Join the Diabetic, high BP, hypertension, cancer and Stroke support groups

Having a headache, a stomach ache or a flu may be easily cured after visiting the GP.

At our age, what does it mean when we are striked with a major sickness. We turn to our hospitals. There is excitement. Will we ever be cured? How do we overcome the costs of medication, doctor visits and hospital stays. What medication or treatment do we go through?

I am a diabetic for 20 plus years. I thought medication, diet and exercise would help or cure. But recently, my TTSH doctor told me I have to undergo dialysis. So, I am looking forward.

Unfortunately I didnt have the experience to slow kidney failure. I felt I should have started a diabetic support group for members who are diabetic. This group is not for advisors.

I have allocated every 1st Thur 2100 – 2200 hrs for diabetics to gather together. Join us from your home on Zoom. If u are diabetic, rsvp “Diabetic”.

2nd wk Thur 2100 hr High BP, Stroke, hypertension.

3rd wk Thur 2100 hr Cancer.

4th wk Dementia and Parkinson.

Closing date for RSVP 10 May 2021. Zoom link will be sent after.

EO Jean Lim. Recording is for the benefit of members unable to attend or who have sick relatives.

Terence Seah

Author: Terence Seah


One thought on “Join the Diabetic, high BP, hypertension, cancer and Stroke support groups”

  1. Hello everyone,Do join me this evening at 9pm to share and support one another on understanding of dementia and Parkinson disease for your love one or yourself. See ya tonight.????

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