Vintage Radio Weekend Warrior – Ms Sally Foo

Wonderful news.

VintageRadio.SG is featuring another of our member.

It’s none other than our Ms Sally Foo,  Sally is a member that are often heard and seen as she actively contributes on several zoom programs.  One of her biggest contribution is the running and upkeeping of our Forum page. To run and maintain this page,
certainly requires IT knowledge,  lots and lots of hours and effort to follow up on members contributions. These contributions are greatly appreciated as they are helpful and bring awareness of what’s happening and the lives of other members.

Let’s show our love and support for Sally by tuning in this coming Sat 10 July at 10 am and repeat on Sunday 11 July at 4pm.

Sipping coffee and listening to her as she shares with you the songs that she likes.

Do download the VintageRadio.SG app on your hp or laptop to enjoy our Weekend Warrior.

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