Learn and share the new app “Signal”. Say 16 Jan 2021 8.30pm. RSVP only.

Whatsapp is widely used by Singaporeans. Today, Facebook has bought over Whatsapp. A new app “Signal” is here, with more than 10m users. And it works like Whatsapp.

What does this mean? Will our personal data be secure? Will we have to pay for whatsapp soon? How to use Signal? How to transfer Whatsapp contacts and messages to Signal?

I am no expert in Signal. But as SHC members, we can share how to use Signal and what these changes mean to us.

Tonight we have a Zoom session to share this new App Signal.

No entry after 9.05 pm. Whatsapp RSVP “Signal” to 9489 4360.

Venue: SHC Zoom. ID 714 852 5738. For password, check with your group leader.
Date:. Sat 16 Jan 2021.
Registration starts: 8.45 pm. First and Last name, mic and video required for participation.
Session starts: 9.00 pm sharp.
Session ends: 10 30 pm.

Terence Seah

Author: Terence Seah


3 thoughts on “Learn and share the new app “Signal”. Say 16 Jan 2021 8.30pm. RSVP only.”

  1. Good day Sally. Appreciate that lengthy clarification, although I am not sure whether we were talking about the same person. In any case, as you have said, this is history so let’s move on. The affected member has received and digested whatever ‘Signal’ intended for her. She has decided to remain on ‘WhatsApp’.

    I wanted to talk about postings in general, and you have not dwelled on this point.. I did say, “we often make mistakes on numbers and dates”. Terence is no exception. The moderator, as the name implies, shall and should read, moderate and ascertain texts/numbers/dates before releasing it for the public at large to view. I hope you agree with me on this point. We don’t want Terence (or anybody for that matter) to look bad, do we?

    We should thank whoever whom is guarding and guiding this platform for the good image of SHC. While I cannot afford the time to do the same, I observe on the sideline and will sound my concern when and if necessary, as always.


  2. Good day Daniel

    First of all, we would like to thank you for your feedback regarding SIGNAL activity held last night. Allow me to rectify this issue as Admin of SHC Forum.

    Zoom activities has been ongoing for the longest time, both SHC Zoom ID and passcode have always been the same since Day 1 – No change. Majority of us do have ease in zooming in.

    Re: Senior SHC member – again allow me to clarify this issue as I am the one guiding her prior to the session. Yes, it was her first time ever trying to zoom in. Feeling excited, she zoom in earlier than the stipulated timing.

    8:24pm – she tried but fail to log in.
    8:26pm – I privately forward the web browser link explaining to her registration timing starts at 8:45pm.
    8:27pm – I also msg her the correct ID “4178525736” n PassCode “shc” and inform her to be patient coz it is not 8:30pm yet.
    8:35pm – in the Karaoke Group Chat I did msg this “pls wait approximately 5 – 10 minutes”.
    8:37pm – i have informed her to “just leave your pc on”.
    8:38pm – I personally crop n paste the pop-up window stating “Please wait for the host to start this meeting”, message her to just wait for Terence to admit us.
    8:41pm – the DOOR is open for all to come in… I even took the extra mile to inform in the group chat.

    For some reasons she decided to log out. Being the EO for this meeting, I am unable to guide her thoroughly once the room is opened. Fortunately enough, we do have some kind SHCians who continuously guide her till lock out time which was distinctively mentioned on the POST. The rest of the night is HISTORY… FYI, I did explain to her and assure her in future if time permits, I will walk hand in hand with her to guide her through.

    Lastly, your comment on the “Purpose of this Post” – it was never Terence intention to type it wrongly, Mr T being on the GO n using mobile to allow us freedom to use Zoom account is a blessing.

    Allow me to simply explain the rules of Zoom Etiquette: –
    1] To be on time – if possible, to log in early to check on your audio and video settings.
    2] To take note of cut-off time admission – for this case, it has indicated 9:05pm – to eliminate distractions and focus on the agenda.
    3] Required to indicate or rename Proper names (first and last names) in any Zoom events.

    Again, allowed me to be bold to reiterate on the above matter, how many of us do follow through the Etiquette. This is just a friendly Club for networking but would appreciate if all can follow up and be early or on time. Yes, we all do make mistakes but it is not a typo misleading mistake Terence would want it to happen. Such phrases “reflects badly” n “efficiency”. Kindly refrain from using it unless you have your facts note down correctly… well, I do and I honestly think there is no need for me to address it but your comment forbade me to do so.


  3. A senior SHC member wanted to know about Signal. She tried to log in at 8.55 pm after reading this post. She couldn’t. After many unsuccessful attempts and finally with the correct ID from a friend, she managed to log in. But she was refused entry at the “door” as she was deemed “late”. Upon contacting me, I gave her a brief description of Signal, and comparison with WhatsApp.

    The purpose of this post is : We often make mistakes on numbers and dates. In this case Terence had written the wrong ID number. It is the job of the editor or moderator to read and correct mistakes before publishing it. Otherwise, besides causing inconvenience to members, it reflects badly on the efficiency of our Club as a whole. Admin on our Facebook page and Moderator on this forum please be more mindful.


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