SilverHairsClub name tag

The SilverHairsClub name tag has the following specifications.  Please design and print your name tag yourself, and put the card into a plastic holder, which can be hung around the neck or pinned on the shirt/dress.  There is no need to standardize the design.

Every member makes their own name tag.

  • Size:  89mm x 51mm (3.5inch x 2inch)
  • Paper:  Can be of any colour or material.
  • Font size:  As bold as possible so that others can see your name from far.  Any colour, shape or design.
  • Content:  Your name.  Must have the first and last name or first, middle and last name.  No abbreviation.  Company name not allowed; except when approved as a Corporate member.
  • Members can choose any background, picture or design.

This name tag should be used at all SilverHairsClub gathering.

Have fun.

Terence Seah

Author: Terence Seah


6 thoughts on “SilverHairsClub name tag”

  1. Hi everybody,

    The SilverHairsClub name tag has the following specifications. Our name tag is unique, in that every name tag is different. Please design and print your name tag yourself, and put the card into a plastic holder, which can be hung around the neck or pinned on the shirt/dress. There is no need to standardize the design.

    Size: 89mm x 51mm (3.5inch x 2inch)
    Paper: Can be of any colour or material.
    Font size: As bold as possible so that others can see your name from far. Any colour, shape or design.
    Content: Your name. Must have the first and last name or first, middle and last name. No abbreviation. Company name not allowed; except when approved as a Corporate member.

    This name tag should be used at all SilverHairsClub gathering. All EOs and ECs, please adopt the use of the SHC name tag in all your events. This helps members recognised one another by name.

    Terence Seah

  2. Hi Grace Wong aka Grace Ng now,

    Where ever you are and if you are reading this:
    Just want to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH (again) for the SHC Name Tag!

    It is always the small little things like these that makes the world a better place to live in – TS will second this statement for sure. Keep up the good work!

    And yes, it is still in good condition. Will take good care of it.

    Ivan Lim

  3. Ivan

    I also have a name tag given to me when I join in 2008. I think it was Grace Wong who did it. It has a reused card board to stiffen it and quite ornate art work. I would like to say it is done with love but that would get me into trouble with my wife or her boyfriend. Anyway she has now become Grace Ng and she is obviously too modest to take credit for her handiwork.
    But I would like to record my thanks for her effort.

  4. Hi terence
    the westerlies next meeting is scheduled on the 9th March at 10am at IMM – this message comes from Vincent. I’m only the messenger since he’s without a computer at the moment. we can perhaps do this name card activity on this occasion? i can help co-ordinate logistics such as the laminating machine if necessary.

  5. Was looking at my SHC Name Tag.

    It has my name on it in a mixture of green+orange coloured alphabets plus orange colored borders all round the rectangular card.

    There is also a silhouette of a rolling boat with 2 passengers + the boat roller/owner on it.

    Now! Isn’t that nice but I honestly can’t recall who made this name tag and gave it to me at one of the monthly gathering we had at Han’s Cafe, may be 3 years ago when I 1st joined SHC.

    Can this SHCian raise her hands here so that I can register my thanks to her again (officially)!!

    Ivan Lim

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