The long waited SHC cycling event finally went on smoothly on:
Date : 17July 2021
Meeting Point : “Go Cycling” Bike Rental Kiosk
Time : 1630hrs for those that need to rent the bicycle
(Supposed to start at 1700hrs but was slightly delayed as some arrived abit late)
Destination : ECP ===> MBS
A total of 10 members were there to kick start this event:
1) DouglasC – EO
2) Ronald Lam – CoEO
3) AndrewK
4) JasmineW
5) JohnH
6) BobbyB
7) DollyL
8) SereneL
9) LinaN
Sadly that YK was only to meet later on the our return to rental kiosk after cycling.
Despite of slight delay, weather was hot and humid but all members shown great enthusiasm with SereneL started to cycle first with the rest of us followed up later. Many pics attached can attest.
Bonding can be seen amongst members from the starting point to Tanjong Rhu (1st rest point) finally to MBS. As much as everyone wanted to mingle around but was constantly kept reminding by DouglasC and RonaldL for safe distancing measures. Kudos to DouglasC and RonaldL.
While 3 of us continued to cycle further and stopped to watch NDay rehearsal but the rest need to get back to rental kiosk due to time constraint and proceed to have dinner at EC food centre. As for us, we had a dinner at St Marc while cycling to ECP.
Hope that SHC monthly cycling event will continue henceforth from now… Cheers..
Thank you, DouglasC and RonaldL for their much efforts they had taken for this cycling event to roll out successfully. Hope to see more members to join in the fun the next time.
JasmineW, hope the fall will not dampening your spirit to support this next time ya.
SereneL, always seem to be a step slower to say hello but I am sure that there will be always a chance that we will meet 1day…crossing fingers now…Cheers…
wow… what a beautiful scenery…
Yes, dearie… it was… join in when you are ready, ya…