SilverHairsClub Forum via WordPress – 22 May 2021

This forum is an online “meeting place” and it is used to engage with others or groups of the same interest gather together so they can discuss or debate, share knowledge and communicate with others about something or provide useful information.  It is like a message board, where members create a POST and can hold conversations in the form of posted messages.

The Club provides a forum for SHCians interested to network with others. Today, session is indeed fruitful.  Terence has arranged it to enable more SHCian to be engaging and create awareness on their current activities.   Based on the recent feedback survey, numerous members do have difficulty in accessing the forum.

One member quoted – I am still blur what WordPress is – Simply put, WordPress is web publishing software SHC use to create her own website or blog.

How does forum work? A user creates a post.  That post can be accessed by other users at any time. It can contain questions, opinions, images, videos, link and more. Users can respond to the post, which creates a dialogue other user can participate in also known as a Thread.

Thanks to Terence, Howard, Yoon Chin n Steve… we are here to share – please click on the video link to view more… We highly encourage members to register in and be a Contributor.

Keep a lookout for the next session…

Sally Foo

Have a look at our 2nd session on SHC Forum via WordPress held on Wednesday, 26 May 2021.

Author: Sally Foo

SHC1703 Introduced by ex-classmate Joo Tian. Married. I am in F&B industries for many years. Enjoy food and travelling. Love singing Karaoke with buddies. Date joined 22.3.2017.

9 thoughts on “SilverHairsClub Forum via WordPress – 22 May 2021”

        1. Hi YC

          For future deletion, go to Dashboard under Comments – find your comment and u can delete from there.

          FYI, now Forum do not have the features for Emoji and Chinese Characters. You can try delete that particular comment for trial…

  1. SilverHairsClub Forum via WordPress 2nd Session – 26 May 2021

    Please zoom in for the 2nd session of WordPress Training from 3:00pm to 4:00pm. If you have missed the first session, do come in.

    I will be covering on REGISTRATION & LOGIN/Lost Password. I will also elaborate more on your roles and capabilities.


  2. Sigh… Missed this much wanted to attend session but held up with work, will on the lookout for the akan datang 1…wu bo?

    Watched the video, agreed with YC, a lively zoom session – Sally, you ai sai leh….

    Would love to see members start to try writing a post here, on anything and I will be waiting eagerly for….

  3. A lively ZOOM session with young and old members. It’s an encouraging note to hear new member Annie got her login issue fixed before the session ended. Well done Sally…. One means success!!

  4. Thank you for this mini training on wordpress and the wonderful participants – as Agnes mention before, many years ago we depend on this forum to organise events, gathering and overseas trips thru this platforms. So we should and must enhance this technology without any fears but move on with it. Everyone will help each others if any doubts about this wordpress – just start by contribution some topics – do what everyone like – gossips for a start and it will boom like a forum with exciting news and update.
    So dun say i can’t remember the password ,the login the know how about word press – just ask we are here to help like Sally ready to answer your doubts.
    Thank you for the wonderful session with appreciation.

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