ARABIAN NITE – SHC D&D ON July 28 2012

Hello All Members,

That’s right, the "Abrabian Nite" is the theme for the coming SHC D&D.  Full details as below:

·         Theme :  ARABIAN NITE
·         Venue :  Kensington Ballroom – Level 3 SGCC Heliconia Wing 
·         Date :  Saturday, 28 July 2012
·         Time :  6.30pm – 12 midnight
·         Cost :  $45 per pax

Tentative Programmes (Subject to change) :

6.30pm – Start registration
7.15pm – Welcome speeches
7.30pm – Start buffet dinner (Dance music throughout dinner)
9.00pm – 1st Game segment
9.15pm – Special performance by SHC members
9.30pm – 2nd Game segment
9.45pm – Special performance by SHC members
10.00pm – Dancing thru to midnight  

Committee Members :
1.       Chairman – Daniel Ong
2.       Treasurer – Dolly & Serene
3.       Music Director – John Howe
4.       Programme – Lily Ho
5.       Deco – Audrey Wong, Yatsing & Lily Ho
6.       Games Master – Janie Leong, Audrey Wong, Yatsing & Daniel Ong
7.       Registration – Marg Tian, Lina Tan, Chew Peng & Andrew Yeung & Caroline Gee
8.       Photographer – Richard Wong, we will need another volunteer, if any.

What is the dress-code?,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=bca5e06e6083780b&biw=1280&bih=687

Any belly dancers, among the members, want to give us a demo.. please let us know so that we can arrange a time slot for this – Should be very interesting, right?

So hurry, wait no more and start register your attendance now:

  1. Daniel Ong
  2. Lily Ho
  3. Dolly Lim
  4. John Howe
  5. Molly Chua
  6. Janie Leong
  7. Yat Sing
  8. Caroline Gee
  9. Marg Tian
  10. Lina Tan
  11. Chew Peng
  12. Richard Wong
  13. Robert Tan
  14. Serene Leow
  15. Audrey Wong
  16. Suzhang
  17. Lina Ng
  18. Hou Chong
  19. Tian Soo
  20. Eyvonne Chew
  21. Geraldine
  22. Mary Chan
  23. Terence Seah
  24. Norlinda
  25. Bira
  26. Veronique 
  27. Joe Choo
  28. Karen Thio
  29. Judy Lim
  30. Pauline Khoo
  31. Helen Quek
  32. Sockie
  33. Sam Huat
  34. Bobby Bok
  35. Ivan Lim
  36. Lynn Tai
  37. Molly Quek
  38. Lim Geok Suan
  39. Gabriella
  40. Pauline Ho
  41. Rosalind
  42. Andrew Yeung
  43. Thomas Loh
  44. Lilian Teo
  45. Marilyn Tay
  46. Peri Liew
  47. Johnny &
  48. Annie Pow
  49. Janet Loo
  50. Nancy Teng
  51. Rene Leong
  52. Boon Liang
  53. Janet Chan
  54. Richard &
  55. Jane Kee
  56. Kristie Quek
  57. Shirleen Kao
  58. Susan Chan
  59. Bernard Chan
  60. Wong Hong Jeng
  61. Martin Lee
  62. Patrick &
  63. Linda Oei
  64. Lydia Chin
  65. George Chew
  66. Alicia Soh
  67. Mike Tan
  68. Bee Gek
  69. Lam
  70. Lai Fong
  71. Kristin Leong
  72. Winnie Tan
  73. Dennis Tan
  74. May Woo
  75. Alex Woo
  76. Alyn Lee
  77. Rose White
  78. Laura Wee
  79. Ann Lim
  80. Pearl Wong
  81. Debbie Oh
  82. Hamidah
  83. Grace Gan
  84. Angela Straaten
  85. June Koh
  86. Joanne Ang
  87. Irene Poh
  88. Karen Wong
  89. Anna Seet
  90. Robert Ong
  91. Doreen Cady
  92. Dobert Cady
  93. Dayal Mulchand
  94. Frisna
  95. any more to come… 

Cheers.. From the Organizing Committees.

Author: Dolly Lim

ACTIVE 2005 / UPDATED - 31.03.2021_SF

64 thoughts on “ARABIAN NITE – SHC D&D ON July 28 2012”

  1. Hello Dolly & Team

    tentatively, please register doreen cady, robert cady, dayal mulchand and me. if we all can make it, will show up as saudi royal family or characters from 101 arabian night!

  2. Johnny & Wife / Rosalind Lee

    U do not need to buy Arabian costume just for this Party –
    Ransack the whole closet , pick a black dress/top and just add on lots and lots of “bling Bling” .

    Shop for some of the “Malay” scarf and u will not need to crack your head … After the party – take all the “Bling Bling” stuff out again (Kind of re-cyle – heehe)

    Is fun to have a “special” dress code for such D&D event
    , Rosalind – u were there for the PJ Night , right ? It was fun … and the PROM Night , I always enjoyed SHC D&D very much.

    See U !

  3. Hi Anna #59-60

    Yes, reserved two seats for you and Lilian Teo. Welcome ~

    Now the following members will be on my table:

    Johnny Pow
    Annie Pow
    Winnie Tan
    Anna Seet
    Lilian Teo

    I’m not wearing any Arabian costume on that night.. hee2

    c u all then,

  4. Hi Dolly & Committees

    Thank you for organising Arabian Nite. Please register the following members:-

    Hamidah, Grace Gan, Angela Straaten, June Koh, Joanne Ang,
    Irene Poh and Karen Wong


  5. Hi Johnny#49

    Noted w thanks!

    Hi friends in SHC:

    Calling other SHCians – pl raise your hand if you wish to join our table. So far, there are only 3 of us:

    Johnny Pow
    Annie Pow

    I’ll be there early to reserve the table for all those who join our table.

    Warmest regards,

  6. Hi Gabriella,

    No, we did’t select any kakis.

    It’s great we can be at the same table.

    How about you get 7 more kakis to join in?


  7. Hi Terrence,

    You are good trouble shooter. Now I can scroll up down, click back forth with ease. So user friendly.


    johnny pow

  8. Hi Dolly/Committee,

    Kindly include Alicia Soh, Mike Tan, Bee Gek, Lam, Lai Fong & Kristin Leong for this event. With myself and Boon Liang we would have 8 of us seated together.

    We will come early to reserve our own table.

    Thank you very much.

    Janet Chan

  9. Dear Folks

    It will be free seating on a ‘first come first serve basis’. You will have to come in on time to reserve your own table for your kakis. Registration starts at 6.30pm.

    The committee apologise for the slow update of the name list. Due to the problematic website, we haven’t been able to do any updating or editing of the post till now. Thank you for your patience.

  10. Hi everybody,

    I am not sure why the homepage loads and hangs. But, I have removed all formatting to the Post that seem to be causing the homepage to hang. Keep a watch and if you see anything unusual, please yell so I can hear you.

    Thank you for raising this. I am slow because I am in HCMC this week.

    Terence Seah

  11. EO

    Can u kindly arrange the following 9 members in one table –
    Eyvonne/Karen/Judy/Pauline Ho/Pauline Khoo/Helen Quek /Sockie/Janet Chan / Tan Boon Liang..

    One more seat – Anyone ???

    Karen Thio

  12. Hi Dolly & Committee Members,

    To facilitate registration, please include 8 of us:~ Myself, Bernard Chan, Wong Hong Jeng, Martin Lee, Pat & Linda Oei, Lydia Chin & George Chew. Both Lynn Tai & Molly Quek (already registered)* will be joining my table to form a perfect 10!


  13. Hi Rosalind,

    Thanks for your understanding. Very considerate of you.

    Please correct me if I am wrong. There is another Rosalind I met at Labrador’s walk. You must be the Rosalind I met at Febuary Han’s gathering. Hope to see you again.


  14. Do take note there are Arabians in Singapore and there should be put in positive light or else something similar could happen such as this one involving a reputable organisation –

  15. #36 Johnny Pow,

    The Arab woman’s wardrobe consists of the all-black attire with a head-dress showing peepholes for the eyes only. They look like ‘Ninja turtles’…:p

    When it comes to an event titled ‘Arabian Nite’ I reckon a toned-down ali-baba kind of pants in bright colour of thicker fabric with a sari-like top will do. Big scarves swirled around the head and shoulder will provide coverage of any exposed belly. A transparent piece of rectangular fabric to cover the face from ear to ear with the eyes exposed tops up the ‘Arabian’ woman look. I reckon Annie like many others might not see the rationale of spending so much on a costume that will probably never be worn again. Understandable really.


  16. Hi Ivan,

    Thanks for your suggestion. I hope the organising committee don’t make it mandatory. When I told my wife Annie, she is not in favor of wearing the Arabian’s costume.


  17. Hi Dolly,

    I don’t know whether you are aware that one of our members can do the eye-popping Belly Dance. She has indicated that she’ll be attending the function, but I don’t whether she has volunteered to show her stuff.
    I hope that she has or I might be forced to squeal on her. Please forgive me if I have to. Velly, velly solly!

    Anyway Please include me & me wife for the D & D.


  18. Hi Johnny #31,

    You may not need to buy the Lawrence of Arabia costumes.

    I think it’s possible to rent some similar Arabian Costumes for the event.

    It would be a waste of $$ to buy it just for 1 time use or wear.

    I have a list of costume rental shops from my sister who rents these costumes for their company’s annual functions occasionally.

    So, if anyone interested to get this list, please let me know. I can email it – no problems.

    Note: I have NO VESTED interests in any of these shops whatsoever. And I do not know whether they even have these Arabian Costumes or not at all. But I will be checking them out myself due may need to rent 1 for the event too if it is made mandatory by the organising committee.

  19. Helo Dolly/committee

    I got more kawan wanna go… :)

    Pls register Rene Leong,Janet Loo & new member Nancy Teng ( Janet’s fren)

    With this last group…my table of 10 is full!…hehe :)

  20. Hi Lilian,

    Just hear your call.

    Yes Annie and me looking forward to see you and the others you introduced to us.

    Since being the SHC members last month, we are also getting to know more when joining the walk at Labrador, the Westerly meet and recent Karaoke at Jeff place.

    We also met Dolly.

    Hi Dolly,

    You are so friendly and I enjoy dancing cha cha with you.

    Let me know if you decide that all need to dress as Arabian.

    Don’t know how much it will cost to buy Lawrence of Arabia costume without the sword. :)

    Yes! See you Lilian and all.

  21. Helo missy Dolly:)
    Pls register my kawan MarilynTay..
    Tis will be her 1st to i must make
    sure she has no regrets!
    We will gelek2 bellying all nite long!

  22. Hi Dolly,

    Pls sign me up loi, since SAM HUAT HUAT boi poh mia for me, hehe.

    Calling Johnny Pow and Annie, are you both coming to join in the fun?


  23. halo halo ah dolly ,

    i just had a gd makan wif our handsome bro thomas @ st 52..

    i ve his full permission 2 poh mia for he hor….

    sam huat huat

  24. Hi Dolly,

    My name is in the Committee Members list, but isn’t in the attendance list, really paiseh,

    Please register me here, to let me have the authority to register the others at that night, thanks.

    Just return to Singapore.

  25. Hi Dolly! Please sign me up. July is still months away so I dunno if I have to sit aeroplane bo. Nonetheless, I will work on getting lucky draw prizes for you.


  26. Hi Dolly/Daniel/Lily,
    Thank you for organizing the event.
    Pls include both of us, Moly Quek & Lynn Tai.
    We are looking forward to meeting you people.
    Have fun!!

  27. Wow OC (aka Organ..Commies..),

    Interesting indeed – Arabian Nite!!

    I dun know about camels … esp those 45 yrs old and above.

    I also dun know how to bell-dance.

    So, I guess, have to attend to find out about these things – rite?

    OK, please count me in too. TQ.

  28. Wow, so good response hor… Just hope that registration keep coming as our target is at least 100paxs. Of cos, if we can hit above 100paxs, so much the better lor…

    Terence, music video, I dun noe.. must ask expert first lor.

    Cheers.. Dolly

  29. hahahahahah lua ta tian soo ,

    u re 1 of our shc nos 1 joker lah…shave my legs hairs & bring over 45yr old camel..i laughed until peng & so loud my son kong i siow liao lah…hahahahahha

    sam huat huat

  30. Sweet Nor

    Will certainly try to come back for this. Am very excited as it is.

    Happy that you are attending. Yess!

  31. Hi All,
    Many thanks to Karen Thio for alerting to change SGCC to Serangoon Gardens Country Club as she told me that some had thought it was elsewhere. Alert much appreciated. Cheers.. Dolly

  32. Dear Dolly
    Pls register my ayu fren,Bira..she very shy to talk le..apa macam hor…haha..ooppsss :)

    Ok..the rest who hv not register..don wait too long…
    we going to have an unforgettable Arabian feeling..keke :)

    CM miss GeraldineT..
    don mark ur calendar as tentative…mark it ‘a must go’ event!..just like noti boy T say la…haha

  33. Helo-helo..
    Wow!i hear the theme ,i wanna sway all nite redi????
    gedik-gedik…hehe;) rich oily man not?if don hv..TS,pls bring together
    with his camel & pyramid ok..haha

    So,Missy Dolly n gang,
    Pls register me!i will gather my kawan2 to go..
    register boleh?

    Its gonna be fun fun bellying nite!

  34. Hi Dolly, Daniel,

    This year’s annual D&D which you and your team have called “Arabian Nite” is indeed very imaginative. I look forward to this event being the event of the year.

    I also see that a number of members are participating with zeal. Therefore, I encourage as many members as possible, boys and gals to participate.

    And, it’s always a pleasure to see our elder Tian Soo come with a bevy of Arabian ladies. TS, make sure they are over 45, ok?

    Although I see my calendar has no space, I have marked this date as a “must attend” event. So, how about a music video clip of how you and your team see this event?

    Terence Seah

  35. Hi Dolly n Committee Members

    Arabian Nite!!

    Very exotic and exciting. Good theme.

    Please put me down as a tentative.

    Thank you!

  36. OK Dolly

    I will bring 10 Arabian girls to do the belly dancing. They are now cleaning the crude oil from their body. If any of them cannot make it, Ah Huat can make the numbers. Please remind Ah Huat to shave the hair from his legs.

  37. Wow, no comments yet but so many people already signed up ah? Dolly, this theme sounds interesting. Pls register for me, Lina & Hou Chong tentatively. Chop chop first can? Haha…

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