how did you spend your 21st birthday !!

halo hiah ti jie mui ( brother & sisiter )

as for myself ,it was a damn awesome day to remember it lor…

my so called sworn brother flat in toa payoh was being use  for de 21st party celebration.

i ,ve two group of kakis or hiah ti jie is de hippie &  de other the ah beng , ah seng ah hui ah lian group.. as it too big group ..i only call de hippie brothers..wat a balddy fool of ah beng ah seng group got wind about it..& came gate crashed…

there after u can imagine de havoc created..whole house kena whack flying cakes cup drinks ,urine &

even de flower pots will not spared lor…wow wow  time flies real super fast liao..cos yesterday i had my b/day good makan with my dolly & de tok kong ah jie lilly ho…thks for de fellowship hor….

now , buddies can share bo how u had yr 21st birthday ..mai pai sei hor….( dun be shy )

sam huat huat

10 thoughts on “how did you spend your 21st birthday !!”

  1. Hi Sam Kor Kor,

    Sure. You can borrow from me the collection of No Regrets Canton HKTVB drama but how to pass to you ?

    PLs. reply . TQ.

  2. At aged 21, I must confess I was not at all street smart. I held my 21st birthday at a pub in a hotel for my friends. I remembered the bill came up to 2k plus (that was a lot, a lot of money in those days). Later I found out that gatecrashers charged their drinks to my bill. Stupid me hor? :(


  3. Dear Lai Fong

    ^ _ ^ Thanks. Yes, was a bit young though but no regrets!

    Good thing you recovered, with Mum to the rescue for your party?


  4. Hi Sam
    Happy Belated Birthday….stay young and chubby…hahaha..

    #4 Hi Gabriella
    Dating at 22 ok la…..not too late le…

    #3 Hi Caroline
    Wow!!! Romantic le…

    My 21st..hmmm can never forget. Recovered from very bad flu after weeks, cannot even stand for too long, dizzy and fainting spell. Only a handful of close friends celebrated with me and mum cook it for us.

    Lai Fong

  5. Thanks Gebby Dear

    I am kiasu. Better quickly chope before he kena snatched away. Haha! He became my fiance that night and not hubby yet. That happened one year later :)


  6. Hi Caroline #3

    That was a beautiful sharing… wow, you were engaged at 21.

    I had not started dating then. Only started dating when I turned 22. Kekeke


  7. Happy belated birthday Xiao Di.

    Sorry did not know it was your birthday. I would have loved to celebrate with you all if i had known.

    I had my engagement party on my 21st birthday. It was a big party held at a chalet (Telecom’s). My sisters helped me prepare the dinner for the party. Our families were invited, together with my hubby’s friends and colleagues and mine.

    He gave me a little diamond studded key and the engagement ring :) I wore a pretty baby blue organza gown. Such lovely memories.


  8. Hi Sam,

    At 21, I did not have a girlfriend. So, it was me and a few male friends. My 21st birthday was spent with some NS friends at the Jurong food market, along Corporation Road. I remembered a few drafts and chilly BBQ fish. That’s my 21st Birthday.

    Terence Seah

  9. Hi Ah Sam


    I spent my 21st Birthday working. We don’t celebrate 21st Birthday or any birthdays during those yesteryears, unlike our children and grandchildren today. Hee2

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