weekdays. The place is right in front of the Simei MRT station. Preferably the frequency is twice a month.
Robert Ong
Hi Sam,
I subscribe to doing work until cannot work. Part-time, Full-time or anytime. So, good you are not retired. However, I am considering this monthly gathering in Jurong, for members who live in the West and have retired. Will try it and see how this works.
And, Tian Soo, Susan, I dont know Jurong well. But, good to know you too like the area, IMM and Jurong point. As Vincent lives there, I will consult him; and he will let me know which place is convenient. Being worked on.
Hi Inez, yes, both Warren Golf and Farm Mart, sounds good too. I would keep your suggestion in mind for the moment, maybe for some other event. I am looking at somewhere very central. Get out of the MRT and/or a shuttle and you are almost there.
If you live in the West, and like to join this gathering, please let me know. If there is support for this idea, we will definitely make this a regular thing. Let”s try.
Terence Seah
hi terence.. 2 places that i can think of is the (1)Warren Golf and country club. They have free shuttle service from Lot 1 – CCK MRT station (at specific times) and free parking at the non-members parking lots. I’m not a member of the club, but i had a meal there once – the food is not fantastic, but the place where we ate had quite a nice view. it is quiet during the day – maybe busy only during weekends.. (2) Farm-Mart also has free parking and free shuttle service from CCK MRT (must check timing), and we can go enjoy some back to nature shops and kiosks. this place is open air except for one outlet that serves western food. i think we can have some form of picnic/BYO if we do not want to patronize the food outlet.
You could alternate between IMM and Jurong Point which has better joints there. Sorry cant join you – still have to slog for a living.
Agree with Ah Huat. IMM is best. There are 2 food courts and many restautants. The time you mention is quiet. It is so quiet that some restautants don’t bother to open.
Free car parking for 3-4 hours. Free shuttle bus to/from MRT station.
Vincent Khoo the true IT connoisseur. It will be fun.
halo terence ah hiah ….
u hor , no good 1 lah…..me retire but feel BORED so back to work force again full time liao…& me stay in jurong for almost 35yr liao…..also de timing bo swee lei ( not nice )…
anyway bro vincent khoo ( re u de famous magician who he carry a charlie on his hand ) ?
bro ,try recee imm de food court very tok kong 1…1st 3hr free parking some more hor…
sam huat huat huat