Why People Born in MAY Are Totally Unique

Believe it or not…

  • They are considered strong – known for their strength of mind, body and spirit.
  • Tend to be born tinier than those born in other months – some are shorter, lighter and have smaller heads.
  • They are driven to succeed – strong-willed and deeply emotional, possess inborn 6 sense that helps them navigate through life – can be stubborn, but their critical, systematic ways of thinking help them to get stuff done.
  • Often have Wanderlust – restless n curious, always itching to explore the world, bitten by the travel bug, exploration is not simply a distraction but it’s a way of life. They are the last to complain about hectic lifestyles.
  • May-born Parents are the BEST – their kiddos can count themselves among the lucky ones; they are devoted, well-organized, resourceful and creative… Plus point for May-born spouses, both are affectionate and funny.
  • Watch your wallets with May-born people – born in this month are notorious spendthrifts, BUT if they set their minds to save money, they’re also the most committed to doing so.

The 2 zodiac signs associated with this month are Taurus and Gemini.  The practical Taurus can be known by their earthy and realistic ways of living. Gemini has a talkative, abstract, extreme intelligence that flies past – ready to go and do.

On behalf of SilverHairsClub – we would like to wish those SHCians born to this month a wonderful HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

PS – do drop a line or 2 to send them wishes on their birthday month…

Sally Foo


Author: Sally Foo

SHC1703 Introduced by ex-classmate Joo Tian. Married. I am in F&B industries for many years. Enjoy food and travelling. Love singing Karaoke with buddies. Date joined 22.3.2017.

10 thoughts on “Why People Born in MAY Are Totally Unique”

  1. Thanks, Sally Foo. Haha, yes, already smiling happily yesterday and today. Yesterday, I was with some SHC friends on a Southern Islands trip and was given 2 surprise birthday cakes to celebrate my birthday together with another SHC member whose birthday also falls in May. We sang the English, Chinese birthday songs, the humorous zoo birthday song and also the Good Lord bless us birthday song. Enjoyable time spent with good company. Tonight too, I had a wonderful celebration with my family, siblings and niece. Haha, I also enjoyed some beautiful songs in the SHC karaoke chat group. Overall, a very enjoyable day today.

    1. Thanks, Dolly, truly, I enjoyed my birthday celebrations yesterday (a surprise as mentioned above) and today with family members. I actually wasn’t thinking of celebrating too many times though I celebrated actually also on 29 April as I had wanted to bless a group of 3 close friends with a meal and we only managed to meet on 29 April and since my birthday falls in May, we celebrated my birthday on that day too. Thanks, Dolly, for your nice wish for me to enjoy to the fullest which I did on these occasions that I celebrated. Appreciate you for your kind thoughts and gestures whether this time or in the past, Dolly. Will try to support your Lunch Chat and Zonal meetings whenever I can. Keep going, Gal. ????

  2. Thanks, Sally Foo, for sharing. Yes, I am born in May. Hm.. well, I won’t say that I am tinier than others born in other months but that I am of average height and weight. True that I like to travel or explore new places. Haha, now I walk often to explore new places, thanks to a few SHC walking groups. I won’t mention names but the organisers know who they are and I appreciate their efforts. I don’t agree that I am a spendthrift although I do spent whenever I like something very much.
    Here’s wishing all SHC members born in May Happy Blessed Birthday with blessings of good health and joy.

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