Interesting Qualities of July-born

Those born in July are either Cancer (June 21 – July 22), a symbol of Crab OR Leo (July 23 – Aug 22), a symbol of Lion…

True or False

A lady born in July is noble, very timid and occasionally stingy.  She is good at cooking. A one in a million lady – not open to criticism – for sure you don’t really want to get near because she won’t take it.

July-born man seems to wear a frown on his forehead. Quite introverted and is indeed a family guy. Loves art and painting. Not someone whom you will consider very generous or let’s just say he is a big fan of money.

On behalf of SilverHairsClub – we’d like to wish all the July babies an amazing month.

PS – do drop a line or 2 to all who are celebrating their birthday month…HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Author: Sally Foo

SHC1703 Introduced by ex-classmate Joo Tian. Married. I am in F&B industries for many years. Enjoy food and travelling. Love singing Karaoke with buddies. Date joined 22.3.2017.

3 thoughts on “Interesting Qualities of July-born”

  1. Thanks, Sally Foo, for sharing. Indeed, we need to show appreciation and thanks to Jean Lim, for her dedication and hard work for SilverhairsClub. As July is her birthday month as well as some in SilverhairsClub, I wish Jean and other July Babies Happy Blessed Birthday. Cheers!

  2. The one person I would love to wish is Ms Jean Lim whose birthday falls this month – all her time and passion dedicated to SilverHairsClub is truly an AMAZING task… Luv ya, PAL….

    Happy Birthday! Jean

    Me TOM n You Jerry

    1. Time really flies so fast, you were the first one to celebrate your grand birthday in SHC zoom meeting collaborate by your daughter. It was a great success in a way a first time for us in SHC.
      Thank you for the dedication of your time for the hosting EO for the Zoom chat.

      The effort and dedication that you put in quietly and those acid tongue from the SHC members – the horrible gossip and name calling that you have to bear with those jealously SHC members.

      Happy Birthday Ms Jean – May your birthday month bring along happiness, Goog health and plentiful bliss to you !

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