ARABIAN NITE – SHC D&D ON July 28 2012 – Update II

Hi Everyone,
Wait till neck long long liao.. At last, 2nd update for D&D is here liao… emoticon  

·  Theme :  ARABIAN NITE
·  Venue :  Kensington Ballroom – L3 Serangoon Gardens Country Club, Heliconia Wing Function Room 
·  Date :  Saturday, 28 July 2012
·  Time :  6.30pm – 12 midnight
·  Cost :  $45 per pax

Tentative Programmes (Subject to change) :
6.30pm – Start registration
7.15pm – Welcome speeches
7.30pm – Start buffet dinner (Dance music throughout dinner)
9.00pm – 1st Game segment
9.15pm – Special performance by SHC members
9.30pm – 2nd Game segment
9.45pm – Special performance by SHC members
10.00pm – Dancing thru to midnight  

Committee Members :
1.       Treasurer – Dolly
3.       Music Director – Thomas
4.       Programme – Lily Ho
5.       Deco – Karen, Boon Lian, Sam Goh & Lily Ho
6.       Games Master – Sam, Karen, Boon Liang, Thomas & Peri
7.       Registration – Marg Tian, Caroline Gee & Judy Lim
8.       Photographer – Feel free to bring your camera.

Venue and F&B – Molly Chua.

NO CORKAGE CHARGE – feel free to bring your own bottles.

For Programme Segment, we had already planned for the following:

  • Line dance workshop Hamidah and Team, Dance title "Habibi" meaning "My Love/Darling" in Arabic.
  • Belly Dance move demo by Veronique Lee.
  • Belly Dance Performance – by a Belly Dance Instructor
  • Games by Sam, Karen, Boon Lian, Thomas & Peri.  (There will be lots of laughter for sure.)
  • A skit – directed and performed by SHC members.  A comedy.  Who are the performers? Hahaha, It will remain a mystery till the very last minute hor..
Wow, so enticing and interesting already rite… We will be looking around for the best authentic dressed to the theme Males and Females – Attractive prizes awaiting for you if you are 1 of them lor.. No worry lah, committee members will be excluded for this segement…


Those who still wish to join, please transfer payment to: POSB Saving A/C# 146-00513-6.  No more registration without payment.

Members who have paid :

  1. Daniel OngPaid but not attending
  2. Lily Ho – Paid
  3. Dolly Lim – Paid
  4. Molly Chua – Paid
  5. Janie Leong – Paid
  6. Caroline Gee – Paid
  7. Marg Tian – Paid
  8. Audrey Wong – Paid
  9. Terence Seah – Paid
  10. Karen Thio – Paid
  11. Judy Lim – Paid
  12. Pauline Khoo – Paid
  13. Sockie – Paid
  14. Sam Huat – Paid
  15. Bobby Bok – Paid
  16. Gabriella – Paid
  17. Pauline Ho – Paid
  18. Thomas Loh – Paid
  19. Lilian Teo – Paid
  20. Peri Liew – Paid
  21. Johnny & – Paid
  22. Annie Pow – Paid
  23. Boon Liang – Paid
  24. Janet Chan – Paid
  25. Shirleen Kao – Paid
  26. Alicia Soh – Paid
  27. Mike Tan – Paid
  28. Winnie Tan – Paid
  29. Dennis Tan – Paid
  30. May Woo – Paid
  31. Alex Woo – Paid
  32. Alyn Lee – Paid
  33. Pearl Wong – Paid
  34. Barbara Lim – Paid
  35. Jway – Paid
  36. Richard Ong – Paid
  37. Catherine Koh – Paid
  38. Steven Chan – Paid
  39. Eyvonne Chew – Paid
  40. Pharis – Paid
  41. Karen Wong – Paid
  42. Helen  Quek – Paid
  43. Veronique Lee – Paid
  44. Joe Choo – Paid
  45. Anne Seet – Paid
  46. Sue Chan – Paid
  47. Martin Lee – Paid
  48. Wong HJ – Paid
  49. Bernard Chan – Paid
  50. Hamidah – Paid
  51. June Koh – Paid
  52. Joanne Ang – Paid
  53. Angela Straaten-Paid
  54. Norlinda – Paid
  55. Bira – Paid
  56. Marilyn Tay – Paid
  57. Rene Leong – Paid
  58. Lina Ng –Paid
  59. Hou Chong – Paid
  60. Suz Chang – Paid
  61. Janet Loo – Paid
  62. ANee – Paid
  63. Joe Leow – Paid
  64. Rosalind Lee – Paid
  65. Lam HT – Paid
  66. Bee Gek – Paid
  67. Mega – Paid
  68. Jane Tan – Paid
  69. Edwin Tan – Paid
  70. Philip Yeo – Paid
  71. Catherine Lee – Paid
  72. Helen Wong – Paid
  73. Nina Choo – Paid
  74. Sally Kang – Paid
  75. Rose White – Paid
  76. Billy Loy – Paid
  77. Eileen Thean – Paid
  78. Annie Thean – Paid
  79. Robert Ong – Paid
  80. Susan Tan – Paid
  81. Eliza Hee – Paid
  82. Grace Tay – Paid
  83. James Tan – Paid
  84. Koh Aye Leng – Paid
  85. John Howe – Paid
  86.      emoticon Cheers.. From the Organizing Committees.

Author: Dolly Lim

ACTIVE 2005 / UPDATED - 31.03.2021_SF

164 thoughts on “ARABIAN NITE – SHC D&D ON July 28 2012 – Update II”

  1. Dolly & Lily….

    My colleague, Rishan is so excited about our Arabian Nite. She has just signed up as a member and will pay $$$ by tomorrow.

    Cheers! Ah Nee

  2. Hi Dolly

    James Tan & wife, Koh Aye Leng paid me cash last night.
    Post updated liao.

  3. #161 Terence,

    I can drink the very most half a glass of red wine so I won’t join your table. I will bring a ‘tum pwee’ for you in case anyone in your table drink too much and have an urge to puke.
    The ‘tum pwee’ will be placed under your table ala kopi tiam of the 60’s style…hehehe


  4. Hi Dolly,

    Thanks for the apporval. My whisky table is now 2 persons (including me). I just bought a bottle, a new brand at duty free yesterday. Hi guys and gals, would you like to join my table?

    Terence Seah

  5. Hey Buddy
    Update done.

    Wow, Grace Tay is coming huh? Long time no see liao. Still slim and graceful I’m sure.

  6. Terence,
    Can la, you can form a table for whisky drinkers lor but hor, make sure all of you are sober enough for games hor..

    Lily, pls help to update payment for Eliza Hee and Grace Tay

    Cheers.. Dolly

  7. Usually, I do not like to set an example of gathering members I know well on one table, especially for an event like the Arabian night. The EOs might just kill me.

    But, then if I have no drinking partners on my table, I may have to drown myself with one or two bottles of whisky. I might also fall down while bringing my bottle around. Am also not a wine guy, nor would I like to mix beer with whisky.

    I like to form a table for strictly whisky drinkers. Can? Guys and Gals are invited. No non-drinkers. If you can drink at least one bottle of whisky, shared by 10 people, wah, I would luv to have you at one table. We can be noisy and we can have fun too. Dont be shy?

    EOs, can?

    Terence Seah

  8. Hi Dolly and Lily

    Susan Tan has transferred $45 (ref: 5429) to Dolly’s account today.

    Kindly ack receipt.

    Thanks & Cheersssssssss

  9. Hi Lilian #155

    Noted your comments. No worries.

    There are now two spare seats on my table for any two who wish to join us. Just raise your hands if interested ~


  10. Hi Gabriella #139,

    Noted your table not able to take in Nina Choo.
    Hope you dont mind that Anna Seet and myself will pull out from your table arrangement. My apology if it does cause you any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

    TQ & Cheers,

  11. No worries Laura.
    Those who haven’t paid have been deregistered (please see this post). Should your circumstances changed and you wish to join again, just make payment and we will include you again.

    Dear Robert Ong
    Thanks for your payment. You are No.79 in the paid up list.

  12. Dear Dolly, Lily and organizing team,

    Sorry I have to withdraw from this event due to unforeseen circumstance.

    If I had caused any inconveniences, please accept my apologies.

    Have a fantastic time at the event…

  13. Hi Karen – Payment from Sally, Rose & Billy updated. Thanks.

    Hi Janie – Thanks for the encouraging words all the way from overseas.

    Dear All
    GOOD NEWS!!! Molly Chua, our PIC for F&B was able to convince SGCC to waive the minimum 100 pax condition. Also, THERE WILL NOT BE ANY CORKAGAE CHARGE – so, feel free to bring your own bottles.

    As of today, we have 78 paid ups. Since we do not need to meet the 100 pax headcount, registration is now closed. For those who still want to join this event, KINDLY MAKE PAYMENT. NO MORE REGISTRATION WITHOUT PAYMENT.

    Thank you all who supported us this far. Those who can’t make it to this Arabian Nite – not to worry, we will see you at other events.

  14. Dear everyone,

    Looking at the programme, this will be a fun filled night for members to gather. The committee has worked hard and plan with consideration for dancers, non dancers, drinkers (brink your own or order), talented personnel n the list goes on….we want everybody to meet and have a wonderful night.

    Dressing to the theme adds to the fun, it’s definitely ok if you decide to look elegant and handsome in your own ways. You can mingle with any table and catch up with those that not met for a while. Gathering of this scale can come by maybe once a year. Come for the food, dance, play games, amusement and laughter, etc….

    So please consider or reconsider. We just wish to this will be one more memorable night for us. Shall see you on 28 July 2012!

    Best regards,

  15. EO

    Rose White asked me to adv that she hv just TT $90 for Herself and Billy Loy. Pls update . Thanks


  16. Dear EO & EOS

    Need to withdraw from this event :-(((
    I fully aware that All EO & EOS & committee members are working very hard for this event.

    If I do cause any inconveniences, kindly accept my apology….thousand apologies.

    To all who are attending : have a BELLYWOOD Night…

    Lai Fong

  17. EO

    I registered and made payment for Sally Kang … Pls update.



  18. Hi Dolly

    Payment updated for Cathering Lee, Helen Wong and Nina Choo.

  19. Hi All,
    i think I will need to start another new post on this liao cos I am unable to update at my end at all. Dun noe where kaput liao..

    Thank you very much for the spontaneous efforts that were clearly seen here. Much appreciated.

    Thomas Loh and Sam Huat, which I believed that are no strangers to most of them – so, you can be sure that to expect more laughters during d nite since they are in-charge of games now… ho rite…

    Lily, I am unable to update the post rite now.. please help.

    Cheers.. Dolly

  20. Hi Lily/Dolly,

    Nina Choo has already transferred $45 today,transaction # 0401 at Tampines.

    Thks n regards

  21. Dear EOs

    I have today transferred $45 to said posb a/c ref 0621 from Collyer Quay.


  22. Hi Dolly/Lily

    Before I finished my note, it ‘went off’. My apologies,
    resending again.

    Catherine Lee has transferred $45 to the above account.
    Kindly ack receipt.

    TQ & Cheers,

  23. Hi Dolly/Lily

    Catherine Lee has transferred $45 to the above account.
    (Ref: 0838).

  24. Veronique Dear #130

    Thank you for your compliments. Yeah! I’m glad to hear that you agreed to teach us some belly dance moves, thanks. Alright mann Qia Yu…whether you teach us camel walk or goat walk, hip drop or chin drop, does’nt matter, we appreciate it, don’t be shy cos Steven Chan & me will support you, right or not Steven?. Kita lenggang lenggang & gelek gelek ok?


  25. Dear Lily ref: 135

    Noted yr comments. Have already informed Susan Tan and Catherine Lee to make payments. Will keep you posted once they have transferred the funds.


    Warmest regards,

  26. Dear Lilian

    Ref: 136

    Sorry dear, there are already ten members on my table:

    1 Johnny Pow
    2 Annie Pow
    3 Lilian Teo
    4 Anna Seet
    5 Winnie Tan
    6 Edwin Tan
    7 Philip Yeo
    8 Susan Tan
    9 Catherine Lee
    10 Gabriella Chua

    Warmest regards,

  27. Hi Lily/DOlly

    Pls sign in Sally Kang and payment made this morning.
    (Sally will be in our table of 10)



  28. Hi EOs

    Am registering for Nina Choo and payment will be made by this evening. Will give details of payment later. Hope her registration is in order.

    Gabriella, pls include Nina Choo in our table. Thks for the help.

  29. Dear Gabriella
    Susan Tan and Catherine Lee have been included. Kindly make payment asap. Thanks for payment from Edwin and Philip.

    Dear Steven
    Thanks to your persuasion and that of Hamidah, Veronique has agreed to give a demo on belly dance technique. We will be liaising further with her on this.

    Those who can’t make it to this Arabian Nite – Jeremy, Irene, Patrick and others….. not to worry. There will be other D&D to come. It’s a SHC tradition to have a D&D every year.

  30. Hi Dolly

    Pl include Catherine Lee, shc member for the event.

    She will pay once approval has been given for her attendance.

    Thanks & regards,

  31. Hi all.

    Almost 70% pay up. Good news . My appeal . The rest 30% pls. pay up asap to make this event a success. The EOs and others committee members have sacrificed a lot of time and effort on the theme. So pls. do not dissapoint them. time is running short!

  32. Hi Veronique ,

    You are being too humble. After 2 yrs attending belly dancing lessons , I am sure you can master the moves with grace. We all look 4 ward to your performance on stage just like the movie 881.

  33. Hi Veronique ,

    You are being too humble. After 2 yrs attending belly dancing lessons , I am sure you can master the moves with grace. We all look 4 ward to your performance on stage just like the movie 881.

  34. Hamidah Sayang! #114

    How I wish I could be a talented dancer like you who not only can dance, you can teach and also choreograph. Thanks for your encouragement. I will try, dear!

    Hi Steven, #115

    Looks like you are very creative with my name hor! You evolved Veronique to veroni-Q and now is veroniqueen? Am so glad to see you gradually climbing back to your usual self- always witty and happy.
    As for belly dancing, I’ve temporarily put on hold because am currently pursuing other types of dances. With your strong encouragement and persistence, how to turn u down leh? Since I’m not good in performing, I’ll try to show those who are interested to know what is belly dancing some simple basic techniques if you guys don’t mind to follow this mediocre instructress?

    Hello Lily, #127

    Since I’ve already paid up and can’t siam , so have to reluctantly walk up to the stage lor……. Thanks for your encouragement too.
    Will liaise with you for arrangement and time slot. Ok?


  35. Hamidah Sayang! #114

    How I wish I could be a talented dancer like you who not only can dance, you can teach and also choreograph. Thanks for your encouragement. I will try, dear!

    Hi Steven, #115

    Looks like you are very creative with my name hor! You evolved Veronique to veroni-Q and now is veroniqueen? Am so glad to see you gradually climbing back to your usual self- always witty and happy.
    As for belly dancing, I’ve temporarily put on hold because am currently pursuing other types of dances. With your strong encouragement and persistence, how to turn u down leh? Since I’m not good in performing, I’ll try to show those who are interested to know what is belly dancing some simple basic techniques if you guys don’t mind to follow this mediocre instructress?

    Hello Lily, #127

    Since I’ve already paid up and can’t siam , so have to reluctantly walk up to the stage lor……. Thanks for your encouragement too.
    Will liaise with you for arrangement and time slot. Ok?


  36. Hi Dolly

    I have transferred $90 on behalf of Edwin Tan and Philip Yeo this morning for the event. (Ref: 2534).. Kindly ack receipt.

    Please include Susan Tan for the event. She is a shc member.Can she pay now or to wait for verification of membership first?

    Thank you.


  37. Hi Lily, Molly and the committee,

    We are sorry, both Peggy and myself (Jeremy) will not be able to join all of you, as we have to be attend a wedding function.

    Hope all of you have a great time.

  38. Yes Steven Chan & Hamidah
    I fully agree with you that Veronique should show us some belly dance moves – be it ‘camel’ or ‘hip drop’.

    Haha Norlinda
    Shiok to read your telling off the chicken feet not to be chicken or go after chicks…hehe. With that chicken feet around, you gals will have a safe trip. Enjoy.

    Hi Barbara
    At SHC D&D, you won’t have time to be wall flower lah. You’ll be too busy laughing.

    Where are the guys hah?
    So far, the ratio of woman to man is 2:1. Any more men coming bo? Tian Soo, where are you? Ivan – so bad you can’t come. Can’t you reschedule your biz trip? Edwin & Philip? Charles Chua & Wee, Conrad, Douglas, Alan, Lawrence – don’t just go cycling lah. Come and relax a bit leh. Apart from Douglas, SGCC is so near your place lor.

  39. Thanks Lily.

    Am so glad not being ‘condemn to the harlem’ by the cancellation. sure if you get 100 pax and still can accomodate more, we’ll be more than happy to show up once our schedule is confirmed (end of june or middle of July) and dress up to the theme (and give surprises!!!)

  40. Dear All
    We greatly appreciate all the support from so many friends here. Dolly and I would like to thank each and everyone here for your comments, payments and suggestions. It is very encouraging indeed.

    Dear Rosalind
    The min. 100 pax was our ‘bargaining chip’ to secure a good package deal. Sure we can lower the number but the cost will be spread out to each participant. It is the committee’s aim to keep cost as low as possible.

    Dear Frisna
    The committee have not thrown in the towel yet so don’t give up so easily. We would very much love to have your gang of 5 whom I remember clearly to be very supportive of past D&Ds, very sporting in games and will really make an effort to dress up to the theme. We look forward to your participation.

    THANKS TO MOLLY CHUA – our Person-In-Charge of F&B – SGCC HAS AGREED TO EXTEND THE DATELINE TILL END OF NEXT WEEK – thereby giving members more time to pay up.

  41. #121 Dolly Lim,

    Dolly mei mei, if the final figure of paying participants for this event is less than 100 pax, can the committee requests from the Serangoon Country Club for a smaller function room? Hopefully, they have one and can accomodate the <100 members.


  42. Dear Dolly & the Team

    just being notified abt the dateline yesterday. We are not able to confirm at this early date due to (unconfirmed)travelling plans and work commitment.

    so pls strike out 5 of us (No.23-26 + no.37). my apology for the last min cancellation.

  43. Hi Dolly

    Have transferred $45 to your POSB account on 23/5/2012, ref 1995. Thanks


  44. Sorry for the last 3 names that I submitted as ‘paid’ in red cos I also dun noe why I cant change the color of the certain words to be black. Maybe my PC kaput liao. Must wait till Lily to edit this for me liao… tan tan ok..

    A great thank you for each and everyone of u whom had paid promptly after our appeal… kam xia kam xia.

    The committees also dun wish that this event to be canceled lor.. hence, I am still keeping my fingers x for more payment coming in soon…

    Ros Jie, I know new post will be top again but den, hor, there will be some other posts coming up after ours lor.. so hor, will wait till next committee meeting then we shall post another ‘tok kong’ post to elaborate more lor.. very hor lian rite.. paiseh la…

    Aiyo, Terence, D&D, no dancing, how can la.. chin chai dance lor.. Can bring your whisky lor.. bo corkage charge as Molly managed to get them waived lor…

    So akan datang…… Cheers.. Dolly

  45. Hi Dolly

    I’ve just transferred $45 to your POSB account. The reference no. is 9454.

    Rgds Mega

  46. Hi Dolly,
    We have just transferred SGD90 into your POSB s/c. The reference no. is 2449.

    Hi Sam Goh
    Thanks for the reminder. Miss your hokkien jargon. See you soon.

    Lam HT and Bee Gek

  47. Dear Dolly mei mei,

    Being an EO of such a big event is ‘san nao ching’. I will be super kan cheong by now as the dateline is tomorrow.

    I think the rest who haven’t paid forgot to read this post.
    May I suggest you create a new post and list down those who have yet to pay and request they do so immediately? A new post will be on the top page of SHC’s forum page mah.

    Kayoh dajie

  48. halo halo halo calling for arabain nite photographer richard wong , lovely husband & wife richard kee, sportwomen bee gek, hansome ah kor lam,gila gila rose white,debbie , frsina & yr gang dayal mclchanb , another husband & wife jeremy & finaly solid dancer mega…i miss yr company hor…dun 4get to whack de transfer $$$ lah..

    the fun ve just begin hor…now i so kan cheong liao ,dat i

    wake up & see ,dream stars hor….

    sam huat huat huat

  49. Hi Veronique,

    You can also teach us the basic steps in belly dancing and I am sure that there are many of us who are keen to learn from you if and only if you initiate the move and here I STRONGLY encourage you not to disappoint us.

    Nothing to be pai seh about. SHCians are a bunch of understanding lot.

    Char Yue ! Char Yue !

  50. Hi Veroniqueen @ 113 ,

    Perhaps to you, you may have set high standards but to us lay man it is good enough for us just to see you dance.

    We appreciate very much if you could dance on stage with your wriggling slender and slim torso accompanied by your favourite Arabian music. And don’t forget to wear your Ali baba pants and complete with
    ” Aladdin ” shoes and a sexy veil.

  51. Hi Veronique Dear #113

    Don paiseh lah, just show us whatever you can dance & teach us some belly dance steps.


  52. Hi Terence,#99

    Thanks for the compliment, I’m just trying my best to support the organising committee who is working very hard for us to enjoy later.

    Joe Choo is also looking forward to meet his old friend and colleague. According to him, it has been a long time since you both worked together at the then Straits Times. However, Joe Choo is still unable to loggon to the SHC website with the password given.

    Hi Steven #102

    I agree that belly dancing is my passion, but I’m still not good enough to perform on stage leh! Maybe, I can show you the “camel-walk” in bellydancing.


  53. Hi Terence,

    I also cannot dance, and worst, I also cannot drink whisky.

    Perhaps, the good dancers of the Night can teach those who
    cannot dance a few simple steps in Line dancing so that we can be seen as “participating” and not end up as “wall flowers”.


  54. Dear Dolly,

    Amt of S$45 has been transferred to your POSB Savings Account at 16:20 hrs. The Ref no is 8822, very the swee number – can buy bay pio…:)

    Thank you

  55. Norlinda, you made me “kang cheong” lah. I am also checking mah, now that Joe Leow confirmed attending, can transfer $$$ already.

    Dolly, $90 has been transferred to your account via ibanking a while ago. Reference: 7723188381. Thank you all the EOs and committee members for making this event happen.

    Ah Nee

  56. Terence@100..

    Alamak..apa macam la…donno how to dance is not a big problem ..
    many of us also donno how to dance,like myself…but we can joget…haha

    Dear Terence…we not 17yrs old to be shy of anything rite?
    jangan malu la…just gelek2..sure fun if not funny!..haha
    U think u can sit with those chicks & laugh..not a chance!..keke..whoooppsie! :)

  57. HI HI HI

    To those who have registered, please try to pay up by tomorrow as the deadline is looming. We need about another 40 to pay up and the party will be on. The EOs and committee have put in a lot of time and effort to plan this so dont let it go to waste. Also, some members have already bought their costumes :) Come on Girls and Boys, we can make it!

    Gambate!!!! Jia Yiu!!!!


  58. Helo Dolly,
    I have just transferred $360 for 8 of us,Ref 8474.
    Payments are for myself,Bira,MarilynTay,ReneLeong,LinaNg,HowChong,SuzChang and JanetLoo.

    So,my job is done…phew!..haha

    Thank you to the organisers & committee.

    To all those who have registered,cepat2 make payment la,so we can party & have fun!.. :)
    So kesian,if all the hard work of our friends
    have to be cancelled lor .. :)

  59. Hi Dolly & Lily,

    My apologies for delaying payment. At the day of the picnic I didn’t have enough cash with me.

    Dolly, forgive this forgetful lady hor. I should have asked my laogong for the money to pay you when we were waiting for him to pick me up after the picnic. I feel v bad.

    I’ll do the tt by this evening. Will let you know the transaction no asap.

    Sorry, sorry, sorry….:(


  60. Hi Dolly & Lily

    I have tsf last nite $180 for myself, June Koh, Joanne Ang & Angela Straaten at Yishun W BR3 Ref: 1298

    Hope you all have enough participants in order to get this event going.


  61. Hi EOs,

    Just deposited $180.00 payment to Dolly’s POSB account @ Admiralty MRT under ref: 0854. Payment acknowledgement meant for myself, Martin Lee, Wong Hong Jeng & Bernard Chan.


  62. Helo EO & gang,

    I will be paying up soon for myself,Bira,Marilyn Tay,ReneLeong..
    but now waiting for my kawan…JanetLoo & her fren NancyTeng
    to confirm before i do ‘together’ transfer la..
    apa macam ah…very lambat le…hhmm..

    Sorry for the delay..cos im ‘chief’ just came back from holiday…so didn’t do my job!…ooppsss!haha :)

  63. Hi Veronique Lee,

    I understand you took up belly dancing for many years and that was your passion.

    I hope you could volunteer yourself on stage to entertain us with your belly dancing and shows us that natural belly dancing can be FUN to achieve a trim and slender waistline better than taking Slim 10 etc….

  64. Hi Dolly

    Just paid $45 via internet banking today..takes 2-3 days.


  65. Hi Dolly, Lily,

    Although I am not the EO of the Arabian night, I have a request for consideration. There are many members who cannot dance, and they feel very uncomfortable dancing, especially with Cha cha, rock and roll, waltz, mambo jumbo something, or anything which requires dancing to steps.

    I also feel very uncomfortable, if a lady ask me to dance; I find it difficult to say no, and yet, I know that I will make a clown of myself on the dance floor. Sometimes, the lady will just think I am such an idiot, not able to dance after 57years. It’s nice to say “Dont worry, do what you can”, but then I cannot enjoy the event, and will find excuses to go to the toilet 6 times a night, or maybe even to go out for a cigarette.

    Would you and other ladies mind, if I bring along a bottle of whiskey, pay for the cockcage and enjoy an evening of laughter and fun with other 2 left feet chickens. Looking at the list of participants, I see many good dancers, or more than just good dancers.

    I hope those who are in the same situation as me, will say something.

    Terence Seah

  66. Well done Veronique for initiating the payments. And I look forward to meeting an old colleaque of mine Joe Choo.

    For fellow participants, your early payment gives confidence to the organisers, who are looking forward to make the evening “Arabian night” to your fun and entertainment. It also gives all of us a chance to meet friends, in an entirely different setting and environment.

    Terence Seah

  67. Hi Dolly,

    I’ve just transferred $90 to your POSB Savings AC via ibanking, being payment for Joe Choo and Veronique.

    I wish to thank you and the organising committee for all the hard work you all have put in.


  68. Hi Dolly

    I’m logging in on behalf Karen Wong as she encountered error while logging in. She has tsf $90 for herself no. 84 and her hubby Pharis no. 80 transaction ref: 7717391802 dated 21/5


  69. Wow Wow Wow!!!

    When I saw the registration exceeding 110pax in end April, I thot that I could “safely withdraw” from this event (due to some biz matter needs attending to during the said date) without up-setting the planning, the organising committee etc …. since the numbers are already sufficient/there.

    Had also make it a point to inform the EOs as early as possible so that it does not become a hinderance to their planning efforts.

    But atlas, it appears that I am wrong! I am truly sorry for the organising committee who had put in so much of their OWN time, their bottomless efforts as well as any upfront out-of-pocket expenses to plan for this event so that many SHCians may get to enjoy themselves….

    A BIG MISTAKE is not putting up a “PAY UP/BY DATE” earlier in the post.

    Anyway, I still hope that this event will materialise and wish the organising committee members well and as the saying goes: “Bai Ren Chen Ching”!

    p/s: No offence intended or directed at anyone. Just speaking out my mind……

  70. Dear EOs,
    Annie Tang and myself not able to attend this event, kindly please take out our names.


  71. Hi EO

    I have make payment for Helen Kuek today. Pls update.



  72. Thank you Admin for moving the post to the top.

    Thank you Gabriella for helping to urge people to pay up.

    Further to Dolly’s comment,
    Please transfer payment to her POSB Saving A/C# 146-00513-6. By 25 May, if we do not get 100 paid pax, this event will be cancelled. Refund will be made to all those who have paid.

    So far, less than 40% had paid.

  73. dear EOs
    Due to unforeseen circumstances will hv to withdraw fm this event.
    My apology, may all of you hv a nite of FUN.

  74. Hi friends on Gabriella’s table (ref: Dolly’s #89)

    So far, the following members from my table have paid:

    Johnny Pow
    Annie Pow
    Winnie Tan
    Lilian Teo
    Gabriella Chua

    Will remind Edwin and Philip to pay direct to Dolly’s POSB account.

    Anna Seet, Eilean Thean and Annie Tang – Wd appreciate if you could pay to Dolly’s POSB account given above asap.

    I’m just doing my bit to help Dolly, Lily etc
    who are up to their neck in organising this Arabian Night for SHCians.

    Many thanks!


    Warmest regards,

  75. Hi Dolly,

    Never know that a mirror image of me appears on your list .
    Pls. check Name list 95 and 118. Both names appear the same or is there another new member also called Steven Chan who wants to beat my record.
    Ha! ha! :)

  76. Hi Everyone,
    A great thank you to Gebby for in helping us to expedite n some payments were collected from some members at the picnic potluck yesterday.

    As we need to pay confirmed deposit for the utilization of the function room before May 27.

    Cancelation of members’ participation keep coming in but payment receivables yet to receive from those confirmed members todate, hence, we had decided to set a closing date for this payment on May 25 2012. Hopefully, by then, we can receive enough participation of members still keen to support this event.

    If not, we had no choice but to call off this event as it will not be fair for the committee to absorb the penalty deposit in view of this.

    We are aware of the disappointment of those members paid earlier but we had no other choice should this event be canceled.

    As far as the committee is concerned, cancelation will only be the last resort as we had indeed working very hard to get this event ongoing getting sponsors for games, tables’ draws and other deco ornament all way from Onan.

    Some members told me that it would be due to this post had already been pushed to very rock bottom hence some might have forgotten this event – Is this really true, if so, Admin, can you help to prioritize this to the top again?

    Let’s see if there are some miracles…. Cheers.. Dolly

  77. Hi Everyone,

    Was looking forward so much to attending the Arabian Nite…we were even looking at the costumes…but alas
    now have to be away…

    So Sue Chan – Kindly find a replacement for the 2 your table…

    Hopefully my trip will be cancelled..
    But I think its only fair to inform you early…


  78. Hi Dolly

    Philip Yeo Tiang Hui is now a member of SHC. Pl include him for the Arabian Night.

    Thank you.

    Warmest regards,

  79. Hi Vivian,
    The function is only open to all registered SHC members. So your guest must be registered SHC member b4 you can bring lor… So if over 45years, sign as a member, after all, is free, rite? Cheers.. Dolly

  80. Hi

    Hi Dolly,

    E transfer $45 on 3/5/12 . My transaction ref no is 3925 at Bishan.

  81. Hello Dolly/Lily,

    Have to give this event a miss. Sorry about this.

    You all have fun ….. with TS’s harem of old camels.

  82. Dolly

    Payment made for Pauline Ho / Pauline Khoo & myself – $135.01.
    Transfered Date – 03/05/2012


  83. Hi Dolly

    My apologies to trouble you. Please replace no. 83 Grace Gan name to Pharis as she’s unable to attend this event. Pharis is also SHC member

    Thanks & Regards

  84. Hi Dolly/Lily,

    This afternoon just completed the transfer at Novena MRT.
    Trf #8683 – amt : $45.00

    Much appreciated for all the hard work.
    Thks n regards.

  85. Hi Dolly
    We know that it is tough to verify the incoming payment from the long list of members who have registered for this event.

    We have today transferred a total of $450 under Transaction Receipt 6069 dated 1May 2012, 18:33 at Eunos MRT station for the following 10 members.

    Registered under
    09 Marg Tian
    34 Bobby Bok
    57 Shirleen Kao
    73 Dennis Tan
    74 May Woo (that’s mee…ee)
    75 Alex Woo (my hubby)
    76 Alyn Lee (my sister)
    80 Pearl Wong
    115 Richard Ong and last but not least
    116 Catherine Koh

    We hope that is the least we could do to ‘relief’ your load.

    may woo

  86. Hi Joanne

    Thanks very much for offering to help. Both Dolly and I are working full time and we already have a lot on our plate with our job as well as with this event. Any offer to help in any form is of tremendous value to us. Very kind of you. I have written to you privately to discuss further. Please feel free to call me.

    Best Regards

  87. Hi Dolly and Lily
    I would like to join the Dinner & Dance on 28 July, can I reserve for 2 seats? Please call me at xxxxxxx.

  88. Hello Dolly,
    I have made payment this afternoon to your POSB Acct – Transaction ref 7654619420.
    Thanks and regards, winnie

  89. Hello,
    I at long last got userid to log in. I would love to attend this D&D if you are not fully booked out by now. I know you have your programme lined up already, but I’d to mention that I am a bellydancer if that’s any help to anybody:)

  90. Hi Dolly,
    Please register myself and James Tan JH for the SHC D&D on 28 July. We are both registered members. Please advise how best to pay up. Thanks. Aye

  91. Hi All,
    Please bear with me for the delay on the update of the payment status for those already paid but not recorded here. I will need to verify payment against my bank records to ensure that payments are indeed rec’d b4 I can update the status. Currently, will check on weekly basis till the payment ongoing is getting tremendous.

    Cheers.. Dolly

  92. Hi

    Noted membership of Mrs. James Tan and Catherine Koh.

    Janie Leong
    Noted with thanks – payment for Molly Chua.

    Cecilia Ng
    Payment method mentioned in the post with account details. Please quote ref. no. in this comment section after making the fund transfer, and your name will be updated as ‘paid’. Thanks.

    To all who have registered for this event
    Please make payment asap as we are required to make payment to the venue soon. Thanks for your co-operation.

  93. Hi Dolly re #109, #116,

    #109 has been registered as Koh Aye Leng
    #116 Catherine Koh’s membership is also ok

    Terence Seah

  94. Hi Dolly,

    Kindly note that $45 has been transferred to your account on 26/4 as payment for Molly Chua. Thanks

  95. Hi Dolly :

    Just realised I’ve double-booked for this date, so I will have to back out of this D&D(with regrets).

    Many thanks.


  96. Hi Dolly,

    Please help to register for Richard Ong and Catherine Koh.

    Richard Ong

  97. Hello there Cecilia #51.
    I will write to you with a detailed map and exact location of function room.

    Welcome to Serangoon Garden Counry Club. I am a member and can show you around if you like. I live 3 minutes from the Club and I hit the gym in the evenings and on Saturday mornings. You are welcome to have a meal with me.

    Cheers, winnie

  98. Hi Dolly,

    Just received flight confirmation back to Singapore, in time to attend the “Arabian Nite”. Please register Peggy and I for the event. Sorry for being late.
    Thank you!

  99. #51 Cecilia,

    Sorry. Kensington Room is the name of the function room where this event is going to be held. Helliconia Wing is where you’ll find Kensington Room. It’s on Level 3. If you’re lost and cannot find any signage ask any staff of the club for directions. You shouldn’t have any problem locating the venue as most of the members will be dressed like Arabs (I hope) and all you have to do is stop them and ask if they’re attending Arabian Nite. You won’t be wrong if you stop a local and not an actual Arab…:p


  100. #51 Cecilia,

    SGCC stands for Serangoon Gardens Country Club. It’s very near to Chomp Chomp.

    Helliconia Wing is the name of the function room.


  101. Dolly Dolly….

    The number of pax over 100 already, have not registered early because I am checking on my other event date. Now can join “liao”, pls include me.

    Also, Joe Leow is interested in the ARABIAN NITE, kindly include him. For table seating, we are okay to sit any table as long as there are seats available. Thank you

    Ah Nee

  102. Hi James,
    Welcome but kindly note that this event is solely for SHC registered member, thus, is your partner a registered member also, if so, what is her name, we need to put this down also.

    Cheers.. Dolly

  103. Hi. Please register me and partner for this dinner on 28 July 2012. Please also advise how do I pay up. Thanks.
    James Tan JH

  104. #48 Last sentence refers.

    Sorry, I inadvertently (meaning unintentional, honest oversight or mistake) left out the word “Singapore” between
    high-cost and without enjoying………


  105. #44 Hi Dan,

    Isn’t it wishful thinking to imagine that wives can be so generous as to allow their husbands to be seen hugging stunningly beautiful Arabian damsels with hour-glass shapes in overly revealing costumes. Hey, please wake up!

    Enraged wives armed with rolling pins might be peeping in from outside the dance hall for an opportunity to strike hard……..real hard!

    Well, help is on the way for a husband who has an Aladdin’s lamp to make a quick getaway. He can call on the
    Genie to get his wife see him as invisible. Nothing is impossible with Mr. Genie, as we are led to believe.

    I do hope what I have written will not sour my friendly relations with both Dan and Charles. Life can be pretty tough in high-cost without enjoying jokes once in a while.


  106. #41 Hi Charles Chua,

    “Don’t brush teeth for one week,” by a competitor may so stun other competitors to faint from his bad breath that they fall out of the competition one by one leaving him the sole surviving competitor left standing to claim the first prize.

    Oh, your knockout strategy is so potent that the fainted have to be carried on stretchers down the stage for medical attention. Brilliant, simply brilliant!

    Good recommendation. Ha, ha, ha.

  107. All registered members for DnD, please don’t forget to wear your name tag hor… Cheers.. Dolly

  108. Ha Dan,

    You have been watching too many movies. Get Real. There’s no flying carpet and no harem.

    Nevertheless, live it up when you can. Enjoy.

  109. Hi Charles,

    No lah, you made it sound so gross. I would rather come under Karen’s knife and perhaps ride out in style as sheik Omar Dan Sharif with an entourage of enchanting Arabian girls!


  110. #41 Charles Chua,

    Hahahaha….you’re so funny and so explicit in your description of ‘How to look like an Arab’…


  111. Hi Dan,

    Very simple to look like an Arab lah, get white bedsheet, cut a hole for your neck and drape it over your whole body. Make sure you have underpants on.

    For the top, get a small white/beige table cloth, or even a checked tea cloth and a fan belt from your car and you have the headress.

    For finer details, grow a moustache, use some kiwi polish, camel or tan colour and don’t brush your teeth for a week.

    Quite sure you will win some prizes then.

    Also, no need to have shoes, just some leather sandals and perhaps some prayer beads.

    Have a great evening.

  112. Ros

    Using the bikini top is one of the idea I hv as well n the other one is those sport type of top for yoga – I don know wat tat call like those top tat Indian lady wear with sari .. That will be easy to wear sequin on it.

    Well, I believe you already hv yr ideas too.

    Dan – I sure know u will behave since u the only guy in our table.


  113. Hi Dolly,

    Hope I am not too late to register,please count me in for this interesting event.


    Grace Kang

  114. #33 Karen Thio,

    You are so kind to offer a day to help the ladies seated at your table with their Arabic costumes. I dare to bare my belly lah but it’s a sagging belly wor….:( Dunno people see already will puke or not leh….:(

    I was thinking of getting a cheap set of bikinis and then sewing lots of sequins onto the bikini top. For the bikini bottom must cover up with transparent cloth sewn onto it like a long skirt. Buttock area must cover up swee swee coz
    old lady also has saggy buttocks mah…

    Please let me know when you’re holding the session as I’d love to pick up some better ideas from you.

    Cheers and thank you

  115. Hi Terence #31 and Dolly

    I’ve informed Philip Yeo Tiang Hui accordingly.

    Dolly – Pl delete his name from the list of attendees to Arabian Nite.


  116. Dan

    U r most welcome . If the ladies at our table dare to bare their belly , I will be happy to hv a day to do The costume deco in my house without u – of course la – they will be too shy w only one thorn among so many beautiful roses – haha

    Soooo ladies – dare take my challenge ?


  117. HI Gabriella #26,

    Re Philip Yeo Tiang Hui’s application for membership. Please note his membership is rejected.

    Terence Seah

  118. Dear Karen # 25

    Please include me at your table okay.

    Thanks & Regards

  119. @ 23 & 24 : Yes Mary, it’s me. Great, do join Barbara & myself. Looking forward to catching up.

  120. Terence and Dolly

    Further to my #18, I have written to shc admin on Philip Yeo Tiang Hui’s behalf.

    Hope everything’s ok now.


  121. EO

    Following members in my table .
    I will be there early to chop the table – hehee

    Eyvonne Chew
    Judy Lim
    Karen Thio
    Helen Quek
    Pauline Ho
    Pauline Khoo
    Ros Lee – u don need to behave KUAI KUAI in tis table – all r v naughty as well – welcome !

    Two more seats – anyone ?


  122. Lena Wang
    Are you the same Lena Wang who wrote to me about going to Sydney and Melbourne? If you are, do give me aq call. I replied to your email with my phone number.

  123. Lena Wang
    I just logged on and read about forming tables. Can I be at your table?

  124. #21 Lena Wang,

    Thank you so much for your offer but I got an email from another member earlier offering a seat to me at her table.

    I appreciate the responses.


  125. Hmm looks like nobody wants me at their table….:(

    No choice, gotto sit on stage’s steps……..


  126. Hello Dolly

    Re : List of members attending D&D … there’s a dupe of my name (unless there’s someone else with same name?) at no. 99 and 101.

    Will it be free-seating? If not, please put Barbara Lim & myself at the same table, many thanks.


  127. Hi Dolly #15 and Terence #9

    I do not have Philip Yeo’s contact no. I have passed message c/o Susan Tan. She is checking up the email on his acceptance.



  128. Wow wee, we have hit jackpot for more than 100paxs liao. Thank you for the support for those who had signed up so far. Next, is the payment liao.. please make your payment soon hor… Cheers.. Dolly

  129. Hi all! Does anyone has a spare seat in their table for me? I promise I’ll behave…:p


  130. Hi friends

    There are now 10 members on my table:

    Johnny Pow
    Annie Pow
    Winnie Tan
    Lilian Teo
    Anna Seet
    Gabriella Chua
    Edwin Tan
    Philip Yeo
    Eilean Thean
    Annie Tang

    C u all on 28 July 2012.


  131. Hi Dolly, please register Annie Tang & myself,
    we will join Gabriella’s table.


  132. Hello Dolly,
    Thank you for co-ordinating this event.
    I note a typo error on your confirmed list – #92 should read as Robert Cady (not Dobert). Thank you.
    Cheers, winnie

  133. Ros Jie,
    I will email to you separately with regards to this. OK. Cheers.. Dolly

  134. Hi Dolly

    Philip Yeo is a SHC member, albeit not so active I think.


  135. Dolly mei mei, do you still want lucky draw/game prizes? I mentioned it in your first thread but you bo respond. Please let me know you ai or mai hor?


  136. Hi Dolly

    Pl register the following for this event:

    1 Edwin Tan
    2 Philip Yeo



  137. Hi Dolly,

    Pls. register me for this auspicious event and will remit to you soon.

  138. Hi All,
    For those that have dressing code headaches, ask advice from Karen Thio la… Most of us know that Karen is very handicraft so I am sure that she will be able to give advices and help lor.. Tio bo.. Karen….

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