With the current operation of SilverHairsClub, do you think changes need to be done?  If so, what are the changes that you would like to see gradually in the next 5 to 10 years’ time?

SHC need your Feedback. Kindly click this online survey form to give us your honest feedback. We need to be updated in order to bring SHC forward to the next level.

Do rest assured that all inputs are strictly confidential and we abide by the PDPA guideline. No personal information will be compromised.

We do believe some of our members have received this online survey form and submit it. Thank you for the response.  Kindly ignore this message if you have already submitted as we only need one-time submission.

Let’s work together for SilverHairsClub…. Thank you!


Author: Dolly Lim

ACTIVE 2005 / UPDATED - 31.03.2021_SF


  1. I have reviewed the feedback from members during the recent survey..

    1. We will continue to plan for the club to move forward in the next 5 to 10 years.

    2. Currently we have the activities committee which comprises mainly the EOs organizing the current activities. Members are invited to be active EOs.

    3. We shall now add on the admin committee. The positions include the treasurer, a membership manager, Forum Admin, Facebook admin, plus one more. I hope that the admin committee will lead the Club through future years.

    4. Some members have raised the issue of club costs. I will not consider collecting any fees or subscriptions. Over the coming weeks we will discuss how to strengthen our Club finance, so that we can pay for operating costs.

    5. We shall maintain SHC as a social club for seniors over 45, with the same core objective of providing a platform to meet friends. The same rules of no politics, race, sex, religion, direct sellng and MlM stay.

    More updates coming.

    Terence Seah

  2. I can hardly mention SHC now without my denture on. How time flies, along with my teeth.

    I must first declare that I had not volunteered and did not volunteer, at any time in my 10 year membership tenure, to be the SHC successor. I appreciate members whom have had suggested that I should or suspected that I did. No. I have neither the time nor patience for such a noble task. I don’t want to lead a Club that I cannot choose my members.

    Thankfully, we have active members participating in our various social media platforms, hence sustaining the SHC name. Also the EOs who contribute time and efforts to bring some of us together occasionally.

    “What social media platform do you prefer”? As it is now, everything is provided by Terence. We can only ride on whatever is available to us. But to make a personal choice, I would want this WordPress platform – it is classic and respectable – and mainly serves to inform. No frills no spills no colourful publicity stunts.

    “Do not compare the potential successor with Terence”. This was repeated several times by members who are down to earth realistic. Indeed whoever thinks he/she can measure up to Terence please step forward. Otherwise you are in no position to ask for the sky. Did anybody ask what was Terence’s agenda when he started the Club years ago? Maybe some did but does it matter, when no one was charged a single cent?

    “The potential successor may have an agenda” – The insinuation is someone may have undesirable motives, typically cheat money or cheat hearts. But where in the world is that clean and straight shepherd to guide our vulnerable flock? Just kidding. Our members are wise enough to know what they want and don’t want. The guardian, sanctimonious or otherwise, can relax.

    SHC is not a registered body. SHC has never had a physical location. But the name is sentimental to many. How to carry on? We did it six months ago. We have just done it again. Sadly the man at the centre of the storm is not present this time. Terence – you have done something very remarkable. Rest and nurse yourself to good health. We shall talk about handover again in another six months. Blame the Covid pandemic for the delay. Many national projects are delayed. We are no exception. For the time being, SHC is known as Stay Home Cheerfully. Take care, boss.


    1. Thank you DanieldC for your feedback. Many members have expressed and given their feedback in an online survey as well as in a live video conference.

      Generally, the majority of members would like to see SilverHairsClub continue with its activities. This expression is clear, and I have assured the SHC Activity committee that the Club will move on for many years to come.

      From members feedback, we will pick up the suggestions and comments.

      More details in the coming weeks.

      Terence Seah

  3. Thanks Dolly and Sally for organizing this lively ZOOM section. My apology for leaving early. I wish I cud have stay till the end, after watching the video clip. This was my second SHC zoom participation.
    The floor has voiced their generous thoughts for a better SHC. Hope it will add more positive impact to Dolly’s survey. Also kudos to the time keeper. Good job.

  4. Pertaining to 12 May 21 zoom session, here is the recorded video for your kind attention.

    Thank you to members for their participation. Those who are unable to attend feel free to share your views. And to those we have left out, your voice is appreciated too.


    First of all, we would like to thank those fellow members who have taken the time to share their views with us. As mentioned, all feedback is of the utmost importance to us, as it might help us one way or another to progress and distribute an even better experience to the Club.

    Repeated circulation of the link is inevitable as some enthusiastic team members do want to assist in creating awareness on this survey. Nevertheless, we are still looking forward to more submission. Please bear with us if you have received such repetition. Kindly ignore the message or link. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.

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